An incredibly well-matched couple.

After all, there are basically not many Japanese men who can suppress the long-legged Yuzi Busushima Yuko in terms of height.

Only next to Lin Yuanfei, a muscular brother with a full body, can Budao Yazi look like a bird.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Kishima Kishiko said, "Shall we help?

Kishima Yako took the initiative to propose this suggestion, "It would be very dangerous for my wife and classmate to be alone. She is just an ordinary person after all...

Lin Yuanfei nodded and said, "Let's go." After the rest just now, he had barely recovered.

At least his body is not exhausted, what is exhausted is his spirit. If he does not need to use his mental power to confront Aretha again, Lin Yuanfei's combat effectiveness will not be reduced simply by fighting monsters.

In order to save time, Lin Yuanfei directly hugged Du Daozi and jumped from the fourth floor.

While his body was falling in mid-air, Lin Yuanfei stretched out his right hand and grabbed the window sill on the third floor, then let go, fell, and then grabbed the window sill on the second floor, and let go... just like that, he landed on the window in front of the hotel lightly. on the street.

On the other hand, Du Dao Yazi hugged Lin Yuanfei's neck and enjoyed it peacefully.

Under this juggling general falling process.

After the two of them landed on the ground, Lin Yuanfei lowered his body slightly, and Busujima Kaiko patted him and let him go, landing on the ground.

The two of them didn't look at each other or communicate with each other, they just followed the direction in which Yuno disappeared to the extent that they were related to each other, and there was no need for the young men and women to be twitchy.

For fear, they ran fast, and soon disappeared into the mist of Silent Hill.

However, as they went deeper into the fog, the first thing they met was not Yuno, but a group of...

What the hell..." Looking at the corpses on the street ahead, Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows trembled, "Killing people in the world of Silent Hill?Lin Yuanfei is very familiar with the death of Yunafeng's headshot body with the fire axe, but isn't Silent Hill not able to kill people? Was it Yuno who warned Lin Yuanfei not to kill people?As a result, you know what to do now?

Is this because the difficulty of the game is not high enough, adding some excitement?

Two, three, four, five, six, seven... If these seven complete evil incarnations appear together, the entire Silent Hill can walk sideways

ps: 2200 monthly ticket plus update

Chapter 349 Drives away wolfs and tigers

Standing on the dark street, Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows trembled wildly as he looked at the corpses lying all over the place in front of him.

Even if he is a reckless man who is not afraid of anything, he would even dare to gnaw a mouthful of evil spirits at the critical moment of life and death, but now seeing these seven messy corpses, Lin Yuanfei is a little helpless. The incarnation of darkness cast too much psychological shadow on him.

He even felt that it was a bit tricky. Now that the seven corpses are here, at least it means the incarnation of seven evil thoughts... Tsk... Yuno really likes to find excitement for himself.

Lin Yuanfei picked up his head and looked at the sky.

At this time, the sky in Silent Hill was already on the verge of darkness.

Although the fog has disappeared, darkness has almost enveloped the entire world, and the place ten meters away is already pitch black, and nothing can be seen clearly anymore.

Obviously, the other world is about to come to an end.

Even though the coming of the world is very slow this time, it is still coming.

And when the inner world completely descends, where are the seven corpses?

Lin Yuanfei already knew what things would crawl out of the ground and what those things would do.

If it wasn't for the lack of a flamethrower, he really wanted to burn all these corpses with a torch. Seeing what those evil incarnations could eat when they climbed out, Lin Yuanfei's eyes lit up in the next second, and he suddenly thought of an idea.

Grasping the hand of Bushima Yazi, Lin Yuanfei dragged the beautiful Yuzi to hide in a dark corner under the surprised gaze of Bushima Yazi.

In their place, it is almost impossible to be discovered by things on the street, but they can observe the movements of those things.

What's more, Lin Yuanfei was not the enemy who killed those things. Even if the evil thoughts crawled out, he would not chase and kill Lin Yuanfei, but chased and killed Yuno first.

This is Lin Yuanfei's plan.

Since these incarnations of evil thoughts will chase and kill their enemies first after crawling out, then he only needs to follow behind the buttocks of these incarnations of evil thoughts, wouldn't he be able to follow the clues to find Yuno?

Simply perfect!

Lin Yuanfei felt that this group of incarnations of evil thoughts was simply a beacon sent by the heavens to guide him.

And Yuno must be on his way to find Aretha now, plus

The previous picture of the triangular head killing the incarnations of evil thoughts shows that these incarnations of evil thoughts are not very liked by Alessa, and there may even be hostility between the two parties.

If Yuno lures these incarnations of evil thoughts to Alessa's lair, Alessa will definitely have a headache. In addition, Alessa's state is extremely weak now, Lin Yuanfei will rush in with Kikyo Xiandongyue... Hey, it's wonderful!Wonderful strategy

It's just wonderful.

Lin Yuanfei almost knelt down to Yuno.

This woman is indeed a sign of a sick girl. She is cruel, vicious, and ruthless. She also has a high IQ and insight ex. After all calculations, Alesha is simply no good.

Lin Yuanfei even suspected that these aborigines were deliberately lured and killed by Yuno, so that they could lure their evil incarnations to chase and kill her, and then she would lure these evil incarnations to Aretha's lair to disrupt the situation.

In addition, Yuno has captured Aretha's mother Dalia. With this hostage, Aretha should not arrange for monsters to kill her. Yuno can easily pass over the monsters on the periphery and see Aretha directly. .I don't know how much easier and safer it is than Lin Yuanfei's plan to go all the way to go in and meet Aretha!This is a chain meter!

Standing in the shadow of the corner, Lin Yuanfei recalled Yuno's journey

The layout is simply numb.Horror... This is really scary. After entering Silent Hill, Yuno has been hiding and doing her own things in a low-key way. She doesn't seem to have any sense of existence at all, but the things she does now seem to be more than one. Vicious.

Lin Yuanfei even suspected that if it wasn't for the confrontation between him and Alesha that made Alesha very weak, and gave You Naike an opportunity.In order to increase the possibility of the success of the plan, this sick girl who can do anything will go to the church to kill people.

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