After all, there are a lot of living people there, if they are all slaughtered, then the dozens of evil spirits will be led to Aretha's fruit hole.

Damn!I can't think about it, I can't think about it, the more I think about it, the more scary it becomes.

Lin Yuanfei felt that Yuno was really a crazy woman.

Moreover, she was a cruel and ruthless female lunatic with a high IQ. Fortunately, the various vengeful spirits took turns to torment them before, and did not give them a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, judging from Yuno's dislike and hostility towards Lin Yuanfei, if you have to give Yuno time to calculate, Lin Yuanfei is estimated to be cool now, and at the same time Lin Yuanfei speculated on Yuno's plan, the entire Silent Hill has completely switched to the darkness of the inner world A stuffy world, lit up behind that rusted barbed wire

There was a little dark red flame.It seems that the poisonous fire in the depths of hell is boiling, bringing some light to this world without any light source.

On the street where there were piles of corpses lying here and there before, a bunch of monsters crawled out from the ground at some point.

After crawling out, those ugly monsters with weird and hideous shapes and a vicious aura all over their bodies rushed towards their corpses and began to eat.

The sound of chewing and eating resounded in the darkness, making one's scalp tingle.

Lin Yuanfei grabbed the hand of Bu Dao Yazi, and the two of them hid nervously in the dark corner, not daring to move.

Not far away are the incarnations of seven evil thoughts, and they dare not provoke each other easily.

Fortunately, those incarnations of evil thoughts didn't seem to find them either.After eating one after another, the seven monsters with weird shapes all roared and roared at each other, as if they were demonstrating.

The atmosphere on the long street seemed a little anxious.

It seems that the seven-headed monsters may fight first at any time.But they roared and confronted each other for a while, and it was obvious that each of them was aware of the horror and strength of the enemy, and understood that the other party was not a miscellaneous soldier that could be easily dealt with.

In the end, all the monsters roared and headed in the same direction

rushed to.

Obviously, vengeance is more attractive to these ugly monsters than the threat around them.

And Lin Yuanfei looked at the direction in which the monsters disappeared, and directly picked up Du Dao Zouzi and chased after them. After all, Du Daozi's running speed is still a bit slow. The current group of monsters must not be chased away!

Follow them and you will find Yuno, and you will find Alessa's lair.

Even the monsters along the way have these monsters to fight.

Aretha will not let these ugly monsters intrude into the depths of her lair.

This group of monsters charging towards Aretha's lair can be said to be hunting dogs helping Lin Yuanfei to clear the way.

Although this is not within Lin Yuanfei's control.

But following them would undoubtedly relieve Lin Yuanfei's pressure!

ps: 2400 monthly ticket plus update

Chapter 350

(Fifth watch asks for blade monthly ticket In the dark inner world, the entire Silent Hill looks terrifying and hideous

Corroded steel walls, barbed wire buildings, and the boiling poisonous fire and magma burning underground. Here, it is like a place of torture in the depths of hell, and it is also like a doomsday place of volcanic eruption. On the dark long street, seven The hideous and terrifying monster was roaring and running.

They rushed towards the same target in the same direction, and the air was filled with the vicious aura of monsters.And behind the monsters, a tall, muscular, muscular man was carrying a beautiful royal sister like a sack, running and chasing in the dark, hanging on the monsters' shoulders not too far away. As the two sides ran wildly behind them, those monsters occasionally turned their heads, as if they had spotted the pursuers behind them.

But none of the monsters turned around to attack Lin Yuanfei.

All the monsters are all roaring driven by the same goal

running across the dark scorched earth.

And in the direction where these monsters were running and roaring, where all evil thoughts turned into hatred and hostility, a girl named Yuno led an old and thin old woman and walked in a dark passage.This dark passage looks like an abandoned factory, the walls are covered with dark red rust, it looks like dried blood

Not far in front of them, a group of "nurses" stood quietly in the middle of the passage, blocking their way. Her pair of beautiful eyes brought all this into her field of vision, as if she was standing in the sky above the entire Silent Hill. , overlooking everything that happened in this world.

Even the church with milky white sacred light shining in the corner of the edge, she can clearly see.

The whole world of Silent Hill has no secrets for her at all, she can see what happens in any corner of Silent Hill at will

It's just that these things can no longer cause her gaze to fluctuate.

She turned her head and looked behind her.

There, in a dimly lit room, a girl with pink hair hangs in the void.

On the wall, on the floor, in the air... Countless black breaths pierced into her body like black blood vessels one after another.

But obviously, these black blood vessels have not completely occupied her body.

Her struggling and trembling body represents that the girl has not completely surrendered.

The only thing covered by the black mist were her two arms.

As for the rest of her body, the black mist was still unable to penetrate an inch, and was still engaged in a see-saw battle with her.

Seeing this scene, looking at the girl hanging in the air, Aretha, or rather, the dark side of Aretha spoke.

"You have a very strong personality... Yuki, mom is very happy that you are so strong."

Hearing this indifferent voice without any emotion, Yuki struggled to raise his head in mid-air.

Even in this extremely painful and desperate situation, the girl still had a gentle smile on her face... It's just that the smile seems to be maintained very reluctantly now.

Even the voice sounded trembling.

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