Lin Yuanfei murmured, "Anything that doesn't move, that's bastard." Smiling and raising his head, Lin Yuanfei looked at the triangular head in front of him and said

Big man, do you want to try Tianxiang Longshan?Free wholesale today Oh, but before Lin Yuanfei's knife was struck, the burly triangular head actually took a step back silently, walking silently without making a sound.Only the laughter of evil spirits suddenly sounded in the dark world.

"Lin Yuan-kun, you really don't understand human language...: Even if you kill it, it's impossible to see Yuki. "

'Did you not understand me?You are still in the inner world, but Yuki has already gone to the outer world. "

When the external and internal worlds switched, we were all stuck in the darkness, and Yuki was already in another dimension.

"What's more, even if I am willing to open the door for you, can you still kill the monsters on the way outside to reach the church? You don't think that the monsters in the entire Silent Hill are only at the end in front of you?

Amidst the evil spirit's laughter, she waved her hand lightly.

Then, the steel wall behind Lin Yuanfei was blown in by a cold gust of wind with a huge force.

Ear-piercing roars, one after another in the dark world. When the outer wall of the building was lifted off, Lin Yuan Feifei and the others were directly exposed to the outside air. On the long street behind them, there were countless hellworms densely packed. It squirmed like a tide, and everywhere in the field of vision were such terrifying and dense bugs.

That huge number has already overwhelmed everything in sight, and the entire street is full of hellworms like this.

And standing among these hellworms were hideous and ugly monsters one after another.

Those disgusting monsters crawling out of the depths of the most terrifying and deepest nightmares are distorted and ugly, and their bodies are full of disgusting auras. Every part of their ugly and hideous appearances goes against human aesthetics.

Even human beings with strange aesthetics can't have any good feelings for this group of disgusting monsters in front of them.

This is like a group of evil things crawling out of a nightmare, completely the embodiment of evil, without any beauty in the world.

When Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at them, those monsters were all roaring, roaring, and roaring wildly at Lin Yuanfei. The violent roars set off a huge sound wave and swayed in the entire dark world.

Lin Yuanfei, who was the first to bear the brunt, changed his face, subconsciously took a step back, his face was extremely ugly.

The monsters outside are only a rough estimate, there are no fewer than a hundred.

And this is only what he saw in his field of vision. In the darkness beyond his field of vision, there are unknown how many monsters like this are hidden.At this time, these monsters were all roaring and roaring, roaring wildly at Lin Yuanfei who was exposed to the air.

Seeing this spectacular scene, the evil spirit behind Lin Yuanfei laughed lightly.

"How is it? Lin Yuan-jun, do you feel hopeless?

"With your weak strength, how can you practice your ridiculous determination? If you rush into such a group of monsters, can you persist for even a minute?

So why resist?Your resistance is meaningless. "

The evil spirit smiled and said, "Your stubbornness at this time is nothing more than a meaningless death.

Amidst the laughter of the evil spirits, those monsters roared and roared, their spectacular roars were like thousands of troops, and the roars like a tsunami shook people's souls.

However, in the strong wind, Lin Yuanfei stood there in a daze, his hand holding the knife slowly lowered.


At the corner of his mouth, there was a weak and cold sneer.

"Meaning... What is meaning?" Is life meaningful?Death is pointless?

"I have been lonely since I was a child, working hard in the outside world alone, and I can't ask for more

· A meal full of food and clothing.Ordinary and vulgar, lingering on one's last breath, even if such a life is alive, what's the point?

Lin Yuanfei raised his head, looked at the dark side of Aretha, and smiled brightly

So this life has no meaning. "

"There is no point in living, and there is no point in dying.

"The only thing that can make me feel alive is this beating heart and this uncompromising mood!"

Lin Yuanfei's hand firmly grasped his heart, and as the heart was beating wildly, the veins on his forehead were throbbing violently, and his ferocious and furious expression was like a madman who wanted to devour others.Crazy roars resounded throughout the dark world.

I want to stand, then no one can make me kneel!Amidst Lin Yuanfei's crazy roar, the power of dreams spread in the void

Freddy's crazy laughter was mixed with Lin Yuanfei's roar, the howls of the two were like two crazy demons carnival, and also like a crazy symphony of hell with no tune at all.

Crazy and piercing.

The hysterical madness made people's scalp go numb.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Little samurai! Let's set off a grand firework! Hahahahahaha!!!"

Amidst the wild laughter of the evil spirits, the power of dreams spreads in the dark world.

While the evil spirit was trying to retreat, Lin Yuanfei roared and charged forward.

"Let's have a good time! Aretha! Let you see the pride of human beings!

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's sinister laughter, the silent triangular head had already

ps: The addition of 1200 blades will be available later

He and Lin Yuanfei worked together for the first time, making the world corrupted by the dream several times faster than before.

The astonished evil spirit seemed completely unaware that the rate of corrosion was so fast this time, that even if she learned a lesson, she was still dragged into this dream world.And Alesha, who was pressed on the rusty bed by Lin Yuanfei, was even more motionless, only the trembling of her eyelids and the panting of her chest revealed her restlessness.

The father of this girl who was exactly the same as Yuki should be an oriental, and her face is more characterized by oriental blood, with only a little mixed-race appearance.

But now, the beautiful face of this mixed race can no longer be seen.The disaster ten years ago had already taken away all her beauty.

The burns on her body were even worse than Freddy's. After the charred body barely recovered, new skin grew out, but it stuck to her body like a layer of smooth and disgusting snot. The sense of beauty, and even the appearance that humans should have are gone.

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