Like mottled old photos, frozen in memory.

Time seems to stand still at this moment.

Even the ever-falling ash in the Silent Hill sky was gone at this moment.

Darkness, go away completely.

The fourth volume of the story, "The Sand in the Heart" is over.

ps: The fourth volume of the story is finally finished, and I'm thinking about whether to make a summary.

When the fourth volume has just been written and the fifth volume has not yet started, write a summary with free chapters

After all, this book has nearly [-] words until now.

Along the way, I have been scolded, praised, seen a lot of suggestions, and heard a lot of voices. It is actually not easy to come now.

There are many things that I want to say.But in fact, even if there is, it will probably be tomorrow.

Don't be surprised if you see a bunch of free chapters with less than a thousand words tomorrow.It's not that I don't want to post it all at once, but Shuke doesn't have free chapters, and once it exceeds [-] words, I have to pay, so I can only distribute it several times.

The essays were written one by one after the fourth volume was completed, and the fourth volume has been written until now, and it is finally finished.

Recall that when the fourth volume first started, there was a lot of scolding.

And now it's finally over.

Twenty days have passed since I wrote the last chapter yesterday.

Twenty days, sixty-six chapters, the total number of words is almost 14w

Words, the update speed is not slow, but to be honest, it is not fast either.

The chapter of Silent Hill is a little stuck.

Because there are too few plot lines that can be used in this chapter, and there are very few characters that appear on the stage, which is completely different from the previous volumes, and the content is not the same.

In the previous volumes, people from various parties took turns to appear on stage, and various wraiths took turns to appear on stage. The plot was very compact, and there were many plots that could be expanded, so each volume was written quickly and contained more content (every volume before was written in two volumes). About [-] words), because new characters can be pulled out at any time to write many chapters, and it will not be boring to take turns.The volume of Silent Hill is actually Hayashi Yuanfei's solo show. As for the others, Gui Ye, Tomie, and Sato Akiko, who have been kicked out of the protagonist team in advance, have not appeared for more than a month.


The appearances of Toshiko Busujima, Angela, Saya Takagi, and Yuno my wife are nothing but embellishments like green leaves.

Takashiro Saya and Angela have almost no roles, and Yuno's roles add up to less than ten chapters, which are basically all stories of Lin Yuanfei alone, and even the presence of Busushima Luozi has become weak. It's just Lin Yuanfei's story, it's impossible for other characters to dominate.

In this kind of single-line copy, there are actually very few places that can be used, and the single-line plot is easy to write boringly, resulting in a decline in the reading experience, so the requirements for the author's writing skills are even higher.It is much more difficult to write this kind of single-line plot in a brilliant, interesting, and non-boring way than the previous hybrid dungeon plot.

So I was very careful when writing, and the arrangement of each plot was also very careful, neither adding redundant plots nor reducing necessary plots.Just writing it down tremblingly, it is really a bit strenuous to write.

But fortunately, now there is a beginning and an end, and a complete ending? (laugh)

The story of Silent Hill, at least the story of the last few chapters, was already determined when the book was first determined.

Yuki's line, I have been buried for a long time.When I started writing Chapter 1, I had already started deducing Silent Hill in my mind

The plot of this scene is over.

I think this is a great plot and a very h|gh picture.

A man carrying evil and walking forward with a heavy burden, standing among the corpses on the ground, smiling and reaching out to the crying girl. I think this scene is very good and very h|gh, so I wrote it like this.

In a sense, the more than [-] characters in the first chapters of this book are all for the climax of the last few chapters. Everything is just to lead to the plot of Silent Hill.

This is the tone that has been established since the beginning of the story Chapter 1, and it is also the plot that I have been looking forward to writing.

When I finally finished the last five chapters in one go, I let out a long breath, feeling a sense of loss.

The plot of the first stage is temporarily completed.

To be honest, it is actually a bit tiring to spread the foreshadowing and plot line so long.

But at least it's worth it.

The completion of the fourth volume has sublimated all my previous 77-word plots.When I finished writing the last chapter of the fourth volume, I even felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, as well as...a deep sense of exhaustion.

This feeling is probably the legendary sage mode, right?So much so that it has been unable to enter the codeword state today.

Although the brain has been constantly turning, it is constantly deducing the follow-up plot.

But inexplicably tired, inexplicably want to stop writing, want to go for a walk, want to see the night view, want to chat more with people around me.That feeling of burnout is the first time since writing this book.

In the next few days, I probably have to take a good rest and let go of my brain. There can't be too many updates.

Since Chapter 1, A Fei has been constantly exhausted and pushed to new waves by the plot.

In fact, outside of the story, I am also constantly exhausted. As a part-time author, I think it is still very hard for me to be able to do my current update.The first thing I do when I get home every day is to turn on the computer, and then I write until after twelve o’clock. I spend all my spare time coding, and I hardly do anything else.

Even when walking on the road, before going to bed, or in a car. As long as I am free, my mind is full of the next plot and pictures, and then my brain is constantly turning to deduce new plots. The entertainment life is almost 0. Daily maintenance Such a high-intensity codeword has been maintained for a full three months, and I feel that my body is almost empty.

Taking advantage of the time to finish writing the first stage, I plan to take a break for two days and write five or six thousand words a day.

As for the remaining blades, there are actually not many. After I rest for two days, I will let you know that there are not enough blades for me to eat.

As far as this book is written, the plot of the first stage has actually been written. Next, Lin Yuanfei will take a break and start a new story.

In my vision, this book should be divided into three stages.

The first stage is the process of Lin Yuan Feifei arriving for the first time, getting familiar with the situation in this different world, getting to know different people, and getting in touch with different wraiths and monsters.

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