She let out a long breath, and subconsciously grabbed the boy's hand with a moved expression on her face.

'Yingsuke! "The girl was so moved that she was about to cry, "You are the best

The boy was stunned for a second, seeing the girl actively grabbing his hand, and suddenly realized that this was an opportunity to gain favor.Looking at the face of the girl in front of him, the boy's fear suddenly receded a lot.

He nodded seriously, and said very seriously, "Don't worry, Xing-chan, no matter what happens, even if it's the end of the world, I will never let Xing-chan suffer...

There was a muffled sound, and the glass behind the boy shook violently.

For a moment, the expression on the boy's face became stiff.

Then, he heard the man's whispered growl.

"Come out if you have the ability!"

Lin Yuanfei looked at his own reflection in the mirror and growled angrily.

His own reflection growled coldly. "If you don't come out again, wait for me to go in and invite you?

At that moment, the boy named Yingsuke felt that his whole body had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was icy cold.

This... is this guy really coming after me?No!

And the little girlfriend opposite him looked at him in panic, with a look of horror, "Ying. Yingzhu!"

The boy lowered his head and hesitated for a few seconds, then suddenly took out his mobile phone, and quickly dialed the alarm number with trembling fingers.

"Moses Moses? The police? I'm in the McDonald's in Mihara Town, and now there's a vicious underworld outside with a knife trying to kill me! Help! Come here quickly!

The boy shouted into the phone with a terrified expression, his voice was very loud, as if he wanted to scare away the evil spirits outside through such a voice.

After all, even the underworld would not dare to slash people with a knife so blatantly, would they?

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei outside didn't notice what the young couple behind the glass were shouting at all.

He just stared at his own reflection in the glass, all his attention was attracted.

Still nothing unusual, frowning, looking at his own reflection in the glass with a gloomy face

, Lin Yuanfei had a murderous expression on his face.

What the hell is going on?I really see flowers?

isn't it...

In an ordinary and peaceful world, it would be acceptable to say that I am delusional, but in such a world where resentful spirits crawl everywhere and crises hide everywhere, you tell me that I am delusional just for a moment?

Why am I so unbelievable?

Behind Lin Yuanfei, Du Daozi had already walked not far away, it seemed that Yan Ye had already arrived here, and she went to pick her up.

Lin Yuanfei stood alone in front of the glass with a gloomy face, and said to himself.

"If you don't come out again, I will be impolite, you bastard. Don't think I didn't see it, you just laughed!

Hearing this sentence, the little boy behind the glass wanted to cry but had no tears. that so?I laughed?All this guy wants to kill me?

But what's wrong with me laughing?Is it wrong to laugh?Why did you kill me just by smiling? The boy looked at his little girlfriend in panic, with a panicked look on his face

If it weren't for the man's face-saving restraint, he would have wanted to tell the girl that we should run away.

But now this sentence is stuck in my throat, but I can't say it.

And will the underworld be stimulated when they see them get up and run away?

Now that guy is standing outside without moving, it's okay to just speak harshly, if it irritates the other party, he will rush in with a knife in his hand to save his life!I don't want to die yet!

The boy had a frightened expression on his face, and he was completely terrified.

No matter how suave and suave a handsome guy is in school on weekdays, when faced with this kind of real viciousness, most of them are sympathetic.

And Lin Yuanfei still stood outside the glass wall staring at his own reflection in the mirror, and said with a gloomy expression.

Still won't come out?Since you dare to provoke me, then come out and fight upright!What kind of skill is hiding?

In the room, the little boy who was about [-] meters tall was extremely pale.

Has the underworld been this fierce these days?A smile is a provocation... I am wronged!I really didn't mean that!

The boy looked desperate.

At this moment, a police car was approaching from the other side of the street at high speed with its siren blaring.

The moment he heard the siren, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Eh?What happened?

Lin Yuanfei turned around, watched the police car parked outside McDonald's, and looked curiously at the group of policemen coming down from it, confused.

A case happened here?Why are these policemen running here in such a good manner?

Lin Yuanfei didn't understand.

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