There is only one kind of elegance and calmness in Kishima Kibako, and the unquestionable temperament of a noble lady.

To put it in a very vulgar way, it means a strong aura and the breath of a superior person.

In a country with a strict hierarchy like Japan, it is not just a cat or a dog who can cultivate this kind of aristocratic temperament.

The policeman looked at Kishima Yako's calm and calm appearance, and subconsciously looked up at Kishima Kibako.

Faced with Kishima Kibako's suggestion, the policeman hesitated for a few seconds and gritted his teeth.

Put your guns down, everyone! "

Following the order of the boss, the remaining two policemen also put down their guns

Only then did Du Dao Yazi look at Lin Yuan Feifei, but she didn't need to speak. At the same time as the three policemen put down their guns, Lin Yuanfei had already let go of the policeman named Maeda, put the knife back into its sheath, and stood there with an innocent face I told you I'm not a terrorist, why don't you believe me?


As soon as Lin Yuanfei let go, Maeda ran away in panic.

The remaining three policemen carefully surrounded Lin Yuanfei, and the leading policeman looked at Du Daozi.

"Miss, can you come with us for a while?" said the leading policeman, "Your friend, we are going to take it back to the police station for investigation, and you should also make a record together. Assaulting the police on the street, this kind of thing You can't just pretend it didn't happen." Sister Busushima smiled reservedly and elegantly, "No problem, we can leave now.

Said Ye Ze took the initiative to stand up and said to Lin Yuanfei very seriously.

"Shijiang, don't worry, I will send my mother to the police station to rescue you right away."

Lin Yuanfei was a little moved by the serious expression on the little girl's face, but at the same time he was a little... oh... the evil capitalism, it's fun to have money and power.

Even after hearing Gui Yanye's confident words, the policemen's attitude towards Lin Yuanfei became a lot more humble, and they didn't dare to be presumptuous at all.

Mr. Hayashi Yuan, can you give us your knife first? "The leading policeman said with a humble smile, like a pug.

But when facing Du Dao Yazi, Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed.He said with a thousand smiles, "Conditional reflex... It's okay, senior sister, you don't know what I have experienced these days. I have been able to chop people and monsters smoothly. Whenever I encounter a crisis, I will subconsciously draw my knife. That policeman At that time, he patted me on the shoulder from behind without saying a word. I was very restrained in not beheading him in an instant. Hundreds of people have been killed.

This is not counting the zombies and monsters that were hacked to death.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Du Dao Yazi, very helpless, "I feel like I'm going crazy... I'm suspicious every day, and I always feel that anyone who comes out on the street may turn into a monster and attack me. Why don't you lock me in the room It’s better to stay here for a few days, prepare some game comics for me, let me stay at home for a few days and slowly reflect?

Lin Yuanfei made a very sincere suggestion. After all, he also noticed that he was abnormal. This kind of post-war traumatic stress syndrome is really a troublesome thing.

Staying in that kind of dangerous environment every day, the whole person is used to the kind of crisis where the spirit is tense and draws a knife at any time. Suddenly throwing him among ordinary people in peace and daily life, Lin Yuanfei felt a little panicked.

All he saw before were a group of monsters, surrounded by all kinds of ghosts and ghosts.At that time, he hoped that he would live a peaceful life.

Live, there are more normal people around you, so you don't have to worry about being scared anymore

However, now that he has started to live a peaceful life, surrounded by all kinds of ordinary people, he is even more comfortable.

Because he always felt that any living person on the street could turn into a monster and attack him in the next second. When he saw a glass mirror, he felt that a ghost would jump out of the mirror and attack him.

The calmer the environment around him, the more panic he felt. He always felt that this was a harbinger of the coming rain. The next second, the appearance of peace and security would be torn apart. Wraiths, ghosts and monsters all roared and roared from the corner. Climb out from inside... Hiss!I can't think about it any more, I'm going to go crazy.

Lin Yuanfei covered his head with a pained expression on his face.

"Really, senior sister, find a room and let me stay alone for a while

Lin Yuanfei said very seriously, "Let me stay alone for a while, and when I adjust my mentality, then everything will be normal." Budao Yazi looked at him, speechless.

Let's go see a psychiatrist," said Poshima Gouko seriously, "Lin Yuan-kun, even someone like me who doesn't know much about psychology knows that you can't choose to escape from this situation.You have to deal with it head-on and work hard to adjust your mentality to return to normal. "

"You are such a brave man, even so many wraiths and evil spirits have failed to make you surrender, why do you want to escape now?" Busujima Saiko said softly

Said, "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side. Even if the whole world turns into a monster and betrays you, I will never become a monster."

"Lin Yuan-kun, you can trust me completely, oh me," Du Daozi smiled softly.

That gentle and charming smile is so sweet that it makes people intoxicated, but Lin Yuanfei smiled dryly and took a step back.

mmmm...But speaking carefully, Bushimako is so good, has such a good figure, such a great personality, an absolute good wife and mother, and just happens to be the type I like, why should I reject her?

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin and began to think about it.

Anyway, who is not going to go up, and I am not the impotent male protagonist in the manga, so I go up if I like it.Even if they broke up for one reason or another at that time, what loss would he have to lose as a big man?

No matter what you think, he doesn't seem to have a reason to reject Busujima, right? Lin Yuanfei raised his head and looked at Busujima, seeing her gentle smile, and...that plump and huge breasts, hot and sexy figure

Lin Yuanfei swallowed subconsciously.

At this time, Bushima Yazi was very close to him, and when he raised his head, he even felt that the heavy fruit was about to press down on his face.

Seeing such a magnificent mind at such a close distance, Lin Yuan Feifei felt that he even smelled a little frankincense... Bah!It's not breast-feeding, where does the frankincense come from?The psychological effect of the cliff is at work.

Lin Yuanfei shrunk back subconsciously, with an expression of fear of being surprised by Du Dao's chest.

So what, Bujima-senpai, this is a big crowd, can we distance ourselves a bit? "Lin Yuan Feiqian said with a smile, "You are so close, it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

However, seeing Lin Yuanfei's awkward reaction, Du Dao Yuzi not only didn't retreat, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She silently took another step forward, squatted down halfway, smiled and looked at Lin Yuanfei, who was close at hand, and exhaled a warm breath on Lin Yuanfei's face, and looked at Lin Yuanfei, who instantly blushed. He laughed softly, "Lin Yuan-jun's ears are very red... what? Is it hot in here? Do you want someone to untie your collar for you to breathe?

Toshiko Busushima licked her lips seductively, gently caressed Lin Yuanfei's collar with her white right hand, and pressed it lightly.

The soft words, like the seductive whispers of a succubus, rang softly in Lin Yuanfei's ears.

Hee hee... Lin Yuan-jun, your face is also red.So you

so hot?It made people feel a little hot

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