"As for Aretha... Her goodness has long been stripped away, leaving only the purest resentment and evil. Do you think she will give up her hope of liberation for an insignificant demon daughter?" The moment Ji dies, the blood of the Devil's Daughter will pollute the white land, and the last refuge of the blind and foolish people will disappear without a trace.I will turn into a sickle for harvesting and reap the fruits we have been waiting for for twenty years. "And Aretha will be reborn through the 21 sacraments and the sacrifice of the souls of all the dead in the church." This is the truth of everything

"This is our plan." The evil spirit looked at Lin Yuanfei and smiled happily, "And you can't destroy it. Unless you can kill all the living people in the church before us, so that the 21 sacraments cannot be opened.

But those who die in Silent Hill will turn into ugly resentment

to attack those who killed them. "Dozens of incarnations of evil thoughts flooded together, and any living person would be torn to pieces.

"What's more, the inner and outer worlds have already switched, and you are now enclosed in the inner world. With your current strength, it is impossible to cross that barrier and reach the outer world.

'You can't do anything now. "

"You can only stand here, quietly waiting for the final judgment to come and leave." Silent Hill has nothing to do with you in the past, and it will never have anything to do with you in the future. "

"All of this will become a fantasy dream in less than a day in your life.

"Now that I wake up from the dream, we will end together.

In the smile of the evil spirit, the burly and sturdy triangular head threw away Yuno in his hand, and walked over dragging the long and huge guillotine.

Standing coldly in front of Lin Yuanfei.

It seemed that once Lin Yuanfei made any move, he would brutally kill him.

The atmosphere in the hospital corridor was tense.

The world seems to be quiet.

Chapter 363 It's just a dream without me... Awakened.

A tear fell from the corner of Yuki's eye when she realized this.

In the gray sky, the world has returned to the quiet and peaceful world.

When she pushed open the door of the church, the whole world was quiet and the darkness that enveloped the entire Silent Hill went away in an instant.

In the gray sky, there is a never-ending snow of ashes slowly falling, like ashes floating in the sky.

No one saw the strange sight of the inner world entering the outer world in an instant.

Because when the girl pushed open the door of the church, in the eyes of those who turned their heads to look at the door, they could only see the bright outside world outside.

In that misty world, a pink-haired girl slowly walked in, like an angel coming out of a nightmare, beautiful and lovely.

However, when the believers in the church saw the girl's face,

They all screamed.

They screamed in panic, and some flinched back in horror.

Everyone, like lambs out of shape, scattered and hid in panic, curled up in a corner and shivered.

Only some of the more courageous people, although trembling all over, still yelled at the girl.

"Demons! Demons!

They screamed, "It's the devil! She looks exactly like the devil. Only the old woman in the purple dress turned her head and saw Yuki, she was a little surprised.

Then, realized something.

She looked at the human-shaped coke bundled on the ladder—that human-shaped coke was originally a lovely girl, but now she can no longer see her appearance as a human being. It was in this girl that some [evidence] was found , so she was burned as a witch.

Now seeing Yuki, Chris Bella immediately screamed

"It's her! She is the one who is the same as the devil!

"She's back! The demon is back!

"Once again, again! Come to the world with a cute and innocent face, trying to confuse us!

Chris Bella pointed at Yuki at the gate and screamed, "Catch her! This is the apocalypse! This is the final battle! Catch her! We can be saved!"

Hearing Chris Bella's screams, the cultists seemed to be encouraged and filled with courage.

They looked at each other, then stood up anxiously and cautiously walked towards Yuki.

However, Yuki didn't care about the hatred and panic of these people. She walked into the church calmly, with calm eyes, and walked straight to the wooden ladder on the left.

There, tied up was a weeping girl.

The round platform in the center of the church is full of firewood, and the burning flames have only recently burned a girl to charcoal.

And the girl named Takashiro Saya is hanging on the wooden ladder on the other side like that now, motionless, she can no longer see the appearance of a human being, just a piece of coke exuding a burnt smell.

The air was filled with a burnt smell, which made people frown.

But Yuki was calm.

She made her way through the tense crowd to the weeping woman

in front of the child.


The little girl who left Lin Yuanfei with Gaocheng Saya was crying like tears now, looking so helpless and terrified in this crazy crowd.

Watching Saya Takashiro being burned to ashes by the fanatical believers, and it will be her turn next, this kind of fear is too heavy for her now, and it has exceeded the range that a young girl can bear.

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