He stood at the stairs of the hospital, looked at the monster in front of him, sighed, and clenched the knife in his hand.

Here is a very wide corner, with windows on one side and the door of the ward on the other.

It's just that these gates are all tightly closed and sealed.

And behind a dark door behind the monster, the appearance of the elevator can be vaguely seen.

The traces left by the seven incarnations of evil thoughts when they ran wildly disappeared behind the gate.

Obviously, this is the elevator leading to the core of Silent Hill. Like the original movie, you can go directly to Aretha's lair from here

But the way forward was blocked. The headless warrior stood in front of him with his sword horizontally. He should have a handsome figure, but a deformed tumor with an angry and poisonous face grew on his back.

Lin Yuanfei smiled when he saw the incarnation of his evil thoughts coming uninvited. I thought you were killed by Alessa.

Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, his body was slightly curved and his height was lowered.

The thick right hand silently grasped the handle of the knife at his waist, making a gesture of drawing the knife.

And the incarnation of evil thoughts in front of him also made the same sword-drawing posture, a monster, and the same flying sword-drawing technique of the Feitian Yujian style, which appeared in this dark hospital, which seemed inexplicably inconsistent

Kishima Yako stepped back holding his rifle, trying to stay away from the center of the battle.

Having seen Lin Yuanfei fight against the embodiment of evil thoughts with her own eyes, she understands that she can't provide any help at all with that kind of combat power.

The only thing she can do now is to stay away from the battlefield as much as possible and not to burden Lin Yuanfei.

And as Du Dao Yuzi gradually moved away, Lin Yuanfei's murderous intent became stronger.

He lowered his head, ignoring the monster in front of him in the same posture from the corner of his eye, and said with a smile, "It's really unimaginable.

I was still rushing to draft and had a headache before the deadline, and I was scolded by my boss because of the project, but today I have to fight a monster like you head-on, and I even developed a murderous aura... hachaha ∴ I don’t know if you have IQ, It's a pity that even if you have an IQ, you can't speak. Lin Yuanfei smiled, looking at the face of the deformed tumor on the back of the headless warrior and the sewn-up mouth of the monster, hey

He laughed and said, "But I was a little happy when I saw you. Akelessa said so fiercely just now that she was going to kill you, and I was worried about you. Now it seems that Aretha is not as powerful as she brags about."

"At least you incarnations of evil thoughts rampant in Silent Hill, she obviously can't interfere...

Lin Yuanfei smiled and whispered, witnessing the viciousness of the monster becoming more and more resentful, constantly provoking him.A confrontation like the knife drawing technique is a true one-hit kill, and the slightest difference may result in completely opposite results.The duel with this monster is different from the master-student duel. When Lin Yuanfei uses Tianxiang Dragon Flash, the opponent will not deliberately use Nine-headed Dragon Flash to feed his moves.

Once Lin Yuanfei draws out his sword, he will definitely be greeted by Feitian Yujianliu's most profound technique, Tian Xianglong Shan.

In the previous duel, this monster had already suffered a loss.Now it appears again, if there is no certainty of victory, it will not appear.

Lin Yuanfei must be cautious.

So, he tried to provoke the monster to strike first.

In this way, he can take the initiative by relying on his shameless imitation ability.

But the monster still stood there, although it stared at him with hatred and hatred, although it was unable to speak in its sewn up mouth, the muffled hum from its throat was dull and disgusting.

The two swordsmen in the confrontation are still facing each other.

The atmosphere in the air seemed extremely anxious. After Du Daozi quietly retreated to a safe distance, only Lin Yuanfei could be seen.

The figure of the monster was blocked by the wall at the corner, and it was not in her field of vision.

The dark and gloomy world around him could not make Du Daozi feel any fear.

However, just as she stopped, she noticed a strange aura.

That kind of wonderful feeling, a feeling of déjà vu,

There was a feeling of tacit understanding, while Kazuko Busujima rolled backward suddenly, a knife slashed heavily at the place where she stood before amidst the howling wind.Missing this ferocious knife by a tiny margin, the tumbling Toshiko Busujima suddenly looked at the enemy who was attacking her hidden in the darkness

This weird and hideous figure appeared beside her more than once.

With slender legs, plump chest and buttocks, and hot curves, at first glance, it looks like a beautiful and delicate body covered in black.

But that seemingly enchanting body was densely filled with countless sharp needles.Those needles are thin and sharp, making this monster look like a hedgehog.

And the monster has a mask on its head, a smiling beauty mask.

That incomparably weird beauty mask seemed to be growing together with the flesh, almost indistinguishable from each other.

However, the head behind the mask has sharp horns and a ferocious pale color, like an evil spirit in Japanese myths and legends.

Although this evil spirit is wearing a mask so that people can't see its face clearly, the features of that ferocious head are undoubtedly exactly the same as the evil spirit that Busujima Luozi knows.

The moment she saw the figure of this monster, Saiko Busushima was stunned.

In the monster's hand was holding a wooden knife. She was very familiar with that wooden knife.

Koko Busujima's finger was firmly on the trigger.

The recoil generated by the constant beating of the muzzle made her whole body shake crazily, as if she was driving on a bumpy mountain road in a car.

But Yuko Busushima held the rifle tightly with both hands. Although the muzzle of the gun was shaking constantly, he did not jump directly into the sky, but chased after the monster figure, tilting all the bullets to the ground. on the body of the monster.

However, it doesn't seem to have any effect. The dense needles on the monster's body surface are too dense, and have formed a layer of armor-like things. When countless bullets collide with those sharp needles, although more and more needles are It crashed into the monster's body, but it couldn't cause any deeper damage, and all the bullets fell to the ground.

In front of the monster, there was already densely packed curved and hot warheads.

However, not a single drop of blood flowed out of its body, let alone any wounds.

It just knelt there and howled in pain, as if the needles that had been knocked into its body had caused it a lot of pain.

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