She said, "It's in the call log, Lin Yuanfei, just call back.

Lin Yuanfei was puzzled by Du Dao Yazi's calm reaction... Could it be that he was thinking too much?

But out of some uneasiness, Lin Yuanfei still dug out the phone call records, and then looked at a bunch of pseudonyms on the call records, uh... Which is Yuki's name? " Lin Yuanfei asked with some embarrassment.

It really hurts not to understand Japanese!Why is the language system loaded after traversing, but the text system is not loaded?This kind of semi-literate treatment is too much, but Du Daozi has become accustomed to Lin Yuanfei's illiterate reaction

She walked over directly and pointed to one of the call records.

This is Yuki," said Du Daozi with a smile, and Lin Yuanfei pressed the call button.

After about a few seconds, Yuki's confused voice rang from the other end of the phone

"Moses, Moses? Busujima-senpai? What's the matter?

The moment he heard Yuki's voice, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.Yuki's voice, is it normal?No violent reaction at all?Is it really all because I think too much?

Lin Yuanfei stood there blankly for two seconds, until Yuki on the other end of the call urged him several times in confusion.

'Moses Moses?Bujima-senpai?Are you listening? Oh, I, I'm listening," Lin Yuanfei quickly replied, "It's me, Yuki, I'm Lin Yuanfei.

Yuki on the other end of the phone was extremely surprised.

Huh?Mr. Lin Yuan?Is there a problem?Why is it you? "Yuki asked in surprise, "Didn't you go to Yan Ye with your senior sister?"Have you seen Fu Jiang?

"Uh... this." Lin Yuanfei turned his head a little guilty, and laughed dryly.

Damn, how do I answer this question?

Could it be that I started to doubt my teammates suspiciously?

Smiling awkwardly, Lin Yuanfei turned around and didn't dare to look at Du Daozi's face.

He stood at the gate of McDonald's, turned around and looked at the glass exterior wall of McDonald's, and sighed.

'Not yet, we're waiting here for Yan Ye, we should have to wait a while to see Yan Ye, right?

As Lin Yuanfei said, he subconsciously looked at the inside of McDonald's

Under the illumination of the street lights at night, Lin Yuanfei's body reflected on the glass a burly muscular man who was on the phone.

However, the expression on Lin Yuanfeifei's face was different. The man in the mirror was standing there holding up his mobile phone, looking at Lin Yuanfei with an incomparably sinister smile.

At that moment, the moment he looked at his own reflection in the mirror, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Mom... Mom!what's going on?Another moth?

He suddenly collected himself, and looked at the glass outer wall again.

However, the figure reflected on the tempered glass outer wall stood there stupidly, staring at Lin Yuanfei with his eyes wide open.

The weird smile from before seemed to have completely disappeared.

Lin Yuanfei stared at it for more than ten seconds, but there was no abnormality in the reflection in the glass. It seemed that the weird smile before was really just an illusion.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head in a daze, and looked at Du Daozi beside him.

"Senior Poison Island, did you see it just now?" Lin Yuanfei tried to find the approval of his companions, "Did you see anything wrong just now?

Butushima Yako looked at him in confusion, "What's wrong? Mr. Lin Yuan, did you find anything unusual again?

uh... no?Maybe it's just my eyesight? Lin Yuan Feiqian put down the phone with a smile, turned his head to look at the glass of McDonald's again, and looked at himself in the mirror.

The face is blank.

He looks normal in the mirror.

The eerie and weird smile before was no longer seen.

It seems that everything is just an illusion for a moment.

Only Lin Yuanfei stood outside the McDonald's with a dazed face, looking at the glass with a look of bewilderment, what the hell...won't I really become mentally ill?

Chapter 376 Is It Wrong to Laugh (Fourth Update 2000/5200)

The cool night wind rushed towards him.

Lin Yuanfei stood at the McDonald's takeaway, staring blankly at his own reflection in the glass.

The brows were tightly frowned, and behind the glass he was staring at, the young couple didn't dare to breathe. The girl grabbed the dinner plate nervously, and murmured in a low voice with a pale face.

That... that guy is staring at us!Yingsuke, what shall we do?

The girl has been scared to death.

Opposite her, her little boyfriend's face was also pale.

With his back facing Lin Yuanfei's direction, he felt a cold and cruel gaze staring at him, as if he was looking up and down on how to kill him most happily.

That scorching sight almost scalded him.

Swallowing, the boy named Yingsuke tried his best to maintain a calm expression, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, there are so many people here and that guy dare not do anything to us! Don't worry, Xing-chan, no matter what

No matter what happens, I will protect your boy and try his best to maintain his heroic appearance, but the trembling voice feels a little funny no matter how you listen to it.

It's just that the girls seem to feel at ease just hearing this weak guarantee.

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