Both pitiful and helpless.

The screaming girl was dragged behind the dark door by the people, while the rest of the people stopped in front of Dalia, all staring at her indifferently and disgustedly.

At that moment, Dalia was stunned.


She stared blankly at the black people in front of her, and looked at these indifferent faces, as if she couldn't accept this fact, and she seemed to be horrified to realize what a mistake she had made.

The voice of the evil spirit sounded softly.

"Dalia is so heartbroken...Lin Yuan-jun, can you understand that feeling? Losing the person you love the most, all because of your own fault.

"That's why Dalia regrets so much." Dalia in the picture ran away in panic and disappeared from Lin Yuanfei's sight

A dark assembly hall appeared before Lin Yuanfei's eyes. In the center of the hall stood a brazier filled with red charcoal fire.And on the brazier, hung a struggling girl like a barbecue.

The girl's heart-piercing screams resounded throughout the hall.

However, the woman who presides over everything is wearing a long purple dress with a face full of

Drunkenly speaking enchanting whispers to all believers.

Once again, we face the battle of life and death.and will win.Praise be to God for our innocence, and the sacrifices of the innocent—amen!

Amidst Chris Bella's maddened low cries, all the believers responded loudly and Amen!



Amidst the crazed cries of the cultists, Lin Yuanfei heard the soft whispers of the evil spirits again.

"These people think they know how to exorcise demons, but they don't know that you must be careful when fighting demons." Because the weapons in your hands may turn around and take your life at any time. "

At the same time as the voice of the evil spirit fell, the girl hanging on the brazier in the picture had been roasted into blackened charcoal, without any complete skin on her body.

Then, the iron chain on which the girl was suspended suddenly shook, and the iron frame on which the girl was suspended fell down and hit the fire filled with charcoal fire. The charcoal fire burning in the brazier rolled around and quickly ignited.

The curtain in the hall.

The blazing fire quickly ignited in the hall, and everyone fled screaming.

When the smoke cleared, police rushed in, led by the fleeing mother.

However, after seeing the miserable tragedy in front of her, Dalia screamed in pain.

no no!

The policemen around her immediately held her down, and one of the policemen stepped up and put the charred girl off the grill enduring the pain of having her hands burned.

The girl whose whole body was covered with charcoal was not dead yet, still twitching in pain.

The voice of the evil spirit said softly.

But there are good people in this town too....

'A good person like you, Mr. Lin Yuan.

It was they who helped and saved the mother and daughter.

Quickly pushed forward to the hospital bed in the emergency room, the charred figure twitched in pain, and could no longer see the appearance of a human being.

But the painful panting sound made people's hearts tremble.

"Alessa was so scared, so alone. The physical pain seemed to burn her, to burn her completely."

"No one deserves to be tortured like this.

When you endure that kind of pain and suffering all the time, they will all turn into hatred. "

"And this hatred will change the world.

"Aretha's hatred is like the pain burning inside her, growing day by day

"And her despair will eventually devour everyone.

...I appeared at this moment. "In the yellow picture, you can see the bed in the intensive care unit, with a white curtain covering everything, separating the patients on the bed from the bacteria outside.

However, a figure appeared outside the curtain.

A pair of eyes appeared in the small transparent opening that peeped out of the outside world.

The pale complexion, the indifferent eyeballs, and the traces left after the dried blood and tears looked so eerie.

[Picture: Evil Spirit]

said the evil spirit.

I told her it's time for revenge

"I promise they'll all fall into her nightmare and she'll get what she deserves.

The figure outside the curtain raised a hand and gently pressed it against the curtain.

on cloth.

At that moment, the only moving eyeball of Coke on the hospital bed was so excited.

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