That's really nice... Yuki was praised... Yuki rarely got compliments when she was young.Mom praised Yuki so much

Yuki is very happy! In Yuki's forced smile, Aretha's dark side looked up at her and said expressionlessly.

"But you don't need to be strong. Even if you resist desperately, you will eventually meet your fate. Your resistance now is just delaying my plan a little bit.

"When everything is ripe, I will pick the fruits of my victory

"And you are just an ant under the wheel."

"So why do you resist so desperately? You can't change anything, and all the suffering you do is just to make yourself suffer for a few more days.

"Why don't you obey your mother obediently?

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, it won't be as painful as it is now. In the soft whispers of Aretha's dark side, Yuki in mid-air tried hard to maintain a smile on his face, and said in a trembling voice. Because I don't want to become a monster. Ah...Even a hard life is better than a happy tragic death. This is a truth that a person taught me with his actions. I am very envious. I have been surrounded by the fear of becoming a monster since I was a child. Do you know how scared I am?

Only that person... only that person showed me with his actions, how shining a person can be when struggling to survive.Many times just looking at his back, I feel very dazzling, very envious, very happy.

"A villain like you will never understand my feelings." Yuki smiled and said, "I understand one thing from him, that is, even if the bones are broken, the teeth are broken, and even standing I have no strength left, and I still have to struggle to wriggle and crawl with a human body. I may never be as dazzling as that person, but at least, I want to work as hard as him once.

"Even if it's only once, even if I'm doomed to fail, I want to be someone who works so hard... My dream is probably to live like him vigorously and stand upright. So, I will resist." I will fight Destined to resist. "Even if I can't see hope, even if I'm doomed to fail, I still won't admit defeat."

Aretha, this is my last pride as a human being... just give up, I will never surrender to you!Yuki's steadfast declaration silenced the evil spirit. She turned her head and looked at the hospital bed beside her.

On the hospital bed where even the curtains had completely rotted and turned into rusted steel, lay an ugly figure with burns all over his body. He felt her gaze, and the "person" on the steel hospital bed also looked at her.

While the two sides looked at each other, the evil spirit said, "Aretha, your daughter is even more stubborn than you. I really want to see how long she can last but there is no time." Yuki who was hanging suddenly lost the strength to support, and fell directly, hitting the floor.As for the black blood vessels injected into Yuki's body, they all slowly retracted into the ground and disappeared without a sound.

The evil spirit quietly stared at the "person" on the hospital bed, and said, "When everything is ripe, I will pick my own fruits. But now, it's almost done."

"Our destiny, our everything, begins here and ends here.

"Which side is the wheel of fate turning?" The evil spirit grabbed Yuki on the floor and lifted her up slowly.

Looking at the face that was almost exactly the same as his own expressionlessly, the evil spirit said indifferently.

I look forward to the end

The sound fell, and the dark breath drowned everything in sight.

The whole world was pitch black.

ps: 2600 monthly ticket additions, monthly ticket additions are temporarily over, and then wait for a little more monthly tickets to explode together.

Tomorrow, the reward for returning blades will be added, 3100 blades, excluding the previous 200 blades, a total of 2900 blades, 14.5 chapters, it will probably allow me to add more for five or six days, right?

It's ok, so-so, I hope you have enough blades in stock.

Otherwise, if there is no reason to add updates in the next half month, it will be very lonely.

Chapter 351 In the dark world of liars,

There was a terrifying dryness in the air.

Like a torture frame on the poisonous fire of hell, the whole world of Silent Hill has turned into a hideous and terrifying dark color.

But in this dark and terrifying world, there is an absolutely safe place that cannot be corroded by the forces of darkness.

When the whole world has turned into barbed wire and cold steel, the church standing quietly in the darkness still maintains its original appearance

In the darkness above the church, groups of birds were flying around the church.

This is the only safe place in the dark world, no monsters can get close to it, and it is the only refuge for all creatures in the entire Silent Hill world to avoid disaster and death.

Every time when darkness falls, all the living things in the town will hide here.

And behind the closed church door, a group of solemn-looking people seemed to be holding some kind of ceremony. They knelt on the ground around the middle-aged woman in the center who wore a lavender skirt, closed her eyes, and folded her hands on her chest. ,

Some kind of milky divine light emerged around them and bloomed above their heads.

In the corner of the church not far away, the eyes of the two outsiders, two girls, one big and one small, who witnessed all this could not help but widen.

Although it was not the first time for them to see such a scene today, no matter how many times they saw it, they were all shocked. Since entering this strange world called Silent Hill, Gao Cheng Shaoye felt that his worldview had been refreshed.

There have been many supernatural events that cannot be explained by science, all of which left her dumbfounded.Especially the pious chanting of these believers in front of them actually formed some kind of sacred power to protect this church.

With the chanting of those believers, the sacred white light became stronger and stronger. Finally, when the light reached its peak, the whole world seemed to lose its color.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the white light slowly dissipated that everything returned to normal.

Takashi Saya and Angela have been witnessing all this happening and lost their words.

After the believers finished praying, the middle-aged woman in the purple skirt standing in the middle said with a smile.

Brothers and sisters, we have once again passed through the crisis of death under the mercy of the Lord.The power of the devil can never surpass the glory of the Lord

hurt us.Stand up, everyone, you are safe. This middle-aged woman with a confident smile puts her hands reserved in front of her body, giving off a very restrained and calm image.

And that confident smile inexplicably convinced her words.This is a persuasive woman named Chris Bella, who is the bishop of the church and the leader of these survivors.

According to their narration, Takajo Saya and the others knew that Silent Hill had undergone terrible changes twenty years ago. There were demons who poisoned the place and wanted to harvest everyone's souls.

But under the grace of the Lord, whenever darkness falls, they hide in the church to avoid the evil spirits.

Takashiro Saya didn't really trust their words at first, after all, things like demons and gods are too unreal for girls in the [-]st century.

But now, after witnessing the power of these believers' beliefs several times, Takashiro Saya's will has been shaken a little. Maybe there really is some kind of supernatural power in this world. She shook her head, not quite sure about her guess.

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