After all, Yan Ye's exhausted body is a fatal shortcoming, no matter in terms of reaction speed or fighting awareness, it is far inferior to Lin Yuanfei.In this case, even if the small universe broke out, the girl named Gui Yanye would not pose a great threat to Lin Yuanfei.

A mere sick girl, Lin Yuanfei said that he would hit you empty-handed, but not everyone around Lin Yuanfei has his strength

Although Du Daozi also learned kendo and chopped zombies, but

If he was unprepared and suddenly attacked by Yan Ye's Juhe Zhan... e mmmm... Lin Yuanfei felt that the situation was not good.

After all, Juhe Zhan's one-hit kill technique is really fierce, even if it is only for a moment, it is enough to make people decapitated.

Even Yuno and Yuki were attacked by Yan Ye when they were unprepared. It is estimated that Yuno will have to explain it. Needless to say, the physical fitness of ordinary human girls does not have any superpowers. The sure-kill Iai Slash is super easy to roll over without precautions.

Although Yuki is the daughter of a demon, it sounds like a fraud, but now that Silent Hill has been destroyed, the demon that provided the power has left and disappeared. Even if Yuki has a little super power, her body is so fragile that she was caught off guard. In the case of an attack, the death is definitely worse than that of Yuno

Therefore, from Lin Yuanfei's point of view, Gui Yanye, this silly apprentice, is simply a ticking time bomb around him, the kind that could explode at any moment. Pay attention and kill them into a ball...emmm.

Forget it, forget it.

Lin Yuanfei decided not to worry about the sky.

He's just Gui Yanye's master, not the formal one, and he's not Gui Yanye's boyfriend, so why bother?

What happened to the saliva after the master kissed the sexy lady and communicated in simple terms?What's your opinion as a female apprentice?Master has no unspoken rules, you are already very good, and you dare to have opinions. On the contrary, you also add that Lin Yuanfei and Gui Yanye have known each other for less than ten days, and the time of real contact is less than ten days. One week, can there be Mao's feelings in such a short period of time?

My family knew about my own family affairs, if Lin Yuanfei could capture the heart of a beautiful girl without doing anything within seven days, with such a great charm, he would not have been single for more than twenty years.

So Lin Yuanfei was a little panicked when Yan Ye found out about the hot kiss with Budao Jianzi, but now he calmed down and found that it was actually the same thing.

It's the stupidest thing to scare yourself these days.

So Lin Yuanfei went out without saying anything, and didn't tell Du Daozi the worries in his heart. He ran out of the gate with two knives, a backpack, and the keys of the Mercedes-Benz.

Now he just wants to hurry back to the hospital to see Yuki.

mmp is going to die!

The short-lived bastard who was the original owner of the body actually made such a big mess... This guy seems to be about seventeen years old, right?

Poking around at such a young age, a boy with a second-year illness?

Compared with this trouble-making ancestor, at the age of seventeen, Lin Yuanfei, who only knew that he was addicted to Chenghai 3c, almost shed tears of shame

But what can be done?

Lin Yuanfei has already transmigrated into this body. If he tells others that he is a transmigrator and has no concern for the original owner of the body, let alone whether those enemies and the subordinates of the original owner of the body will believe it, even if they do It is estimated that Lin Yuanfei will not be easily let go.

Now that it's done, Lin Yuanfei has to accept the karma and hatred of the original owner of the body, or not.

Anyway, no matter what Lin Yuanfei said, others would treat him as the original owner of his body, and the two ceremonies are the best example.

So Lin Yuanfei didn't intend to beg for mercy anymore, begging for others is better than begging himself. Those enemies or former subordinates came to kill him. If the reason makes sense, say it, and if it doesn't make sense, fight it.

The big deal is that you will fight to the death, and fight hard, who the hell didn't fight bloody battles.

I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees, this is Lin Yuanfei's life


Of course, it would be best if he could live.

So now Lin Yuanfei urgently wants to see Yuki, and quickly find out about the original owner of the body.

When he ran out of Silent Hill before, Lin Yuanfei didn't have any sense of urgency. He felt that the matter was almost settled anyway, and everything was settled. After solving a Sadako, he could welcome a happy and fulfilling daily life.

As for the matter of the original owner of the body, you can talk about it slowly, but now what Kishima Kiba said woke Lin Yuanfei up in an instant.

What the hell, if you continue to touch fish, it might be cold someday.

So Lin Yuanfei wasn't dissatisfied with Dudao Scorpion's reminder, but thanked her very much.

To be honest, with the intelligence of Du Dao Qianzi, he probably guessed these things when he knew that the extermination of the Liangyi family was done by the original owner of Lin Yuanfei's body.

Even if Lin Yuanfei didn't take the initiative to raise the topic today, it is estimated that Du Dao Yazi would take the initiative to speak up after Lin Yuanfei had a day off.

Hey... It's really nice to have such a good woman and a good wife by my side.


Lin Yuanfei sighed, and parked his white Mercedes-Benz in the parking lot downstairs of the hospital.

It's not far from the villa to McDonald's, Lin Yuanfei walked for a while, and then he drove the white Mercedes-Benz directly.But this time, Lin Yuanfei was no longer in the mood to experience the high-end luxury of a Mercedes-Benz.

After parking the car in the parking lot behind the hospital, he quickly closed the door and walked into the hospital building.

The expression on his face was extremely serious.

Taking the elevator, going upstairs, walking, every step Lin Yuanfei took was full of tension and anxiety.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't run casually, he would have just rushed straight to Yuno's ward.

But fortunately, Yuno's ward is not far away.Soon, Lin Yuanfei came here.

Standing outside the door of the ward, took a deep breath, and pushed open the door of the ward

walked in.

The two girls in the ward looked at him at the same time.

Yuki is surprised

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