At this moment, she was lying there quietly, her body motionless, not even the thorn wires floating around the hospital bed moved, Lin Yuanfei's knife had already hit her retina

Lin Yuanfei only needs to move a little bit, at least her eyeballs will be gone, and with Lin Yuanfei's strength and the sharpness of Bellflower Fairy Dongyue, with just a slight push, the blade can completely penetrate her brain.

So she didn't dare to move, she could only watch Lin Yuanfei lying on top of her and laughing ferociously.

"Yes, I can't beat so many monsters outside. But so what? As long as I kill you, the world inside will collapse, and you are the core of Silent Hill! Kill you! It's over!

Lin Yuanfei's body was pierced by more than a dozen wires, and the most dangerous wire was only a few centimeters away from his heart.

If ordinary people suffered such serious injuries, they would have screamed in pain and dared not even move.

But at the critical moment of life and death, he still smiled grinningly, showing no signs of pain at all, as if he could no longer feel physical pain

Lin Yuanfei looked at the evil spirit on the side, and said, "How? I won the devil in the end!

However, facing Lin Yuanfei's temptation, Xie Ling shook his head.

"Lin Yuan-jun, you yourself know that it is impossible, even if you kill Aretha, the darkness of Silent Hill will not recede.Otherwise why don't you just do it?You just want to talk to me

"But it seems that I don't really need to hide it from you...

Looking at Lin Yuanfei in front of him, Xie Ling smiled strangely, "You are so good, so strong, so good that I can't help but fall in love with a good man like you. It would be a pity if he died here... Silence Everything in Lingling has long been doomed, and we are all just pawns at the mercy of fate.

"What you see is Alessa's evil, and only Alessa's evil. The real Alessa died the moment Yuki was born

"How can an incomplete human be called a human?" The evil spirit said with a smile, "It's very simple to end the darkness of Silent Hill and escape from all of this.You can end Aretha's evil, then Silent Hill, which has lost its carrier, will soon return to its original appearance, and this weird space will completely disappear and cease to exist. "But who can end her?

Aretha's evil is no longer human, she is the negative side of evil, the embodiment of hatred, if the hatred of Silent Hill has not ended, then she will never end.

"You killed her, she could be in the rest of Silent Hill soon

Reborn, no one can physically destroy her. "


The corner of the evil spirit's mouth curled up into a weird smile, "Someone eats her, eats this gathering of evil and hatred, to bear her evil, to bear her pain, to endure her hatred, that may end All the grievances."

"But... who in this world can do all this?" Only a legendary hero can carry such a huge amount of hatred and resentment without collapsing..." The evil spirit's smile seemed so Oddly her gaze is so directional and seductive.

So much so that Freddy yelled subconsciously.

"fuck! bitch shut up!"

However it was too late.

Before Freddy could stop the evil spirit from continuing, Lin Yuanfei had already stopped Freddy.

"I understand…

He lowered his head, looked at the ugly and dirty girl in front of him, stared at her eyes of hatred and hatred, and smiled a little coldly, "Bearing evil, right? I did it."

Freddy behind him wanted to stop him, but Lin Yuanfei had already pounced on him like a mad dog, crazily biting the ugly body beneath him

The disgusting and viscous touch softened in the throat, and the red and viscous blood was continuously poured into the body, but there was no feeling of fullness. Everything melted in the mouth, as if it had all evaporated and turned into something silky. Straight strands sneaked into Lin Yuanfei's body.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't seem to be aware of all this, he just crazily, crazily, crazily devoured the human body beneath him.

The crimson blood spattered, and the steel hospital bed fell slowly

Those tentacles suspended in the air like thorns and iron wires also fell down silently, as if they had lost their lives.

The weird sound of chewing and eating was like the second coming of the nightmare hell.Even a villain like Freddy shut up and said nothing.Only the smiling evil spirit stood aside, admiring all this happening, the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

Ahh... finally caught up.

Lin Yuanfei stood among the corpses in the church with a smile on his face, raised his head, looked at the dazed girl in front of him, and smiled brightly, "Yuki, I'm here to pick you up.

However, Yuki stared at him in a daze, stared at Lin Yuanfei in a daze

The blood-stained hair completely red.Tears welled up silently. "Lin Yuan-jun...your hair....

Amidst Yuki's crying, she tremblingly stroked Lin Yuanfei's hair with her fingers.

Where the finger touched, the red and sticky blood was wiped away by an invisible force, revealing the original hair color underneath.

The pale and dry hair, like the gray hair of an old man, gave people a strange feeling.

Not even hair, Lin Yuanfei who was standing in front of him was smiling but that smile looked so tired, so old, it seemed that he had aged several times in an instant.

The originally young boy now looks like a middle-aged uncle in his thirties, with wrinkles even appearing at the corners of his eyes.

The only thing that remains the same is Lin Yuanfei's incomparably bright smile, sunny and cheerful, forever young.

""To win, there is always a price to pay.

Lin Yuanfei gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Yuki's eyes, but smiled happily, "I am already very satisfied to win."

"But Lin Yuan-kun, your body..." Yuki cried, "Your body has obviously become like this, why can you still laugh! Lin Yuan-kun is such an idiot!

Hearing Yuki's cry, Lin Yuanfei was startled and then smiled softly.

Smiling contentedly.


It's because I have no regrets. Lin Yuanfei smiled and said: "I can safely rescue all of you, that's enough...

That gentle and satisfied smile, like an old man on his deathbed, is so gentle.

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