Before he could say anything, his head turned into a red and white pattern that exploded. Seeing this scene, the remaining cultists all screamed in horror and begged for mercy loudly.

But the girl with the dark red fire ax was not moved at all. She walked beside these screaming cultists with a sweet and moving smile on her face.

Bian slammed again, again and again.

The weird sound like watermelon explosion rang out in the street one after another. When the last corpse twitched and couldn't move, Yuno wiped the blood on the ax with the clothes on the corpse in disgust.

Then he looked at Dalia who was on the side.

"Dalia, you're so naive, Yuno changed his left hand to hold the axe, shook his already numb right hand, and smiled sickly, "Now it's time to pay for your innocence...

Standing among the scattered corpses, Yuno's smile seemed to be stained with a bloody red color.

[Picture: My Wife Yuno]

No one would have thought that this cute and cute girl could pull out a gun from her backpack. Although Dalia had seen Yuno

Scenes with rifles.

But when he left, Yuno had already disassembled the rifle into its parts and put them back in his backpack, so it was impossible to assemble them immediately.

This well-behaved and lovely girl, no one can associate her with such a cruel thing as a gun.

Seeing Yuno walking towards her slowly with an ax now, Dalia trembled.

no... lord... help me...

Dalia murmured tremblingly, "It's the one who survived again.

I was dead, and now I am alive, forever and ever.And holds the keys of death and Hades.

'Don't be afraid of the suffering you are going to suffer. The devil will put some of you in prison and make you be tested.You will have tribulation for ten days, you must be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life...

In Dalia's mouth, strange words were murmured, but her prayers were not heard, and her wailing was not merciful.Yuno walked to her side, put on the backpack and packed everything.Then he roughly grabbed her by the hair, and dragged the howling woman into the distance.

The effect of the anesthetic was taking effect, but Yuno's footsteps did not tremble.

Half of her body was already numb.

But it couldn't affect her cruelty.

She dragged Dalia, who was howling in pain, to the next street, broke through a gate, and dragged the dirty, thin old woman into the shop on the side of the road.

After skillfully tying the struggling Dalia to a pillar, Yuno sat on the floor in front of Dalia, gasping for breath, but smiling happily.

"Let's do the reckoning, Dalia.

"I said that if you deceive me, you will pay the price. Now is the time."

Even though half of her body felt the effects of anesthesia, Yuno was still not something the thin old woman in front of her could resist. In Yuno's hands, this old woman named Dalia was too weak to resist.

Now that she was tied to the pillar again, it seemed that she would think of the fear of being tortured before. Before Yuno started, Dalia's body began to tremble. villain!You sinful man!You will pay for it!You will drown in the poisonous fire of hell cried hysterical Dalia trembling and hoarse, "

Your current crimes will eventually turn into the most vicious poisonous fire, burning you up!

Chapter 347 Bewitching In The Empty Store

Chapter 347 Bewitching In the empty store, the floor was covered with dust, and the paint leather and wallpaper on the walls had peeled off a lot, revealing the mottled and old rough underneath.

Dalia, who was tied to the pillar, cast a vicious curse on Yuno

However, Yuno, who was sitting on the floor, looked at her with a smile, indifferent.

And the piercing siren suddenly resounded through the entire Silent Hill world at this moment.

In the gloomy sky, the colors gradually darkened.

Seeing this scene, Dalia, who was tied to the pillar, became even more excited, and she screamed frantically.

look!look!Darkness has come!

'Hatred and killing cannot cleanse evil, it will only make the fire of evil burn more and more vigorously!Girl, you are digging your own grave!

However, feeling the more and more gloomy atmosphere in the air, the smile on Yuno's face did not decrease in the slightest.

She stared at the crazy and excited old woman in front of her, and said

'Are you looking forward to the incarnation of evil thoughts from the guys I hacked to death? Yuno said with a smile, "I'm really sorry, Dalia. If those incarnations of evil thoughts come to kill me, I will kill you first. However Dalia let out a disdainful laugh at Yuno's threat

die?Death is the redemption of cleansing sins!You kill me, I will be born again in the glory of the Lord!

Dalia's crazy and excited cry seemed to be even more excited when she heard that Yuno was going to kill her.

That kind of excitement at a glance made Yuno shake his head.

"It's disgusting, are really disgusting. Do you think you can wash away all the mistakes you have made by dying?

'You harmed others and yourself, and made your daughter into what she is today, but you don't want to repent, and now you even want to escape everything through death...It's really disgusting. "

'Do you think Aretha will just watch you die in Silent Hill? The smile on Yuno's face is very sweet, "When you were tortured by me before, her dark side would come to save you. Now if I want to kill you You, do you think she will stand by and do nothing?

Although she hates you, she hates everything, but you are her mother after all.I think, when I try to kill you, Aretha will definitely appear again, right?

"And with her current weak state... huh... just now, she took the initiative to disperse her strength during the fight with the perverted senior, and now she hastily let the other world come down, she will be very weak, right?

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