However, after hearing this name, the group of policemen panicked even more.

"Comrade? You are the Red Army?" The policemen yelled in horror. Seeing the frightened appearance of these policemen, Lin Yuanfei almost slapped himself... Shouting "comrade" in Japan, isn't it courting death?

ps: Speaking of it, why are you guys as frightened as Lin Yuanfei when it is clearly a daily and relaxed plot?

Could it be that you, like Lin Yuanfei, suffered from post-war psychological syndrome (laughs).

Also, someone asked me why I didn't write about the daily life I promised... I was speechless. I think the current plot is very ordinary.

Of course, these are not the main points, and I am not angry if someone is dissatisfied.But some people scolded me and asked me why I didn't write about my daily life, which I couldn't bear.I have been trying my best to squeeze out the moisture in the plot, not to describe redundant things, and to keep the plot compact, just to hope that everyone will have a good reading experience.

But now someone scolds me for water... This is very helpless.What is water?The plot that doesn’t suit you is called water?Do not fight monsters to upgrade is water?Do you know what water is?You want me to write about daily life, and call me watery, so how can I be both non-watery and daily?

That Shuke|d【Primary School Student】reader friend, may I trouble you to teach me how to write a plot that is both boring and everyday?

(shrugs) Finally, if you feel that such a daily life is boring, you can leave a message in the book review area and tell me what kind of daily life you want to see, and I will refer to it as appropriate.

After all, everyone has such a big opinion, and I am also a little helpless.


The last, the last, five more tomorrow

Chapter 378 I am not a terrorist Red Army

Chapter 378 I am not a terrorist Red Army, I am a well-known group in the history of Japan in the last century. The Red Army believes in gcism and mzd ideology, and regards Chairman Mao as their spiritual leader.

However, it is a pity that in the tide of development of the times, there are always reasons of one kind or another that make things gradually deteriorate. It is difficult to strictly define who is sorry for what happened in those years, but the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and Nixon's visit to China, this matter is very important to Japan. It is undoubtedly a major blow to the army.

Coupled with the Red Army's extreme and rude behavior, strictly speaking, the Japanese Red Army is no longer a true gcist. They have been identified as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, hijacking planes, occupying embassies, and sending oil to refineries. Throwing incendiary bombs, preparing to assassinate the emperor... A series of terrorist activities can be said to have shaken the entire era in Japan.

In addition, the Red Army and the Japanese left wing are not the same people. The Red Army is a radical force split from the Japanese Communist League.The series of terrorist activities carried out by the Red Army in the twentieth century have made them become rivals with Italy's Red Brigade and Northern Ireland.

An international terrorist organization with the same reputation as the Irish Republican Army.

However, although the Red Army is notorious, in fact, there are still many people in Japan who understand them and sympathize with them.

The most obvious of these is that most of the Japanese entertainment circles have a good impression or sympathy for the Red Army.

It can even be said that many of the early Japanese cartoonists were the "remnants" of the Red Army.

However, most civilians' understanding of the Red Army basically stops at the definition of a terrorist organization.

That's why the policemen in front of Lin Yuanfei were so frightened.

Although the Red Army has been destroyed for many years, its notoriety still spreads |

If it was just a simple sentence of "comrade", this group of policemen might not have thought about the Red Army.

But Lin Yuanfei was calling them comrades while drawing a knife to hold the hostages. This terrorist act scared the few policemen present out of their wits in an instant.

stop!Let go of Maeda! "The leader of the police shouted with a terrified expression and sweating profusely, "You remnant of the Red Army!If you dare to kill, you will never be able to escape. The three policemen all pointed their guns at Lin Yuan Feifei. The trembling muzzle of the gun seemed likely to go off at any time, which made Lin Yuanfei feel a little panicked.

Hey Hey hey!calm!Calm down!

Lin Yuanfei said with a troubled face, "This is a misunderstanding... It's really just a misunderstanding! I am not the Red Army, let alone a terrorist, I am a good citizen! A real good citizen! Don't get excited!

Lin Yuanfei really climbed up these policemen and fired a gun in excitement, then the matter will be really difficult. When the yellow mud falls off his crotch, it will be shit or shit. Could it be that his daily life has not officially started, and he is about to set foot on the Japanese Wanted by the government?


Lin Yuanfei huddled behind the policeman in his hand, using the policeman as a shield while saying.

"Mr. Police, I am not the Red Army, really! Please believe me! I am willing to cooperate with your investigation and promise that I will never do anything. Can you put down your guns first? If the gun goes off, it will be very dangerous!

The three policemen all looked at him in a panic and shouted loudly.

'You put down the knife first, then let go of Maeda!We promise not to shoot!

Lin Yuanfei looked troubled - I'm really not a terrorist, why do you insist on treating me as a terrorist?Japanese police are too neurotic, right?

At this time, Toshiko Busujima, who had been away for a while, finally rushed away.

come back.

She was dumbfounded when she saw the scene of Lin Yuanfei confronting the scout in front of her.

"Lin... Mr. Lin Yuan? What are you doing?" Du Dao Zouzi looked at Lin Yuanfei holding hostages with a look of astonishment.

And beside Du Dao Yazi, there was a little girl whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Gui Yanye, Lin Yuanfei's silly apprentice.

Although calculating carefully, excluding the day and night when Lin Yuanfei was in a coma, the two of them would only have seen each other for a day.

Now seeing Du Dao Jianzi and Gui Yanye appearing at the same time, Lin Yuanfei could only pinch the policeman's neck, and said with a dry smile, "Senior sister, Yanye, can you explain to me? These policemen are a little excited They have already regarded me as a terrorist. I am afraid that if I let go, they will be beaten into a sieve by them!

Strictly speaking, even if the three policemen did shoot, Lin Yuanfei would still be able to get away with it.

It's just that once the three policemen really shoot, it will probably become a criminal case.

If another mentally retarded police station directly defines the incident as a terrorist attack and arrests Lin Yuanfei as a remnant of the Red Army, then the Japanese Lin Yuanfei will basically not have to wait.

And Du Dao Shizi obviously also saw Lin Yuanfei's hesitation and entanglement, she sighed wordlessly, stood where she was, and faced the man named

The head of the police shouted.

"Officer, can we have a chat? My friend is actually not a bad person, but he may have some mental problems recently, but I promise he has no malicious intentions. Can you put the gun away first? I promise he won't run away Also won't do it.

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