Saying that, Dalia yelled directly at the figures in weird clothes around her.

'You liars, hungry wolves in sheep's clothing, this outsider has something of interest to you, in her backpack!Why don't you open it quickly?

The group of monster-like humans in weird clothes looked at each other, and one of them came out

"Daria, what happened to you?" All those people stared at Dalia's miserable appearance covered in injuries, and asked, "You who hate even the power of darkness, who hurt you? What happened to you?" What?" The atmosphere in the air became a little tense, Yuno looked coldly at the aborigines of Silent Hill, and said, all this has nothing to do with you... Do you want to save this

Wicked old woman? "In response, the person who came out shook his head.

Of course we don't want to save Dalia, but we're curious about what's in your backpack. "Speaking, everyone approached Yuno.

Could you show us your backpack?Girl, we mean no harm.

This group of people slowly pushed forward, as if they wanted to create a huge mental pressure.

However, Yuno took out a fire ax from his backpack indifferently, and said, "This is what's in my backpack, do you want it? I can give you one each.

Seeing this scene, the group of aborigines looked at each other and forced them over silently.

Yuno reached out and pushed Dalia, trying to push the old woman away, but the moment she raised her hand, Dalia, who had been weak and let her handle it, suddenly moved.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Dalia took out a needle filled with liquid from nowhere, and then ruthlessly plunged into Yuno's body.

The moment the liquid medicine was all pushed in, Yuno kicked in pain.

Open Dalia.

Covering the place where she was inserted by the needle, Yuno pulled out the needle forcefully and threw out the needle that had been injected with all the liquid medicine.

A little angry, "You...what did you inject me with?" Dalia struggled to get up from the ground, and said with a hoarse voice, " will definitely not let you succeed...that is an anesthetic, that is Narcotics...hehehe...

And the place where the anesthesia was injected has already begun to feel a little weird tingling.

Yuno supported the wall subconsciously, with a gloomy face, "Impossible, where did you get the anesthetic?

The people dressed as monsters shook their heads and said.

Dalia used to be a doctor, didn't you know...

Then, everyone slowly approached the crumbling girl

"Show us the backpack, little girl, we really don't mean anything malicious." These monster-like people said

[Picture: Aboriginal people]

ps: There will be an update for the monthly ticket of 2000, and there will be another update later.

But everyone, go to bed early and watch it tomorrow.Finally, I wish the brothers who will take the college entrance examination tomorrow a smooth test

It’s too late, I can’t finish writing the remaining half of the chapter. I wasted an hour and a half to practice the Shuangpin input method this afternoon, and I wrote 1244 characters. I don’t think I can code words anymore.

But it is said that after being proficient, the Shuangpin input method can increase the code word speed by about double.So I still have to continue practicing until the end of the week... I will practice again when I have time on the weekend, and I will finish writing the addition of the bounty in the past few days.

Originally, there wasn’t enough time for codewords, and today I wasted so much time. If I used that one hour for normal codewords, today’s fifth update has already been written.

I stayed up too late now, and there is still a part of it that I haven’t finished writing, but I don’t want to write anymore, so I have to go to bed early.

It would be better to continue to make up tomorrow. Anyway, the monthly ticket plus update has almost been paid off so far, and the number of blades is only so small, and only a dozen updates will be added. It won't take long to finish writing.


Chapter 346 You Are Naive

Chapter 346 Are You Naive? In the cold and pale world, Yuno clutched the place where the needle was pricked in his waist, with a cold expression.

She looked at the old woman who was kicked out by her expressionlessly, and said nothing.

The old woman's hands were tied up by her, and all ten fingers were cut off in the middle, leaving only half of them.And it has always seemed like it was strenuous even to walk.

If ordinary people were tormented like this, it would probably be difficult for them to even move.

But this old woman, who looked as dirty as a tramp, was able to resist her after being tortured like this.

This kind of willpower... the so-called maternal love? "Yuno's face was full of disdain and disgust, "For your Aretha, you are working very hard.Unfortunately, no amount of effort can change anything.

Yuno looked indifferently at the aborigines around him.Although her waist was injected with anesthesia, Dalia could only inject the liquid medicine into her body hastily, and could not do intravenous injection.

There is no longer a living person standing around.

One gun, and there were seven unlucky people lying on the ground beside Yuno, moaning in pain. Although the remaining aborigines were not shot, they all ran away in panic.

The moment Yuno shot, these cultists who were greedy for life and afraid of death lost the courage to resist, turned around and ran away.

And those unlucky ones who were shot were all lying on the ground and howling. Although they were not dead yet, the penetrating wounds of the bullets were so painful that they could not escape.

Being shot in the real world is not as light as a movie. Unless it is a special small-power pistol, most people can't move or resist after being shot.

Lying on the ground wailing and screaming, in pain so bad that you can't get up is the correct response.

Standing in the corner, Yuno watched this scene, put away the pistol very calmly, without any sense of guilt for shooting and killing people.

She bent down and picked up the fire ax at her feet, then dragged the dark red ax slowly towards the group of screaming cultists in front of her. The fire ax, strike hard!

Bang one by one

Amidst the muffled sound of a watermelon exploding, the cultist even begged for mercy

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