At least you can hear when they start taking a shower and when they finish.

And as the lights in the villa were turned off one by one, and finally when-

After everything fell into the quiet and dark silence, Lin Yuanfei slowly stood up almost at midnight when most of the people had already fallen asleep.

He pushed open the door without a sound, and walked out of the bedroom slowly. His footsteps were very light, and he never made any extra noise. His light footsteps made no sound, even in the quiet and dead night, no one could hear him. footsteps.

Moving slowly like this, Lin Yuanfei came to the lobby on the first floor

He went straight to behind a corner curtain in the corner of the hall, and stood firmly against the wall.

In the dark corner, almost no one would notice a person standing behind the floor-to-ceiling curtain.

One eye protruded from the edge of the curtain, Lin Yuan Feifei stared blankly at the two doors ahead.

One of the doors was lying on the back of the door, and Gui Yanye was lying on the other. At this distance, Lin Yuanfei could clearly perceive all the sounds that happened in the two bedrooms.

Whoever was the murderer couldn't have slipped under his very skin into the room to kill Yuko Busujima under these circumstances.

And that's how the long wait began.

Lin Yuanfei has been standing in the dark corner, looking at the dark hall expressionlessly, waiting for the arrival of five o'clock in the morning.

On his wrist, the pointer of time was beating slowly.


With a very slight rustling sound, the girl seemed to get up from a deep sleep, and began to put on her clothes very gently.

But at such a close distance, Lin Yuanfei could clearly hear Yan Ye's every move.His gaze became even colder.

But he was still motionless, standing there with a blank expression, waiting for Yan Ye's follow-up action. At about 04:50 in the morning, Yan Ye's bedroom door was slowly pushed open. The door moves very slowly, that no

The door opened silently without any sound at all.

Then, Yan Ye walked out quietly, and also quietly closed and locked the bedroom door behind him.

Under the dim moonlight, Lin Yuanfei had already vaguely seen the sharp hatchet in Yan Ye's hand, and the girl named Gui Yanye approached the bedroom of Budao Yuko silently with the sharp hatchet in hand.


"Yan Ye?

In the darkness, Lin Yuanfei's cold voice sounded.

But like a thunderclap, the girl at the door of the bedroom trembled in fright. Then, the girl named Gui Yanye turned her head in horror and saw Lin Yuanfei standing in a dark corner.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him expressionlessly and said, "What do you want to do?

In the darkness, the titular master and apprentice looked at each other, Ye subconsciously hid the knife behind him, a little flustered

"I...I...I have nothing∴" Yan Ye whispered in panic, "Master, it's not like you think Lin Yuanfei looked at him blankly, remained silent for a few seconds, and said, "Follow me Get out, I have something to tell you. "

As Lin Yuanfei said, he turned and walked towards the gate of the villa with a gloomy expression on his face.

And behind him, the timid girl followed timidly like a child who had done something wrong and was caught by his father on the spot.

From those trembling footsteps, it could be seen that the girl was very disturbed.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't make a sound. He pushed open the door of the villa, and walked out first. Said Ye followed him step by step. Under the light, Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at the apprentice behind him.

face disappointed

You don't sleep in the middle of the night and get up with a knife, do you want to get up and chop wood? "Lin Yuanfei's eyes were extremely severe.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's ferocious expression of provoking his teacher's guilt, Yan Ye's body trembled, and the hatchet in his hand fell directly to the ground, and the girl fell limp and desperate as if she had been drained of all her strength. I cried out sadly, but Yan Ye...I really can't stand it anymore.

The master is obviously Yan Ye's, and Yan Ye is the only one. Why...why are there so many people who want to compete with Yan Ye.Obviously I don't expect anything extravagantly, and I haven't done anything wrong, why do I still have

So many people came to grab me... woo woo woo...

"Master...Master...I really...I really don't want to lose you, I really...! I really like you... woo woo woo woo woo...

Chapter 397 Tomie's Joy

Chapter 397 Fu Jiang's Joyful Emotions In the middle of the night, under the street lights of no one, the girl collapsed on the asphalt road, covering her face in despair, crying with heart-piercing sorrow.Lin Yuanfei looked at her blankly, indifferent.

The villa area was quiet at night, and the villas on both sides of the road had all turned off their light sources, and it was pitch black, only the dim street lights illuminated the asphalt road, but no one saw the girl slumped on the ground crying.

In front of the girl, Lin Yuanfei, who looked like an ancient warrior with two knives on his waist, stood there expressionlessly, looking down at the crying girl ruthlessly, and said.

I don't seem to have any overly intimate relationship with you, do I?

"I am neither your lover nor your husband, and I have never made any promises to you, what position do you take to hurt Bujima-senpai?

Lin Yuanfei asked, "Yan Ye, have you considered the consequences of doing this?

Lin Yuanfei's indifferent questioning made the girl's trembling cry even more pathetic

"But... but Master... I... I really can't stand it!

Obviously I know that this is wrong, I know that I have no position to interfere with your life, Master, but... But seeing the picture of you hugging and kissing Busujima-senpai, I feel like I was torn apart by jealousy Same, as soon as I close my eyes, I will see that horrible picture...I'm so scared...Master...I'm really scared! The girl cried very sadly, but Lin Yuanfei frowned when he looked at her.

Not quite right.

Something is not quite right.

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