And after the group of believers finished praying, a group of people began to talk to the protagonist

Chris Bella said something excitedly.

Some of them even wiped their sad tears.

Gaocheng Saya and Angela who were sitting in the corner looked at each other. Although they couldn't integrate into this group of believers, at least these believers took them in and protected them. Now it seems that something unexpected happened. Gaocheng Saya wants to go and find out After all, she counted just now, and these believers seemed to be missing seven people and still stayed in the darkness outside after the darkness fell. According to these believers, they were dead.

Saya Gaocheng wanted to know what happened to these people. She stepped forward and listened carefully to what these people said.

I quickly understood what they were saying.

It sounds like these people encountered an enemy outside, and that enemy attacked them with guns, and seven of them fell down.

When Chris Bella asked, these believers subconsciously looked at Saya Takashiro.

After all, the person who attacked them was an outsider who did not belong to Silent Hill.The same goes for Saya Takashiro and the two of them, they don't belong to Silent Hill.

Sensing the uneasy atmosphere in the air, a trace of panic flashed in Takashi Saya's heart.

A girl in such a uniform... When Takashi Saya was surrounded by believers, she raised her hands in horror.

No... not like that!I am not with her!That woman is different from me!I don't know her well!

Listening to Takashi Saya's loud defense, this group of believers obviously didn't believe it.

Many people cursed angrily.



"Catch her!"

"They're a gang!

Miko!They are witches!It was her associates who killed my Andy!Amidst the angry curses, mournful cries, and excited accusations of those believers, Takashiro Saya backed away again and again with Angela in his arms, with a panicked face's not like's not like that...listen to my explanation, My wife Yuno and I are not together!We are not partners Me and Angela are innocent!

Chapter 352 In the church on the front road,

Takajo Saya's loud defense sounded so feeble.

She grabbed Angela and kept retreating, being constantly pushed back by the turbulent believers around her, her face pale and terrified.

These originally kind believers now seem to be wearing the masks of evil spirits, each of them is so vicious.

They roared, growled, pointed, and cursed at the two panicked girls, screaming vicious words.

Burn them to death!Burn them!Burn them! 〃

Feeling the madness of these cultists, Takashiro Saya was terrified.She clung to the wall behind her tightly, screaming in panic with no way to retreat

"No! I'm not with that woman! I'm innocent

lie! "


Burn her!Among the group of hysterical believers who burned her to death, Chris Bella, who had been silent all the time, suddenly came out with a smile.

Said, "Maybe we can give the two little angels a chance to justify themselves

As she spoke, she waved her hand, "Find out their belongings. After hearing what Chris Bella said, the men closest to Takashi Saya rushed over violently, without giving Takashi Saya any room to think. Searched forcibly.

Takashiro Saya wanted to resist subconsciously, but her strength was completely powerless in front of these men.

Soon, everything on her was searched and there was not much on her, a small wallet, a pink flip phone, nothing else.

On the contrary, the small bag on Angela's body was forcibly snatched away. After the cultists opened the bag, they saw that it was filled with precision instruments.

t virus antidote.

It's a pity that these people don't know what these spiral injection liquid lying quietly in the small box represent.

After searching and finding nothing else, they put the bag down.

And the pink mobile phone was handed to Chris Bella to take it, Chris Bella said with a smile, "The outside world

China's technology is developing very fast... When we used to be, the lightest mobile phone was many times heavier than this.Today's mobile phones are not only light and beautiful, but also have the function of taking pictures... Miss Gaocheng, do you mind if I take a look at your mobile phone photo album? "

Gaocheng Saya was stunned for a second, and quickly shouted, "There is nothing in there!"

At this time, she already regretted the changes in the outside world with these cultists, as well as the novelty of mobile phones.As she watches in horror, Chris Bella opens her flip phone's photo album

Then, after turning over for a few seconds, the smile on his face froze.

There are not many photos on this phone, and the pixels are very blurry, but one of them is a photo of Sister Yuno and Sister Busujima.

It was taken by Saya Takagi when he was fleeing in Raccoon City.

Now this photo appeared in Chris Bella's eyes like this

Staring blankly at Yuki's face on the screen of the phone, Chris Bella hoarsely yelled "Magic!"

She excitedly pointed at Takashi Saya in front of her, and shouted, "Her friend is exactly like the devil! She is the follower of the devil! She is a monster sent by the devil to mix with us!

Burn her to death!Burn her!Burn her! "

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