So let's calculate the most famous swordsman of the same generation as Kenshin.

Your wife, Souji Okita, a sickly girl, a great hero of the unknown three-dan dash against Japan, a master of Hokushin's one-sword style, the deputy leader of the Shinsengumi Sakamoto Ryoma, and the terrifying Hijikata Toshizo.

These three bosses are all famous swordsmen of the Shinsengumi, and they are heroic spirits installed in Xingyue.

And the Faction faction represented by Himura Kenshin is hostile to the Shinsengumi

When Himura Kenshin was active in Kyoto, his daily task was to assassinate the target under the eyes of the Shinsengumi. When necessary, he had to fight one-on-one or even one-to-many with the sword masters of the Shinsengumi , and get out of the way.

Faced with such a fraudulent background in the strength of the Xingyue World Shinsengumi, Fei Cun Kenshin still gained a great reputation...Obviously, the flying swordsmanship of this world has also been strengthened!

You know, Feicun Jianxin is the weakest Feitian Yujianliu in history, and he can get rid of Lin Yuanfei, a half-bad guy.

And the physical fitness of the original owner of the body is there, and even Tianxiang Longshan has learned it, so it is impossible to be weaker than Jianxin.

This guy is so powerful, instead of doing justice for the country and the people, he pulled the evil forces to organize and kill people everywhere... Lin Yuanfei felt that he had come here this time to clean up the mess!

After thinking about this point, Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt that his whole life was hopeless.

The original owner of the body has done so many murders, and I don’t know how many enemies he has made, and how many people in Japan can’t wait to eat his flesh raw

Now that Lin Yuanfei has traveled through time, he has learned the half-baked three-stroke swordsmanship, which is definitely not as powerful as the original owner's original version... Ah!


What if the former owner of the body came to kill him?What expression should I use to face them?

I'm sorry, you mistook me for the wrong person, I'm not Lin Bigu Qingjuro Harahiro?

Or is it that I have put down the butcher's knife and decided not to take this path of Shura, and everyone disbands and goes home?

No matter how I think about it, Lin Yuanfei feels that he is going to be cold.

A guy who is willing to follow the original owner of his body to kill people everywhere, no matter how he thinks about it, he is not a good person, maybe he is a pervert.

If Lin Yuanfei dared to tell them that, he would probably be treated the same as those gangsters in Hong Kong movies who want to wash their hands in a golden basin.

In the past, you were the one who led everyone to kill people. Now that you have made money and lived a good life, you don’t want to be young and Dangerous?Want to live a quiet life?Did you think of all of us when you said that?Boss, if you do this, it will be difficult for us as brothers.

According to the normal routine, next Lin Yuanfei will definitely be killed by the ruthless younger brothers.

This frankly is the rhythm of going to the dark all the way. The more he thinks about it, the more Lin Yuanfei feels that this development trend is very dangerous.

If things go on like this, isn't he in jeopardy?

Sure enough, you still have to run away?

Just go away and go back to the country, regardless of the shit in Japan?

But Brother Cheng has to deal with things, right?

And before that... Lin Yuanfei jumped up suddenly, and said in a panic.

"No, I have to go back to the hospital." Lin Yuanfei said, "Senior sister, you and Yan Ye are watching Fu Jiang in the villa, and I will go to the hospital to talk to Yuki. This matter cannot be delayed like this

Go, I must learn more about the truth as soon as possible!

Lin Yuanfei felt that instead of scaring himself by thinking wildly here, he might as well run to find Yuki and have a good chat.

Yuki said that after leaving Silent Hill, he would have a good chat with Lin Yuanfei, and now, this is the time.

With Yuki, he can always get the truth, right?

If everything is clear, then there is a preparation in advance, even if the incident happens, Lin Yuanfei will be in trouble.

And Lin Yuanfei is still struggling with one thing, that is, whether he can find a way to get the memory of the original owner of the body.

Where did the soul of the original owner of the body go, where did the memory go, these are the things that Lin Yuanfei is most concerned about.

If the memory of the original owner of the body can be retrieved, and Lin Yuanfei gets the experience pack of [Fei Tian Yu Jian Liu full level] to load up the skills and restore the full strength of the current successor of Fei Tian Yu Jian Liu, then everything will be stable ?

The original owner of this body is so powerful, if he can become as cheating as him, wouldn't he be afraid of nothing?

Even one of the five great magicians in the world can be hacked to death. This combat power can be said to surpass human beings, right?It is estimated that it is no weaker than most heroic spirits when they were alive.

At that time, all wraith monsters will be gone.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's anxious look, Du Dao Yazi sighed softly, and also stood up.

"Lin Yuan-kun, let's go back early," said Du Dao, throwing the key out, "By the way, bring that Mercedes-Benz back, which is still parked in front of McDonald's." Because Lin Yuanfei and Du Dao Yuko Shima always went to the police station in a police car, so the white Mercedes-Benz was parked outside the McDonald's. After easily accepting the keys thrown by Yako Kishima, Lin Yuanfei nodded.

ook, I understand," Lin Yuanfei said while picking up his backpack containing a bunch of weird equipment, and then said, "Senior sister, you... uh


Looking at Yan Ye who was on the phone in the distance, Lin Yuanfei hesitated for two seconds, but finally did not express his worries.

"Go to bed early." Lin Yuanfei only left such a dry greeting, then opened the door and left

Chapter 387 Someone is going to die (fourth update 3000/5400)

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei was worried about the existence of Yan Ye

Not worried about myself, but worried about other girls around me.The girl Gui Yanye is a very special kind of sick and delicate girl.If she blackened and collapsed, she would never hurt a hair of her sweetheart, but the girl next to her sweetheart would definitely die miserably. Otherwise, with Lin Yuanfei's strength, he didn't have to be afraid of Yan Ye at all.Although Yan Ye's Ju He Zhan was strong, he was still the younger brother compared to him.

Even the half-assed Lin Yuanfei could beat Yan Ye.

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