"But what about Fu Jiang? Where is Fu Jiang? Where is Yan Ye? Why are you rushing to leave when you are so nervous? We still have to waste time in this McDonald's!" Lin Yuanfei shouted excitedly, "Yan Ye and Fu Jiang, I didn't see them at all!

In the world where the sky was getting darker, Lin Yuanfei and Du Dao Luozi stood facing each other at the door of McDonald's.

Seeing the extremely excited Hayashi Yuan-kun in front of him, Toshiko Busushima stared blankly, full of worry.

'Lin... Lin Yuan-kun, you bitch are a little uneasy, "∴...are you afraid?

Chapter 375 The Reflection in the Mirror (1800/5200)

are you afraid

The moment Lin Yuanfei heard this question, he was stunned.

He stood there in a daze, staring at the world in front of him,

Looking at the person in front of me, looking at the m in front of me, the whole person is at a loss, right... Am I... afraid?

What am I afraid of?

Obviously, all the ghost dungeons from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood have been brushed up. I didn't panic or fear when I ate Alesha's knife and chopped coconuts alive. Why are you so panic and fear now?

What is it because of Battlefield Syndrome?Persecution paranoia?

I was finally forced into a mental illness?

Damn... not so Lin Yuanfei swallowed, trying hard to calm down the panic in his heart.

He looked at Kishima Yako in front of him, trying to find the reason for his panic.

"Sister Poujima, can you tell me why we are here

Is McDonald's stopping here? "Lin Yuanfei asked, "Didn't you say it was urgent?It's so urgent that I can't wait for Yuki to come back and I have to leave quickly, why should I delay here.

Lin Yuanfei felt that this unreasonable development was the main reason for his panic.

Butujima Yuko said helplessly, "Because I don't know where Yan Ye is, we agreed to meet here, so we can only meet here...or I will call her and let her She hurry up?

With that said, Du Daozi took out his mobile phone and dialed it under Lin Yuanfei's gaze.

"Moses and Moses? Are you classmate Yan Ye? Where are you now? You'll be there soon? Okay, I see, I understand." After hanging up the phone, Kojima Kojima looked at Lin Yuanfei, "Lin Yuan-jun, Yan Ye The classmate said that she will be here soon. Let's wait here for a few minutes, she will be here soon.

"Oh fine…

Lin Yuanfei saw that the sincerity of Budao Shizi didn't seem to be lying, so he chose to believe her.

However, after standing in the night wind and waiting for a while, Lin Yuanfei still felt a little flustered.

Damn...what the hell is going on?Why do I always feel that something is wrong?

But Lin Yuanfei couldn't tell what was wrong, but since he left the hospital, he felt that everything was wrong.

And what does Yuno's mouth shape mean when she leaves the ward?

Sarah?farewellWhat farewell?What is Yuno going to do?

Also, if you think about it carefully, you haven't seen Yuki since you woke up.

After realizing this, Lin Yuan Feifei frowned, and suddenly understood something.

That's right!Yuki!Even since Yuki woke up, Lin Yuanfei has never seen Yuki.But what Du Shimako said sounds reasonable

, There is nothing wrong with it, but when you think about it carefully, there are too many things that are wrong.

First, Yuki will go out to have dinner with Koko Busujima,

Then left the comatose Lin Yuanfei and the seriously injured sister Yuno in the ward unattended?

The normal operation should be that two people take turns to eat, right?

However, such a well-behaved and sensible girl like Yuki, coupled with such a gentle and virtuous Yamato Nadeko from Toshishimako, the two girls, who are good wives and loving mothers, went out for dinner together at the same time, and left Lin Yuanfei and Yuno in the ward Don't care?

This is totally wrong!

In particular, Kishima Yako actually came back from eating early and left Yuki at the restaurant, which was even more wrong.

Since the two went out together, they should come back together, right?What's wrong with Poshishima Shoko coming back by himself?I can't understand it at all!

It is impossible for Kishima Yako to be such an impolite person, this behavior is so weird no matter how you look at it.

In addition, although Ruko Busujima has been emphasizing that they are in a hurry and must leave immediately, they cannot stay in the hospital and wait for Yuki, but now they run to McDonald's to blow the cold wind...Damn it!Is it really urgent that it will look like this?

Lin Yuanfei stood under the light of the street lamp and was silent for a while, before speaking

"Can...can you use your phone for a while?" Lin Yuanfei asked tentatively.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's request, Du Dao Shouzi easily agreed.

No problem. Does Mr. Lin Yuan want to call someone? "Poison Island asked in confusion, and at the same time handed the phone to Lin Yuanfei.

After Lin Yuanfei answered the phone, he said with a smile, "I want to call Yuki...do you have her number in your phone?

While Lin Yuanfei was speaking, he carefully looked at the body of Toshiko Busushima.


However, Kiba Kishima looked normal, and there was nothing unusual about hearing Yuki's name.

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