Hello, do you know who the nurse on duty on the seventh floor will be tonight? "Lin Yuanfei asked sincerely, "My family is on the seventh floor, and I want to chat with the nurse on duty.

Although the nurse was obviously not particularly interested in Lin Yuanfei, after being soft and hard by Lin Yuanfei for a while, she finally called down the nurse on the night shift on the seventh floor. In the end, Lin Yuanfei got his wish and met the person in charge One of the nurses on the night shift

"Well, it's like this, I'm the uncle of my wife and sister," Lin Yuanfei, who had white hair and looked inexplicably old, said with a bright and humble smile.

That appearance, a full-fledged social person, still very Japanese-style social person, nodding and bowing, extremely humble.

I can't stay with them tonight, but I'm worried about their restlessness.After all, these two little girls have always liked to mess around. I am afraid that they will mess around in the middle of the night after I leave, so I would like to trouble the nurse, can you help me take a look? Lin Yuanfei said, "You don't need to do anything, I just need to ask you to keep an eye on their ward."If they leave the ward without returning

Come on, or you can't see them in the ward, please call me immediately... is that okay? " Lin Yuanfei said very sincerely, "This is my phone number, please help me.Yuno's girl has already suffered such a serious injury, I can't let them continue to mess around.If anything happens again, I'm sorry for Yuki's dead mother. "Lin Yuanfei said at the end, and even used pathos tactics, acting very pitifully.

Although my wife and sister's parents seem to be working abroad and are still alive, but Yuki's mother can also be regarded as dead.

After all, the Silent Hill demon has disappeared without a trace, and I didn't say she was dead, but just said that she is no longer alive, isn't there a problem?

In the end, amidst Lin Yuanfei's gratitude, the young nurse agreed to Lin Yuanfei's request and was willing to visit my wife Yuno's ward every half an hour. Call Lin Yuanfei.

After Lin Yuanfei walked out of the hospital building, his expression instantly turned cold.

For some reason, he didn't trust my wife and sisters unconditionally

At least not trust Yuno.

The murderer who pierced out of the darkness to assassinate him until death

In the last second, Lin Yuanfei didn't even see the murderer's face.

But the wards of my wife and sister were empty at that time, and the two sisters did not know where they went.

But Yan Ye, who seemed to come to kill them, lay on the floor of the utility room, bleeding to death.

The connection between these made Lin Yuanfei feel some kind of terrifying conjecture.

But he couldn't confirm that guess, after all, he couldn't even be sure whether the murderer who killed Saiko Busujima was Yan Ye, let alone identify the murderer casually.

But now, what Lin Yuanfei has to do is actually very simple, that is, to make some layouts within his ability without changing everything, and then wait for things to happen according to the established rhythm.

Apart from Lin Yuanfei, it is obvious that no one has the memory of the last reincarnation.

In other words, if the murderer who killed Du Daozi was really Yan Ye, then she would definitely continue to do it tonight.

What Lin Yuanfei has to do is to hide in the dark and witness everything happening, and then determine the suspicion of the murderer, and finally change everything!Rescue Du Shimako!

Driving back to Gui Yanye's villa in a white Mercedes-Benz, Lin Yuanfei opened the door and walked in.

Fu Jiang is no longer in the lobby, watching TV in the multimedia room on the second floor

Ye is playing chess with Saiko Busushima.

Play Japanese shogi.

Although Lin Yuanfei didn't know anything about this kind of shogi with Japanese characteristics, but watching the picture of the two girls playing chess with solemn faces, there was an inexplicable sense of harmony. Is it pleasing to the eye?

Lin Yuanfei glanced at them again and said, "I'm going to bed, where is my room?

As before, as soon as Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth, he directly asked about the bedroom he had arranged for him.

Kishima Yako was a little surprised, "Huh? Did Mr. Lin Yuan go to bed so early?" Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "I have something to do, I have to go to bed early."

Yan Ye got up obediently and came over to lead Lin Yuanfei.

Seeing Yan Ye's cute appearance, Lin Yuan Feifei breathed a sigh of relief.

So far everything is going according to plan

Chapter 396 Yan Ye, What Are You Doing (3600/5800)

Just like the previous time, Yan Ye obediently led the way and led Lin Yuan up to the second floor.

"Master, let's sleep in this bedroom." Yan Ye stood at the door of the bedroom and said obediently, "This is the largest bedroom in the villa." Lin Yuanfei glanced at her and nodded, "Okay, Thank you Yan Ye. I'll go to bed first, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow." After sending Yan Ye off as politely as last time, Lin Yuanfei walked into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door.

Then, he heard Yan Ye's voice on the second floor.

Sister Fu Jiang, Master is going to rest, can you turn down the volume a little bit?If the sound is too loud, it will disturb the rest of the master. "Then, just as Lin Yuanfei remembered, the sound of the movie in the multimedia room was turned down.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Jiang's voice sounded.

"Honey~~ Can I sleep with you tonight?" Fu Jiang shouted from a distance.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and then replied, don't even think about it, if you dare to enter my door tonight, be careful that I throw you out to feed the dogs

Lin Yuanfei's vicious threat could only make Fu Jiang in the multimedia room pant with laughter.

Do you want to do it yourself, honey?Ah~~~~ I really hope to see myself being dismembered by my dear, I am so excited, even thinking about such a picture, I am so happy that I am almost wet...

Hearing Fu Jiang's coquettish panting, Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows trembled.

Even after hearing it for the second time, he still felt that this bitch was really speechless.

In the end, he sighed helplessly, Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to take care of this bitch anymore, went directly to the bathroom to take a shower, then turned off the lights, sat alone in the corner, waiting for the night to fall.

With the bedroom door locked and the lights turned off, Lin Yuanfei's bedroom fell into a dead silence.

In the quiet room, only Lin Yuanfei's breathing could be heard.

And the three girls in the villa quickly quieted down.They each went back to their respective rooms, then took a shower and fell asleep.Relying on his strong hearing, Lin Yuanfei could clearly hear every move of the three girls in the villa.

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