"Eh? Lin Yuan-kun? You came back so soon?" Yuki was surprised

Asked in surprise, "Didn't you go to see Miss Fu Jiang? Why did you come back alone?

ps: After the fourth update, I looked at the group and found that everyone is discussing the World Cup... emmm. Because of the code words, I have not watched a game, and I feel like I have been abandoned by the times. (By the way, dead fish eyes ask for a wave of blades and monthly tickets. Seeing that there are only 12 more left to pay back, I am so kind. Could it be that this week is not over, so I can’t add more? Everyone who has blades and monthly tickets hurry up Throw it over here! Writing without explosive liver is not the writing I want. A future without adding updates is not the future I want

Chapter 388

For Lin Yuanfei's sudden appearance, my wife and sisters in the ward were full of surprise.

Yuno frowned directly, with a cold expression on his face.

"What are you here for?

With that expression, he almost wrote "Get Out" on his forehead.

But Lin Yuanfei was not in the mood to argue with her, he just stared back at her, and said, "None of your business? I came to find Yuki, and it has something to do with you. Lin Yuanfei's current hostility can be said to be quite strong.

Normally, I would pretend that I didn't hear Yuno's words, but now that I'm in a bad mood, I don't bother to make false claims with this sick girl, and just open my mouth to vent my anger.

Don't act like a psycho all day long, do you have a dime relationship with me looking for Yuki?who do you think You Are?Yuki's guardian?

Lin Yuanfei spouted angrily with disgust.

This uncharacteristic reaction made the two girls in the room frown.

Yuno looked at him indifferently, without saying a word.

Yuki stood up worriedly, "What happened? Lin Yuan-kun, you

Yuki walked up to Lin Yuanfei and asked worriedly, ".

Is there anything you want to tell me?

Seeing Yuki's worried face, the anger in Lin Yuanfei's heart finally disappeared a lot.

He took a deep breath and said, "Yuki, do you have time for a chat now?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki very seriously, and said, "I have something very important to ask you.

To this, Yuki nodded, "It's no problem, Hayashi Yuan-kun, you can ask anything you want...Well, let's go outside and talk." Yuki glanced at the indifferent younger sister behind him, and sighed helplessly "Yuno, lie down obediently and don't move around, Lin Yuan-kun and I will be back soon." Yuki urged like this, as if telling an ignorant child

And Yuno, like the little kid in the rebellious period, said reluctantly, "I see, sister, you go and come back quickly, if this pervert dares to touch you, you call me loudly, I will rush out immediately save you.

Yuno said seriously.

Then, fell into a long silence.

Lin Yuanfei sat there, staring blankly at the night scene outside the window, while Yuki gently stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon, lowering his head timidly.

After a while, it seemed that he was finally mentally prepared, and Yuki asked softly.

'Is there anything Lin Yuan-kun wants to know?

Probably a little," Linyuan Fei said blankly while looking at the scenery outside the window, "I learned something from Budao-senpai, and now I feel a little anxious.

After listening to what she said, I suddenly realized that I knew nothing about the past experience of the original owner of this body.I don't know what he has done or what kind of past he has. Looking back now, it is simply a muddled account...

So what did the senior sister tell Lin Yuanjun? "Yuki asked softly.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head, smiled bitterly, and said, "A year ago, the famous Liangyi family in Kyoto was wiped out. Three months ago, the Cangqi family in Misaki City was wiped out, and the murderers of these two families seem to be the same. The dialers are all thugs with cold weapons and katana, and they are still at large

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki and said, "Yuki, you know this means


Yuki blinked, "Did Hayashi Yuan-kun do it?

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "It's very likely, and I'm more concerned about the original owner of this body and his accomplices... Yuki, do you know nothing about it?

Yuki shook his head, "When I saw the original Mr. Lin Yuan, he was a real person. He came to Raccoon City to hunt down Sister Liangyi, and posted a post on the Internet pretending to be Sister Liangyi's younger brother. I saw that post at the time, so I found it. He, but when I saw him, I recognized him as the murderer who killed Sister Liangyi's family." But I only knew Sister Liangyi before, and only had a little friendship.In other words, I was probably the only one who had contact with Sister Liangyi in Raccoon City, so she left the wooden knife with me when she left. "As for the original grievances between Mr. Lin Yuan and Sister Liangyi, I only understand a little superficially."

"Sister Liangyi told me the name of the villain who killed her family, and mentioned that she has no other relatives in the world. That's why I was convinced that the original Mr. Lin Yuan was the murderer who killed sister Liangyi's family." But at that time Lin Yuanjun is very strange. Although he looks healthy on the surface, he seems to have suffered a serious trauma in his soul.

I can even feel the incompleteness and incompleteness of his soul. "He found me at that time, and forced me to take him to find me half-hostage

The place where sister Liangyi used to live.I did.

"Actually, in the haunted house of the Zueki family, Kayako's grudge was sealed long ago. Long before Sister Liangyi came, and before I knew the rumors about that haunted house, the curse of that haunted house had already been sealed." I was sealed." At that time, I was held hostage by the original Mr. Lin Yuan and sent to the haunted house. I had no choice but to use the power of the devil to open the seal of the haunted house and released the Kayako in the seal. "

"And the original Mr. Lin Yuan was attacked by Kayako's wraith when he was watching the video tape left by sister Liangyi with me.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, you have faced Miss Kayako before, so you know...Miss Kayako is a very special wraith. In other words, she is not a wraith, but a collection of curses and hatred, which has great influence on the soul. Powerful deterrence and attack power. Around it, there is even some kind of wonderful force field that can freeze the soul, and people with weak mental strength cannot break free at all."

Chapter 389

In the quiet coffee shop, soft music sounded faintly.

And in the booth by the window, a girl named Yuki whispered about the past that Lin Yuanfei didn't know.

"That Lin Yuan-kun was very strong, really strong. Even if I just saw him, I couldn't develop any courage to resist. Yuki gently stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon, and said softly, "But He was very traumatized at the time, and it gave me a chance.When Miss Kayako attacked him, the damage to him, whose soul was already incomplete, was doubled. "

'It was also at the moment when he and Miss Kayako were in a stalemate that I attacked him from behind. "Coincidentally, the power I have, which comes from the devil, is also aimed at the spirit and soul. As for him with a broken soul, the spiritual aspect happens to be his weakness."

"At the same time, it was very difficult for him to resist the attacks of Miss Kayako and me."

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