Damn... this pile of pits won't explode anytime soon, right?

Behind Lin Yuanfei, Du Dao Jianzi found a seat and sat down, while Gui Yanye went to bring the teapot and serve tea.

One cup per person, very polite and comprehensive, even Fu Jiang got a cup of clear tea.

But he pretended not to see the cup of tea in front of Lin Yuanfei, let alone drink it.

Don't you know that you can't drink the tea of ​​a sickly girl indiscriminately?Be careful to wake up and find that everything has been "solved"!

After Fu Jiang struggled to get up, he rubbed his stomach with some unhappiness, and said, "My dear, you are so cruel, you don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all... In fact, there is indeed a very important thing that people called you over. "Fu Jiang said, looked at Lin Yuanfei very seriously, and said, "I have had enough of being a prisoner, I want to be with my dear, I want to go for a walk! I want to travel! I want to enjoy Real life! And my dear, you must be with me! I don't want to be such a prisoner anymore!" After Fu Jiang said these words, the living room was silent for a few seconds.

Lin Yuanfei took a look at Du Dao Lizi, saw Du Dao Zi taking a sip of tea, and shook his head—this Du Daozi looked like a stupid roe deer with no experience in the world, and he dared to drink sickly tea Don't die.

Impatiently digging his ears, Lin Yuanfei looked at Fu Jiang.

"You want to go out? Want to travel? Do you need me to accompany you?

Lin Yuanfei suspected that he heard it wrong, "You dare to make such a stupid [beep] request... Are you stupid [beep]?

Lin Yuanfei's disgust was clear at a glance, but Fu Jiang was a little unhappy at once, "Honey, you really don't understand how girls like you... At this time, is it time to say such things?" Fu Jiang said, "You should bargain with me, and then we Bargaining with you again, we argue with each other, bargain with each other, compromise with each other, quarrel with each other, and reconcile with each other, this is the wonderful taste of love...My dear, why are you always so elm-headed?It makes people very unhappy!

Fu Jiang has a helpless look of hating iron but not steel.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes when he heard it, "Happy you, uncle, have you watched too many Qiong Yao dramas? God, love is like this... If love is really such a boring thing, then I would rather be single and play games for the rest of my life." Facing Lin Yuanfei's words Outright disgusted, Fu Jiang sighed helplessly, and finally said.

"Well, since my dear is so incomprehensible, let me tell you the most necessary request directly. Fu Jiang rarely got serious and said, "I really don't like it."

This is the day of being a prisoner every day, so my dear, you must let me go out for a walk, take a walk, and let me relax every day, not to mention that even a prisoner has time to go out and relax, right?Not to mention me... My dear, don't you think so?If you shut him up at home every day, he will be very sad

Fu Jiang said pitifully.

Lin Yuanfei thought for two seconds, then nodded.

All right, as long as you wear a veil so that no one can see your face, and promise not to run around or mess up things, I will take you out for a walk when I have free time.

Lin Yuanfei's understated expression seemed to be saying that he would go out for a walk with the dog after being investigated.

Fu Jiang blinked, very happy.

That person will be your dear bitch from now on~~" Fu Jiang's coquettish chuckle made his heart itch, "My dear, remember to take her out for a walk every day. "

Chapter 383 The flamboyant meat X device (four more 2600/5


In the living room, Lin Yuanfei agreed to take Fu Jiang out for a stroll, and Du Daozi frowned.

She looked at the flirtatious two people in front of her, sighed softly, and said Lin Yuanjun, "Budao Shizi said seriously, "Do you really want to take Fu Jiang out to go shopping?You have to know that the fatal attraction of this monster to men, if one is not careful, it is very likely.

The eyes of Ruko Busujima were full of worry.

But Lin Yuanfei glanced at her, and before he could speak, Fu Jiang who was beside him cursed angrily.

To shut up!You skittish big breasted bitch!

Fu Jiang pointed at Du Dao and scolded, "I've endured you for a long time! Every day, I'm entangled with my dear, with an expression of longing to be fucked, do you think I don't know what's going on in your mind? You disgusting What a slut, don't even think about separating the relationship between my dear and me!" Fu Jiang's sudden scolding made everyone in the living room stunned for a second.

Lin Yuanfei covered his head subconsciously, with a helpless expression on his face.

Zi directly sprayed to doubt life, and died of shame.

However, facing the mocking contempt of Toshiko Busujima, Fu Jiang has no shame.

She stood there Yiri, staring at Yasuko Busujima confidently, and humming disdainfully.

Only at this time can you pretend to be a good woman.I don't know what kind of debauchery it will be when I take off my clothes and get fucked by a man.A slut like you, I can tell what kind of a bastard you are at a glance!Still pretending to be reserved here... Bah no!Disgusting!You dissatisfied perverted slut! "

Fu Jiang sprayed back without giving in.

Seeing that the battle situation seemed to intensify again, Lin Yuanfei had no choice but to stand up and stop it.

face headache

"Okay, okay, you all calm down, it's fun to fight for a long time without losing a piece of meat?" Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "You guys have this time to fight, why don't you help me think about how to deal with it What about Sadako Yamamura. The female ghost hasn't appeared yet, so I feel very comfortable."

Lin Yuanfei said, "According to the agreement, Xiao Zhenzi should appear on the stage after we enter Chiba City. But it has been so long now, Ya Jin has not yet appeared... This article is fine, even the resentful Ling Ling Sadako

They didn't even show up, it's just not right.

Obviously when I was in Silent Hill, that Wraith Sadako tried to climb into Silent Hill to kill me despite being repulsed by Aretha's power, why now we have run out of Silent Hill, and there is no Alessa's power to stop it, It didn't even make a move?If there is no problem behind this, I will screw my head off and kick it like a ball!

"The situation is so weird now, and Sadako has been reluctant to do it for a long time. There must be a dirty... well, something wrong behind it!"

Lin Yuanfei said, "What do you think we should do next?" Lin Yuanfei directly started to change the topic with business, "It's not a problem to always be so passive and passive. In my opinion, we should just take the initiative and find Sadako Yamamura." The dry well where the corpse was abandoned back then, and then ordered Qi soldiers and horses to bring the guys to kill, directly blow up Sadako's lair to the sky, and then rescue Brother Cheng.What do you guys think of this plan?

Seeing Lin Yuanfei and the others start discussing business matters, no one pays attention to her v

Fu Jiang snorted ruthlessly, and returned to the swing in that sexy nightdress to continue reading magazines.

As for Du Dao Yazi and Gui Yanye, they sat around Lin Yuanfei, and Yan Ye, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"I can ask my mother to help me find out about Sadako Yamamura," Yan Ye said, "Our family has some friends in Chiba City, all of them

Some local councilors and the police department are all people with status, and they may be able to help us. Hearing the key words "Chiba City" and "senator", Hayashi Yuan suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Put these two keywords together, what the hell... Yukinoshita Yukino?He looked at Yan Ye with some guilt, and asked, "Then who are these friends in your family?" It can't really be under the snow, right? Yan Ye replied, "The one who helped us the most should be Qian The Takasaka Daisuke Police Department of the Ye City Police Department... We can use him to inquire about many files from that year. If Sadako Yamamura really lived in Chiba City and died tragically here, then there must be files in the police station. Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the name—fortunately it wasn't Yukinoshita.

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