Trembling, she stretched out her charred right hand, and pressed it lightly through the thin curtain.

The two hands, separated by a thin layer of curtain, clapped hands together.

Suddenly, the whole world changed.

The distorted black color spread to the whole world centered on the two palms, quickly corroding the world.

The white and clean curtain immediately withered and fell down, corroded into a disgusting color.

Numerous "skins" peeled off everything in the room, revealing the dark red rusted steel underneath.

The process that was supposed to change slowly in a dozen seconds was completed in a few seconds. The cold wind blew away everything in sight, and the world of Silent Hill was completely shrouded in darkness.

The screaming and terrified residents hid in the church outside the town in panic all day long.

The frantic humming of sirens in churches, the end of the world

Lin Yuanfei stared at all this in a daze, his whole body was shocked

Even though the plot in front of him had already been seen in the movie, the unspeakable pain still tore him apart when he witnessed the girl exactly like Yuki being burned into charcoal.

He tremblingly clenched the handle of his knife, as if grabbing something could make him feel better. Staring at the dark side of Aretha, Lin Yuanfei said, "Where is Yuyuki? Yuki was really split from you." Is kindness?|

ps: Monday is relatively busy, I don’t go home until ten o’clock, and there are only two updates tonight

Chapter 362 The Devil's Daughter Hears Lin Yuanfei's Question

, the evil spirit in the black mist was stunned and then laughed softly.

"Lin Yuan-kun, you really know a lot of strange things like Yuki said...

She nodded and said, "That's right, Yuki is Aretha's kindness, just as you imagined." Humans are a combination of good and evil, but if you want to embrace the devil, you cannot accommodate kindness.

"Aresha is so fragile, so pitiful, so helpless, and can no longer bear any more torture."

"So I gave birth to a child for her, and I used this baby to carry the last goodness of Alessa." We sent the baby outside of Silent Hill, keeping her away from this purgatory world. "But now, the dream has woken up. And the people in the dream will also get a break."

For twenty years, those people have been deceiving their own souls.For twenty years he has always denied his own destiny.

"Now, the doomsday is coming, everything has come to the moment of judgment, and I will also reap the fruit that should belong to me." The evil spirit looked at Lin Yuanfei, smiling so sweetly and ferociously.

"The 21 sacraments will give us all our share!

'Whether it's Aretha, Yuki, or me, we'll all be rewarded!

The evil spirit's smile was so weird that Lin Yuanfei took a step back subconsciously.

Some forced a dry laugh, "You said Yuki was born by you?

You and Alyssa?Can you still be girls and girls?

This is so inconsistent with biology! However, the evil spirit obviously didn't want to answer Lin Yuanfei's mentally retarded question. She said to herself, "Nowadays, all of us have made our own choices.

"The next thing to do is to wait.

The evil spirit looked at Lin Yuanfei, smiled and said, "Lin Yuan-jun, wait and hope.

Lin Yuanfei snorted, "Wait? Wait, come on with me! I won't listen to you! What about Yuki? Where is she? You talked a lot... Yuki what? give me yuki

After confirming that the evil spirit did not intend to continue telling the story, Lin Yuanfei instantly possessed Li Yunlong, and spitting wildly at the evil spirit.If you don't hand over Yuki, you will die or I will die today. Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, and the evil spirit shook his head.

You shouldn't ask me for Yuki, because Yuki is not here with me, she has her own destiny to meet, and we just need to wait for her to finish everything before hearing the words of the evil spirit, Lin Yuanfei felt a thud in his heart .What do you mean? "Lin Yuanfei's face was a little ugly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

And the evil spirit's words made Lin Yuanfei's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

Yuki has already gone to the church to meet her destiny. For twenty years, those blind and foolish people have kept me out with their ridiculous beliefs, and I couldn't enter there. "But Yuki's arrival will start the ceremony of the 21 sacraments."

’Those blind and stupid people will surely catch Yuki and kill her, just like they hurt Aretha.

But this time is different. "

"Yuki accepted me, so when she dies, her resentment, her pain...all of these will turn into the most vicious dark rot

Eclipse everything around, and completely defeat that ridiculous place of belief.The entire Silent Hill will become our hunting ground.

Aretha and I will reap our share of the fruit.

"And you, after everything is over, will send you away as we agreed.

So you don't have to worry, you are safe now, we have no ill intentions towards you. "The evil spirit's smile made Lin Yuanfei's face turn livid.

'You forced Yuki to go to church to die?Just to complete the so-called 21 sacraments?Aretha wants to be resurrected?Use Yuki's life as a sacrifice

Although the 21 sacraments in this world seem to be different from the 21 sacraments he understands, Lin Yuanfei has already understood the hidden meaning in the words of the evil spirits.

He was a little startled, "Isn't Yuki your daughter? You sent her out to raise her so that she would come back today to die for you?

The evil spirit shook his head, "It's not like that, Hayashi Yuan-kun, Yuki is my daughter, but not Alesha's daughter.

"I am not Alessa, and Yuki is not Alessa's daughter. Akelessa gave her only a ray of human kindness. Other than that, Yuki's everything else is mine.

"So strictly speaking, Yuki is not Aresa's daughter.

Son, from the beginning to the end, she is just a [Daughter of the Devil]. The smile on the evil spirit's face was a bit weird, "The one you like is actually a demon." "Lin Yuanfei's face was livid, "Then since you are her mother, why do you force her to die like this?"Are all demons inhumane?

The evil spirit smiled innocently, "The devil has human nature, so is it still called a devil? What we need is just [satisfaction]. What I need is my share."

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