0s yells at you.

"I am the embodiment of power!" Then everyone began to stand in front of the boss to boil water, distribute biscuits, warlocks pulled people, knight priests added status, and if they brought the boss, they began to bid and auction equipment that had not yet been spawned.

When everyone was ready, the team leader said "start the team", and then everyone rushed to fight the boss to the death.

But is this boss already so unreserved now?It's fine if you don't guard at the bottom of the pass, but you come out directly from the bottom of the pass, and the flying dragon rides on your face?

Depend on!Anyway, you can be regarded as the leader of Silent Hill, a (different) world-renowned big shot, can you be a little boss-like and reserved, please?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the two Arethas in front of him and smiled forcedly.

Miss Aretha likes me for running out to see me in such a hurry, it seems. "

However, under Lin Yuanfei's gaze, the figure lying quietly on the steel hospital bed didn't speak, didn't say a word, motionless as if dead.

Only the evil spirit standing beside the hospital bed spoke with a smile

"It's the last moment, Mr. Lin Yuan, you don't have to fight anymore." The evil spirit said, "Next, wait quietly for the last moment to come. Then you will reap your own share of safe listening Upon hearing the words of the evil spirit, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

"What do you mean?" An ominous premonition flashed in Lin Yuanfei's heart.

However, the evil spirit seemed to have not heard Lin Yuanfei's words, and muttered to himself.

"When the time is ripe, purify the world with my anger. Collect the white oil, the black cup, and the blood of the ten sinners, and prepare for the [Ascension Rite].

"Consecrate the blood and tears of sinners, and then be freed from the bondage of the flesh, and gain [the power of the kingdom of heaven].

[Temptation] that runs through sin returns to [Origin].to the devil

Under [surveillance], wandering alone in the invisible [chaos].only this

, [Four Atonements] will be complete. "

"In the end, as a daughter of the [reborn mother's body], she will face her sins and cleanse her body. With the mystery of the 21 sacraments, the Holy Mother will be reborn, and the kingdom of sin will be redeemed.

The whispering sound of the evil spirit seemed to have some amazing magic power. As her voice sounded, the world of Silent Hill gradually set off a gloomy and strange wind.

Standing on the steel floor, Lin Yuanfei only felt chills through his bones. It was obviously hot and dull like a crater a second ago, but now it was like standing on the Siberian wilderness with a gloomy wind.

The smiling girl stood there, looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said.

'Congratulations, Mr. Lin Yuan, you have persevered to the end, and you are about to see the future. "

"You've always been puzzled, right? You wonder about Yuki's identity, about the relationship between Aretha and Yuki, about everything that happened in Silent Hill...

In fact, all of this should never have happened.

Aretha is just a very poor girl and shouldn't be tortured like this

Listening to the girl's words in a daze, Lin Yuanfei was in a daze.

Before his eyes, a dark yellow picture seemed to appear, just like watching an old movie, he saw a group of girls surrounding one of them.

All the children yelled at the girl and threw things at her.

That frenzied and twisted scene is creepy.


Those children shouted like this.Burn her!Burn her!Burn her!

Amidst the frantic and frantic shouts of the children, the frightened girl ran away screaming and covering her head.

The voice of the evil spirit rang softly in Lin Yuanfei's ear, as if describing all this softly. Those children's parents said that she was bad because she had no father and was regarded as an unclean evil. "Alessa was scared, she was scared of everyone.

But she was just a poor child, she could only run away screaming, hid in fear, and wept silently in a dark corner alone. "

Under Lin Yuanfei's gaze, the trembling girl in the picture pushed open a wooden door and hid in.

However, in the temporarily closed bathroom that was being cleaned, the cleaner man turned around and looked at her.

Obviously, seeing this beautiful girl, the man's eyes were a little strange.

The voice of the evil spirit continued to sound.

"But you know what happens when a girl is alone

Amidst the girl's screams, the screen shook violently, and it seemed that the name tattooed on the cleaner's uniform—Colin—was vaguely seen.

But in the next second, the picture stabilized. A trembling mother gently pushed open the partition of the bathroom, and hugged her crying daughter in pain.

It's okay daughter, it's me...it's my mother holding the girl tenderly, but the trembling body looks so heartbroken, so sad, so hopeless.

The voice of the evil spirit continued to sound.

"Her mother is so desperate, she loves her child so deeply. But in this family, there are other people who don't like Aretha." A woman in a long purple dress closed the door , Isolate everyone outside from the door.

She looked at her younger sister in the room, and the daughter in her arms. The woman whispered in a soft, charming and persuasive tone.

Even children know that your daughter is a dirty bastard...for

What refused to say the man's name? When she said this, the woman's pupils twisted with disgust and hatred.However, the smile on his face was very gentle.

Dalia, you have brought sin upon us and made her suffer like this.Now that she is getting dirty and defiled, we can no longer ignore Dalia, and we will hold a meeting to gather believers for judgment.to cleanse this unclean thing.

Trust me Dalia, trust us, we'll be completely clean

Since the establishment of the town, many gatherings have been held. "They have a special place to hold ceremonies, and for the so-called cleansing and purity, they need a special place to prepare for all of this." In the soft words of the evil spirit, the dim and dim picture in front of Lin Yuanfei's eyes turned into a familiar building—— The Grand Hotel However, the Grand Hotel in front of Lin Yuanfei was different from the dilapidated and abandoned building he had seen, even in the dark and dim yellow world, it looked so magnificent. One car after another, parked in succession. The door of the big hotel looked so solemn and the little girl caught in the middle of the crowd was panicked and at a loss like a bird in a cage.

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