But Daisuke Takasaka... the name is a bit funny, why not Kyosuke Takasaka?Come again Takasaka Kirino, live together hahahaha.

Then when can we contact the Kosaka Daisuke Police Department? "Lin Yuanfei recovered his serious expression and asked, "I want to find out what happened to the Feixiang Dance Troupe back then. This is the dance troupe that Yamamura Sadako used to be in.If we can inquire about the files of the police station, then this is the best place to start.

In this regard, Yan Ye nodded and I will contact Uncle Kosaka later," Yan Ye said, "I used to

I went to his house as a guest, and I am still a good friend with his daughter.I will definitely see him tomorrow, Shi-chan, you can wait for a while, and then sort out the questions you want to ask tomorrow, and tomorrow we will visit Uncle Gaosaka's house together. "ps: If you don't pay attention, there will be four changes, I'm really sorry

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Miemen tragedies happened one after another Hearing Yan Ye's words, Lin Yuanfei clicked his tongue immediately and let go. Although this stupid apprentice has some or all of his flaws, at least it is useful at critical moments.

No wonder those martial arts masters and worldly masters like to accept some powerful children as apprentices, because power and connections are really useful at critical moments

If Lin Yuanfei, a black traveler who doesn't know anything, comes here to investigate, he is unfamiliar with people, and he probably will be bumped into a bag. It's not like now, with a stupid apprentice leading the way, go directly to the police station to read the previous case files, Cool!

Lin Yuanfei clapped his hands and said, "Then let's implement this plan first, Yan Ye, you can contact the Gaosaka police department, and let's visit tomorrow. Get Sadako's affairs done as soon as possible

Lin Yuanfei is very urgent, but to be honest, there is no use in rushing this kind of thing

Although he was so anxious to get angry that he wanted to rush to the dry well to rescue Brother Cheng immediately, but after thinking about it carefully, Brother Cheng had been arrested for so many days, and it was going to be cold early, so he didn't care about waiting for a day or two.


But Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to explain to her.

"Speaking of which, your Japanese society is really class-heavy." Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "The rich and powerful families in different cities all know each other and have connections with each other. Once you enter this circle, you will really become a leader." people.With so many families controlling so many social resources, the upward path is basically stuck. No wonder there are so many young people in Japan who are dead.It's not that the second dimension is too beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.

Lin Yuanfei said with emotion on his face, "Civilians born in ordinary families, if they don't have special opportunities, they probably won't be able to enter your upper-class circle in their entire lives, right?

Amid Lin Yuanfei's emotional voice, Toshiko Busushima smiled slightly.

Said, "Japan's class strictness is even more serious than Hayashibara-kun you think."

Yako Busujima said, "Families like our Busushima family and Chiba's Yukinoshita family are already very high-class in the eyes of most ordinary families. However, in the eyes of those famous families in the Kyoto circle Come on, we are nothing more than rich landowners in the countryside, born to be inferior to them."

"As for the famous families in the Kyoto circle, those with a long history look down on the new ones. The chain of contempt is layer upon layer. Japan, a country, said

After all, it is just such an old-fashioned feudal country that is completely controlled by the strict class. "Sanko Busushima smiled and said bad things about his motherland, "Even among ordinary civilians, they despise and hate each other.Residents in the Tokyo area look down on Japanese residents outside the Kyoto area, and residents in the Tokyo area look down on residents living in other areas in the Tokyo area.In the 21 wards of Tokyo, the residents of each district discriminate and despise each other... Such a ridiculous chain of contempt is popular even among ordinary people. To Hayashibara-kun, it seems ridiculous to you, right? "

"Uh...it's okay," Lin Yuanfeiqian laughed, Du Daozi's self-defense made him feel embarrassed to continue making sarcastic remarks.

Although the Japanese are indeed so awkward, but how should I put it... Ah, as an outstanding young pioneer who grew up under the red flag and was told by his teacher in elementary school that he would grow up to be the master of the country, Lin Yuanfei felt that I should People who inherit a superpower of [-] million square kilometers are of course not on the same channel as you Japanese pariahs.

"By the way, senior sister, since you are a member of the aristocratic circle, do you know the Cangqi family in Japan?"

Lin Yuanfei finally remembered the family of Qingzi Aozaki, one of the five magicians of hidden evil forces in Xingyue.

Although it has basically never appeared in any of the widely circulated Xingyue works, in fact, as a background board, this family is still very fraudulent.

At least there are more abuses than the so-called Gosan Clan such as the Einzbern, Tohsaka, and Matou families. It has already reached the root, and its contemporary patriarch is even the five great magicians in the world. The two parties are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Lin Yuanfei was also not very familiar with this family, so he didn't remember it for a long time.

Now that I heard Bujima Yuko mention the Japanese family, he finally thought of the hidden evil forces in this Xingyue world, and wanted to ask about the situation. After all, Cang Qi's family, Aozaki Orange, and Ershi are good girlfriends, and now the original owner of the body If the entire Liangyi family was wiped out, the enmity was definitely on his head, so he had to do some research in advance.

What if the two ceremonies and the members of Cang Qi's family came to kill him together? Lin Yuanfei's half-baked swordsmanship, he felt that he was absolutely cool.


"The Cangqi family... the Cangqi family in Misaki City?" Du Daozi said, "I don't know much about this family, and I have no contact with them. But Lin Yuan-kun, if you want to know their recent situation... three months ago The Cangqi family in Misaki City was wiped out." Kishima Yako looked at Lin Yuanfei and said with a strange expression, "It is said that when the police arrived, the entire Cangqi family was wiped out, and there was no survivor. All the living people died tragically. It is comparable to the massacre of the Liangyi family in Kyoto." Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei's heart suddenly thumped!Is it my pot again?

Chapter 385

Chapter 385 The culprit is at large, to be honest, Lin Yuanfei is already a little frightened now.

Originally, when he heard that Cang Qi's family had been wiped out, he just felt a little shocked—what the hell?Cang Qi's family, one of the five great magicians, who is the head of the family, can also be wiped out?Who is this who ate the bear's heart and leopard gall?

However, after hearing the metaphor behind Du Dao Yazi, Lin Yuanfei's heart suddenly turned cold. He said that the original owner of the body who dared to destroy the whole family of Liangyi's family was the real fierce man after eating the bear's heart and leopard guts.

Cang Qi's family only has a magician, but Liangyi's family has administrator 215.As a result, the Liangyi family was wiped out.

And forget about the extermination of the door, the original owner of the body actually chased him all the way to Raccoon City, trying to kill the two rituals and Hei Tonggan.

This is so... The villain is so powerful.

Now hearing the news that Cang Qi's family was wiped out, and Du Dao Yazi also mentioned the Liangyi family in a meaningful way, Lin Yuanfei suddenly had an ominous premonition-this f*ck can't be the original reason Did the master do it?

With a guilty smile, Lin Yuanfei tried to escape reality, "Then

So who caught the murderer of Cang Qi's family extermination case?

If the murderer was caught, then he would be cleared of suspicion. Unfortunately, Busujima's answer shattered his fantasy.

'Like the Liangyi family, the culprit who killed the family has not yet been found.

Du Dao Yazi looked at Lin Yuanfei with a subtle expression, "However, according to some news I know, the two massacres were the same method of killing. The dead were all killed by sharp weapons. According to the investigation by the police after the incident, those dead were identified All of them were killed by samurai swords with cold weapons, and they should be committed by gangs, and the wounds left on the corpses are all subtly different." Hearing these words of Kishima Yako, Lin Yuanfei laughed even more dryly, huh?It turns out that the original owner of the body did not do it alone?And accomplices?

Mom!Isn't this the contemporary descendant of the Feitian Yujian style?Why did he suddenly become a villain?

Gather accomplices, hold a murder weapon, kill the family, hide in the dark to escape the surveillance of the party... Is this the heir of the Feitian Yujian style, or the real heir of Zhizhixiong?

You told me that you are a decent master?

Upright you uncle ah!The style of painting has changed, okay?

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