Freddy chuckled and shook his fist, "Now, we're partners! Ola-o-la-o-la!"

Chapter 359 Aretha's Body

Chapter 359 Aretha's Body On Sunshine Hexi's beach, Lin Yuanfei looked at Freddy in front of him expressionlessly, his eyebrows trembling wildly.He understood what the grandson meant.

Doesn't this mean that he can continue to use Freddy's power in the future, but Freddy is also connected to his life?Became his stand-in?

So what is in front of him now is no longer the evil spirit Freddy, but a stand-in - a Freddy star?

Stand-in name: Freddy Krueger (Dream Weak).

Main body: Lin Yuanfei.

Destructive power d, speed d, range distance d, sustaining power d, precision movement d, growth are completed one by one.

How the hell am I really joj0?

Lin Yuanfei looked at Freddy and asked, "You mean, I will also have the ability to sneak into other people's dreams in the future?

Freddy nodded, "In theory, that's the case, but now, little samurai, your soul is bound by your body. It is very difficult to sneak into other people's dreams, and it consumes a lot of energy. And after you sneak into anyone's dream , will have the urge to kill him, just like addicted to drugs, until after killing the other party, this kind of killing

The urge subsides... Are you sure you want to sneak into other people's dreams? "

Lin Yuanfei had black lines on his face, "Then what's the use of you?

Hearing this question, Freddy looked surprised, "Do I have to be useful to you? Little samurai, I'm afraid you have made a mistake." Freddy laughed, "Uncle Freddy just can't believe that you will Keeping the promise let me go, so I put on an insurance policy for myself. Now I have transferred my sustenance to you, and you are my glove. As long as you don't die, I won't die, and if I die, you can't live. You now If you still want to kill me to eliminate demons, then you have to have the ability to burn yourself ah heh heh heh heh...

Amid Freddy's hilarious laughter, Lin Yuanfei looked as if he had eaten shit.

"I...should have shot you into the wall in the first place!"

Lin Yuanfei scolded with a sullen face.

On the other hand, Freddy picked out his ears, and cursed back calmly, what did the little virgin who didn't even have a girlfriend say?Haven't you been shooting on walls all your life? "

In an instant, a critical strike.

Lin Yuanfei almost vomited blood. "I'm fighting you so hard...

However, after the crisis was lifted, Freddy's figure disappeared from the same place.

The scenery on the beach also quickly disappeared.

The scene in front of Lin Yuanfei turned into the eerie hospital corridor in the other world.

Not far ahead, there are two corpses that have been divided into two by the incarnation of evil thoughts

Not far away, Du Daozi ran over in surprise when he saw their sudden appearance.

"Lin Yuan-kun, you..." Busujima Koko looked in disbelief at the corpse of the incarnation of evil thoughts not far away, and asked, "You have cooperated with Freddy again."

He took a deep breath, resisting the urge to scold Freddieton, looked down at the corpse of Evil Incarnation at his feet, and said that at least the crisis is over, we should continue to set off Lin Yuanfei looked at the Evil Thought The dark door behind the avatar's corpse is there, it is the elevator leading to the underground, and it is the only way to the depths of Aretha's lair.

They have been here for a long time, and they don't know what happened to Yuno below, and whether those avatars of evil thoughts caught up with her. Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei shook the blood on the blade, and said

Instead, there was something huge and terrifying that rushed up from below, directly smashing the door into pieces.

A strong and burly humanoid monster rushed out roaring. Its muscular body looked like a miniature giant.

The thick arm dragged a long and huge guillotine.

And the other arm dragged a pink-haired girl like a torn sack.

The girl couldn't see her face clearly, she didn't know if she was dead or in a coma, her blood-soaked body looked horrible, and a long red trail of blood trailed behind her.

Behind the monster, in the shock wave of the explosion, the dark aura seemed to be freed from all suppression, and rushed out from behind the broken door frantically, occupying most of the corridor in an instant.

The cold wind raged in the corridor.

Lin Yuanfei and the others seemed to be standing on the cusp of the storm, they were blown back several steps by the strong wind, they could barely open their eyes, and everything around them was blown away by the violent wind.

Finally, in the dark mist, a beautiful figure walked out without a sound.

Pink hair, pretty face, long purple dress, black eye shadow, evil smile... The dark side of Aretha

The evil spirit stood there like that, and walked out from the black mist that had covered most of the corridor.

Beside her, there is a cold and hard steel hospital bed suspended in mid-air. The rusted steel hospital bed is suspended in mid-air. It seems that someone is lying on it, but the rotten black and dilapidated isolation tent covers the bed, making it impossible to see what is lying inside. The patient only had the whisper of evil spirits laughing softly in the hallway.

You can even kill the incarnation of evil thoughts, Lin Yuan-kun, Miss Busushima, you two are very strong and excellent human beings.

Lin Yuanfei clenched the handle of the knife tightly, staring at the smiling evil spirit in front of him and the steel hospital bed floating beside him, his scalp was numb because of... Alessa's body?


what am i

Swallowing, Lin Yuanfei smiled reluctantly, "This is the first time I've seen the dungeon that the boss of Guandi came out on his own initiative... What's the matter? Miss Aretha, are you so impatient to see me?

Chapter 360 Generally speaking,

Chapter 360 Generally speaking, the boss who guards the level is the one who guards the bottom of the level

If you want to see it, you, as a brave man, have to kill all the mobs along the way, clear all the little soldiers you see on the road, overcome all the obstacles, and finally stand on your feet when you are out of breath, covered in injuries, and mentally exhausted. In the hall of the final battle, looking at the big boss at the bottom

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