'Didn't you notice that the world is falling very slowly this time?

Dalia was stunned by Yuno's soft whisper with a smile.

She looked around in horror.

Indeed, this time the switching speed of the world is very slow.

The ear-piercing warning sound still resounded throughout the world of Silent Hill, but the speed at which the sky and the world gradually darkened was much longer than usual.

If it is killing someone and causing the incarnation of evil thoughts to crawl out, it will take almost a few seconds to convert this world into the terrifying inner world

This time, Yuno killed seven people in a row, and it is reasonable to say that the other world will come in an instant

However, now that Yuno has said so much, this long process of coming is still not over.

In the gloomy sky, the sky has not yet completely darkened. This unusual speed of descent made Dalia stunned.

She looked at Yuno in horror, but she saw Yuno smiling back.

"That's right, just as you thought, your Aretha is very weak now, even if it is the power of a demon, there is a limit."

"Since we entered this space, in this short half a day, the world of Silent Hill has been switched several times frequently, which is a great loss of her power

"In addition, when she confronted the perverted senior in the dream before, she took the initiative to dissipate her strength in order to escape, and her vitality was already seriously injured. She couldn't gather enough negative energy in a short time to make the inner world come down." But I killed Seven people, the negative energy of these seven people when they died is now forcibly urging the inner world to come again.

"It's like forcing an exhausted girl to run fast. Even if your Aretha comes, she won't be as powerful as before." This time, even if I am alone, I can kill she! "Daria's body trembled amidst Yuno's cold threat

° small k

You can't do that...you can't hurt her...you can't hurt her!

Amid Dalia's terrified screams, Yuno looked at her with a smile and said, "Then take me to her as planned before.

In her lair, in the deepest part of Silent Hill, where

Her power is boundless.You take me to find her, where it will be very difficult for me to hurt her. After Yuno finished speaking, Dalia asked in disbelief, "Since you know, why are you going?" "

Because someone is waiting for me there, Dalia," Yuno murmured as he stroked his backpack, "Did you see the photo of my sister in the photo album I showed you earlier?She is so helpless, so pitiful, how can I leave her alone in the dark depths of Silent Hill? "

"No matter what, I'm going to find her. Even if I can't save her, Yuno will die with my sister.

Amidst Yuno's murmur, Dalia fell silent.

But this crazy old woman has clearly shaken.And Yuno looked at the darkening sky outside, and smiled charmingly, "Hurry up and think about it, Dalia, if the world really comes down, and when those guys' evil thoughts crawl over to kill me, everything will be fine." late

Hearing this sentence, Dalia's body froze, and she quickly said, let me go!I'll take you!I will take you to Dalia at this moment, panicked and terrified, even more worried than Yuno, in the gradually darkening world where the incarnations of evil thoughts are really chasing after them, Yuno stood up with a smile,

Chapter 348 Abnormal Silent Hill

Chapter 348 Abnormal Silent Hill While the sky outside the window of Silent Hill gradually became dark, Lin Yuanfei, who was lying on the sofa, was stunned.

Today, he is still lying in the arms of Du Daozi, feeling the gentle massage from Du Daozi, not daring to say a word about his emotions, and he is still immersed in the sudden kiss of Du Daozi before.

He was completely surprised by Yuko Busushima's actions.

Although this unreserved slut senior hits a straight ball every day, this kind of abrupt and forceful kissing behavior can no longer be called a straight ball, it is a dribbling goal!

Although Bu Dao Zi was very considerate afterwards and didn't go any further, and didn't say much, but just lying in Du Dao Zi's arms, Lin Yuanfei felt a little uncomfortable chaos.

On one side is Yuki whose life and death are unknown, and on the other side is Du Daozi who is as gentle as water with life and death.

If it weren't for reason still restraining him, when Kishima Yako kissed him forcefully just now, he would have wanted to just push the boat down

Along the way, Du Daozi has been silently following him and supporting him, working hard without asking for anything in return.

When the lips of the two touched, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help feeling an urge to use himself to repay the dirty son of the poisonous island.In this way, even if the two of them died in Silent Hill, he would still be repaying Toshiko Busujima, but he dispelled this idea as soon as it surfaced. Now is not the time to do such things, and he is not the heroine of a romance novel This mentally handicapped way of repaying made him feel sick. If he really wanted to repay Tokiko Busushima, he would do everything possible, even if he gritted his teeth and vomited blood, to send Yuko Busushima safely out of Silent Hill!

This idea later occupied Lin Yuanfei's entire thinking.

But it is not easy to achieve this goal.

His only hole card, Freddy, has already been used next time. After Aretha is prepared, it will not be so easy to handle this time.

As for the rest of him.

The pile of useless emergency items in the backpack is hopeless, and the remaining supernatural items are Kayako's diary and Sadako's video tape

Don’t count on Kayako’s diary, let’s not talk about Kayako

Visible dimming, but this process is infinitely prolonged.According to Lin Yuanfei's estimation, at this speed, it will take at least ten minutes for the whole world to completely switch to the inner world?

this is not normal

Lin Yuanfei struggled to stand up, walked to the window, and looked down at the foggy world in front of him. He couldn't see clearly in the depths of the fog farther away, and could only see the hazy scene within sixty meters.

When the siren sounded, many birds in the world of Silent Hill flew towards one direction as if they were migrating. Lin Yuanfei knew that there was the church, the only safe place in the world of Silent Hill.

But at this time Lin Yuanfei's focus is not here.

He watched the situation outside anxiously, frowning.


Lin Yuanfei murmured, "The abnormality of Silent Hill should be caused by her. She lived with Yuki since she was a child, and she must know a lot about Silent Hill. This unusual world is coming, it should be Her handwriting was behind him, and Du Daozi walked over.

The two stood side by side on the balcony of the hotel like a couple. If someone who doesn't know the truth, they will only sigh that this is really true.

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