"Burn her! Burn her! Burn her!

Burn her to death!Burn her!Burn her! "

The hateful screams of the cultists instantly resounded throughout the church

All the faces that had been kind at first were now ugly and vicious.

They finally rushed forward without any hesitation or restriction, and held down the two girls, one big and one small like a carnival, and the excited screams of the cultists resounded throughout the church

"Cleanse the sins! Eliminate the demons! Burn the witches! Burn them!

Burn them!

While the excited screams resounded through the church, it disturbed the birds that had landed on the eaves of the church. The birds that took refuge here all flew up in fright, and began to fly around the church. The blackness looked extremely terrifying.

Seeing all this from a distance, as if the future had come, the girl on the street stopped

She raised her head, looked at the huge and sacred church in front of her, the corners of her mouth slightly curved

Is it very lively inside...

"Then just wait a while." The smiling girl stood quietly in the dark scorched earth, her pink hair was shaking in the sultry wind, and a burly, tall and terrifying figure dragging a huge guillotine was silent. Standing quietly behind her.

Like a guard, Lin Yuanfei's eyes protected the weak girl, subconsciously looking in a certain direction.

There, in the direction of the church, he felt some uneasy commotion.

Following the seven incarnations of evil thoughts running wildly all the way, Lin Yuanfei has now reached a very short distance from the church.

At such a distance, he could already clearly sense the restlessness coming from the direction of the church.

Even in the darkness, he could vaguely see the huge cross at the top of the church.

He realized what might have happened in the church.

Thinking of the two girls who have not been heard from since leaving the team, Lin Yuanfei roughly understands that something bad is definitely going on in the church


But he has no time to worry about other people's safety.

People always have to pay for their choices.

Everyone is struggling to survive in this dangerous world, and no one is obliged to help everyone.

What's more, he's even struggling with his own affairs now, let alone meddling in his own business.

Without any hesitation or pause, Lin Yuanfei continued to run wildly on the street with Du Daozi on his shoulders.

Ahead, there is a huge building that looks like a hospital.

The seven incarnations of evil thoughts had already rushed into the gate of the hospital, Lin Yuanfei followed closely behind, and those who didn't even stop in their footsteps also rushed in.

The restless church was left far behind by him. The figure of Lin Yuanfei rushed into the dark hospital hall in an instant

There is no need to follow up and confirm, one of the monsters among the seven incarnations of evil thoughts is like an ooze monster, leaving disgusting black sewage where it runs.

Much like the trails of slugs crawling through.

It was such traces that pointed out the way for Lin Yuanfei.

He directly followed the traces of those incarnations of evil thoughts into the hospital building and up the wide stairs.

This hospital is very strange.

After the arrival of the other world, the whole world has turned into barbed wire and ugly rusted steel walls, this hospital can still barely maintain the previous layout, although the walls are still rusted with steel, and the field of vision is full of rust The barbed wire fence, but the signs of the hospital were all hung in place without any changes.Everything is as it should be in a hospital.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei understood.

This should be the location of Aretha's lair. Like the original movie, it is also underground in the hospital.

But the original movie needs to take the elevator to go down to see Aretha here?

Lin Yuanfei was thinking, and continued to run upstairs, chasing the black traces on the floor with Dudao Shizi on his shoulders.

Then, he rushed up to the third floor and came to a wide staircase. In this spacious dark world, a black figure stood there quietly.

A headless samurai with a deformed body like a tumor growing on his back

, the eyes of hatred and hatred, and the knife dragged on the ground... Lin Yuanfei's evil incarnation stood there like that, quietly blocking Lin Yuanfei's way forward.

Behind the embodiment of evil thoughts is a weird elevator.The black traces left by the seven incarnations of evil thoughts disappeared there.

Obviously, this is the entrance to the final lair, and the seven incarnations of evil thoughts have already gone down.

However, a monster that suddenly appeared stood there, blocking Lin Yuanfei's direction.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was startled, then put down Du Dao Yazi, and shook his head. 'You bastard, you are really haunted.

Silently clenched the hilt of Jikyo Xiandongyue, Lin Yuanfei said coldly.

The moment the man and the monster looked at each other, both clenched their knives

A cold murderous aura overflowed in the air.

ps: Today is not in good condition, there are only two updates, everyone will watch the final climax, I have to sort out my thoughts

I'm used to the eerieness here.

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