Chapter 377 Police Comrade (Fifth Watch 2200/5200)

Japanese police is a very good job for Moses Roy.

Of course, from many points of view, most of the Japanese government civil servants are Oh Moses Roy.

After all, the style of painting in Japan is different from that of most countries. The national characteristics are so strong that they are so unique that even most government officials look like comedians.

Of course, this may also have a lot to do with the inability of the Japanese government to hold the vast majority of power in one word.

Not to mention those big capitalists and super big families, even gangsters like the Yamaguchi-gumi can wrestle with the government, plus the Japanese superficial politeness of nodding and bowing when they see people, you think this group of civil servants can't be harmonious star?

So when the group of policemen passed by Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei didn't feel threatened at all.

He just stood on the side holding his hands, watching the group of police officers walk into the McDonald's like watching the scene, and then the group of police officers seemed to chat with a table of young couples.

They're chatting and they're pointing this way...uh

Is this referring to me?

Lin Yuanfei froze for a second, then subconsciously grabbed the handle of the knife.Then the next second, he moved his hand away with an embarrassed expression.

Damn... is this a conditioned reflex?Want to draw a knife when you feel danger?

No way, this habit is very dangerous!If he couldn't control it another day, wouldn't he inadvertently hack and kill a few innocent passers-by?

Lin Yuanfei was suddenly worried.

He realized that he might have a psychological or spiritual problem. After all, he had been terrified and suspicious since he left the hospital, but now that he thought about it carefully, everything was normal again.

If there are really ghosts causing trouble, why wait until now.

The vengeful spirit that can make trouble is nothing more than Sadako Yamamura. Now that Sadako Yamamura hasn't even appeared yet, he's getting jittery here. It really won't work like this.

Being so jittery and frightened, not to mention wasted my energy, and made me look like a psychopath... No, no, I have to calm down and stop writing like this.Everything is normal, everything is normal, no problems, no problems, no problems

Lin Yuanfei patted his cheek vigorously, trying hard to calm down his mood.

And at this moment, the few policemen had pushed open the door of McDonald's and walked out.

A few policemen approached politely, "Mr. Smymasai, may I excuse you?

The leading policeman smiled and looked extremely amiable. The knife you are carrying seems to be a bit out of order.Can we have a look at your ID? "Oh, you said the knife, no problem, I have a knife certificate," Lin Yuanfei said, pointing to the Mercedes-Benz, and said, "My knife certificate is in the car, wait a minute, I'll get it for you Take a look.

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei opened the rear door of the Mercedes-Benz under the watchful eyes of several policemen, leaned half his body in and began to rummage in his backpack

Two minutes later, Lin Yuanfei withdrew the knife certificate and handed it to the police.

Here, this is my knife certificate, but the police took a look at the knife certificate and said, "Hmm... Mr. Hayashi Yuan, right? We received the police, it seems that you want to have a dispute with a certain young man, may I ask you thing?

Lin Yuanfei looked confused, "Huh? Got into a fight with a young man?

When did this happen?I have been standing here without talking to anyone, how can I argue with people?Did you make a mistake? Lin Yuanfei felt that he was wronged, that disaster had come from heaven.

And these policemen looked at each other, and they also looked helpless.After all, Lin Yuanfei really didn't do anything, but this year he talked about catching thieves and getting dirty

Several policemen could only turn their heads at the same time, looking in the direction of McDonald's, and then, to their surprise, the two young men who called the police had disappeared.

The policemen were stunned for a second, then hurried back to the McDonald's and questioned the remaining customers.

But he was told that the two young men had already run away. In the end, several policemen came back with embarrassing expressions, and apologized to Lin Yuanfei, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin Yuan, maybe we made a mistake and Lin Yuanfei was magnanimous. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you have worked hard to maintain law and order, go home and rest, Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to bully these cops, he wished they would run away quickly.

This group of police officers were all accompanied by guns and batons, giving Lin Yuanfei a kind of

A sense of threat like a thorn in the back.

He always felt that this group of policemen might take off their hats and turn into evil spirits in the next second, and then draw their guns and shoot him!I can't think, I can't think, everything is normal, there is no problem at all, everything is normal, I can't think too much, I can't think too much.

Lin Yuanfei wriggled his lips and murmured, crazily hypnotized and the policemen were bewildered, not knowing what Lin Yuanfei was whispering in a low voice.

One of the policemen subconsciously reached out and patted Lin Yuanfei's shoulder, extremely confused, "Mr. Lin Yuan, you... um, the policeman's hand patted the gap on Lin Yuanfei's shoulder, and Lin Yuanfei drew his knife out of its sheath reflexively.

Amidst the icy buzzing, Lin Yuanfei's knife stopped half a centimeter in front of the policeman's neck.

That cold edge seemed to have touched the policeman's skin, making the policeman get goosebumps all over his body.

The shadow of death enveloped the policeman with a frightened expression.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.At the same time, Lin Yuanfei was also sweating coldly.

Depend on!What's the reaction?If it weren't for his instant reaction

Come over and brake in time, the policeman has his head moved.

And the remaining three policemen all subconsciously drew their guns and aimed at Lin Yuanfei.

The situation at the gate of McDonald's changed instantly.

Standing in the middle, Lin Yuanfei pinched the policeman's shoulder with his left hand, and drew a knife across the other's neck with his right hand, looking like a thug holding hostages.

The remaining three policemen all pointed their guns at him, and the leading policeman shouted in panic, "Don't move! Let him go! If you move again, we will shoot you!"

The originally relaxed and harmonious atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Lin Yuanfei stood in the middle of the three policemen, looking at the three black muzzles aimed at him, he smiled forcedly.

Um... can everyone put the guns down first? "Lin Yuanfei said with cold sweat all over his head, "This is a misunderstanding... This is a misunderstanding.Comrade police, I really didn't want to do it, it was an accident!

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