He was lying in the arms of Kishima Yako in a daze, staring at the direction where Yuno left and the closed door, and suddenly had an illusion.

Yuno went this time to seek death. After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei's body fell back into the arms of Toshiko Busujima weakly.

No more strength to struggle.

He stared blankly at the dilapidated ceiling, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes

Mumbling, Lin Yuanfei whispered.

...what is going on here...

Curled up, like a fragile cub curled up in Qianzi's arms, Lin Yuanfei's voice was trembling in pain, "If this happens, won't I be back to the original point? In the end, no one can save me. arrive

"Yazi, I... Am I very useless...

Holding him tenderly, Yuko Busushima gently stroked Lin Yuanfei's hair, shaking his head gently

"No... Lin Yuan-jun, you are already very powerful.

"Going forward with the weight of a mortal body and still doing all of this, Lin Yuan-kun, you are already very powerful. To me, Lin Yuan-kun is as dazzling as a great hero in mythology.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

He raised his head blankly, staring blankly at the beautiful Yujie in front of him, at the gentle eyes of the other party, and at the loving expression of Du Daozi.

Lin Yuanfei's expression became blank.

Then, Tokuko Busushima lowered his head.

The figures of the two people overlapped together, and the world was extremely quiet at this moment.

ps: there will be more later

Chapter 345 We Don't Have Malicious Broken Toes

Chapter 345 We have no malicious broken toes, and we shed spots of blood as we walked forward.

After being brutally tortured, Dalia had already lost ten fingers and even three toes.

She didn't wear shoes, but wrapped black rags around her feet, walking slowly and tremblingly on the streets of Silent Hill.

He was used to this kind of barefoot action before, but every time his foot that lost three toes stepped on the ground, he felt a heart-piercing pain.

And moving also tore at the wound, squeezing out more dark red blood from between the toes.

And the ashes that have accumulated on the ground will always stain a little bit of the wound as it moves, and then there will be another burst of painful wailing.

Dalia couldn't walk anymore.

Every time she took a step, she felt a sharp pain from the soles of her feet, as if those feet were no longer her own, but she was still walking|as if she was walking on the road of divine punishment, walking on the road of washing away her sins On the painful and thorny road, Dalia was still struggling, screaming, struggling

Difficult to move forward.

Her hands were tied with a hemp rope.

Behind her, a girl with pink hair led her like a dog.

But Dalia had no hatred, no resentment.

She just lowered her head, and her sneering expression could not be seen clearly with her messy and dirty hair.

As they were walking, Yuno suddenly stopped.He looked at the surrounding streets and the street signs ahead.

Yuno frowned, "Here... is the way to the church, right? Dalia, are you sure you are leading me on the right way?

Dalia murmured tremblingly, "That's right, that place is near the church. Aretha hates everything in this town and the residents of this town. The area she lives in is very close to the church. If it wasn't for those villains' ugly beliefs that prevented her from entering the church, she would have killed everyone. Ya, you will know when the time comes, what is a more terrible torture than death.

Dalia lowered her head tremblingly, her disheveled hair made it difficult to see her face clearly.

But the pain from the soles of her feet while walking slowly made her

The voice was full of pain.

"You... are you really going to see Aleisha?" Dalia asked suddenly, with a trembling voice, "You know that you are asking for death, but you still want to see her... Did you deal with Aleisha? Sha's way?

Dalia's inquiry only got Yuno's cold kick.This kick directly kicked Dalia's trembling body to the ground and let out a painful scream.

However, Yuno didn't continue to torture the old woman. She just stood beside her indifferently and said, "That's not what you need to know. You just need to bring me to her. Even if I can't save my sister, I And I will definitely not linger in this world alone!"

Dalia stood up with difficulty, lowered her head, and let out a sneering laugh.

Hehe... Do you want to commit suicide... Unfortunately, you can't see her anymore. "Hearing Dalia's cold laughter, Yuno fell silent.

In the corner around her, a group of people dressed in strange miner costumes appeared silently.

Those weird miners' costumes completely wrap the human body, the skin has a disgusting dark yellow color, and the head is shaped like a gas mask.

These human beings in weird costumes, just like this

He walked out from the corner and surrounded Yuno in the middle of the road.

Seeing this scene, Yuno subconsciously dragged Dalia to her side, grabbed her by the neck, and dragged her to her side.

"You lied to me!" Yuno's voice was icy cold.

And Dalia laughed strangely, "I didn't lie to you, this is indeed the direction to find Aretha... It's just that you accidentally met these sinners, and I didn't expect them to come to you so soon. Appear.

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