When he stopped Yan Ye and called Yan Ye away, the sound of the two opening the door and leaving the villa was not low.Probably that time woke up Roko Busujima

And Fu Jiang, the bitch monster, will wake up at the same time in all likelihood.

But as soon as Dushima Yazi came out, she met the murderer in the dark. She tried to run to the small courtyard, but was hacked to death by the French window.

In other words, the murderer should be in the opposite direction of the small courtyard, that is, the direction of the gate.

But... the direction of the gate?Lin Yuanfei frowned.

Not long after he and Yan Ye left the villa, no one knew the direction of the gate.Moreover, he and Yan Ye were standing on the street outside the gate of the villa. If someone got into the villa, Lin Yuanfei would definitely know.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't notice it, Du Dao Yuzi was hacked to death just like that, could it be that the murderer had been hiding in the villa all the time?

But this is even more wrong.

Lin Yuanfei had been standing in the hall of the villa since the early morning, if there was another murderer hidden in the hall of the villa that was close at hand, there was no way he would not be aware of it.

Or, was the murderer actually standing by his side the whole time?

And he didn't notice it?

Lin Yuanfei suddenly thought of the tip of the knife that pierced his heart silently in the darkness

"Hiss!" Taking a sharp breath, Lin Yuanfei grabbed his chest subconsciously, and his heart seemed to be throbbing at that moment.

A cold chill enveloped him.

Is there really someone in this world...or maybe a monster can hide beside him and stand with him without him noticing?

So what kind of monster does it have to be able to do it?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei flew up from the courtyard.

His body jumped to the height of the third floor, and then he stood on the sloping roof at the edge of the villa, looking down at the entire villa area with cold eyes.

But he could see nothing but villas in the dark.

On the long street, no one could be seen, only street lamps cast a dim light in the darkness.Looking down from a high position, the entire illuminated long street looks like a long necklace inlaid with pearls.And the symmetrical luminous street lights one after another are the pearls and gems dotted on this necklace, and the corners and walls that cannot be illuminated by the lights of the street lights, in the large villa area, all Lin Yuanfei can see is darkness.

There was no trace of the murderer, no trace of living things, and under the entire quiet night, Lin Yuanfei could only hear his own heavy breathing.

So did I lose my target again, or did I fail to catch the real murderer?

Yan Ye was not the real culprit who killed Roko Busushima?

Or is Yan Ye not the only one who wants to kill the poisonous Shimazuko?

In addition to Yan Ye, there are other people who are also staring at Biyao Tingzi, so Lin Yuanfei took Yan Ye and just left the villa, the murderer who was hiding in the dark jumped out and hacked Budao Tingzi to death?

But there is another strange thing here, that is, since Kishima Yako saw the murderer and made a gesture of running away to the courtyard, why didn't she call for help loudly?

If she called for help, it was just a scream, and Lin Yuanfei on the street could hear it.

But the first sound he heard was Fu Jiang's gloating shout.

As for Du Dao Yazi, he was hacked to death without making any sound as if he had been under the Kuangmo technique all the way. What the hell was that murderer? In the courtyard villa hall, Yan Ye, who still had tears in the corner of his eyes, had already returned to the villa, and was standing next to the corpse of Du Dao Zouzi carefully sizing up. Seeing Lin Yuanfei's appearance, Yan Ye subconsciously took a step back

, a little panicked.

"No... I didn't do it!" Yan Ye defended in a panic, "I didn't kill Sister Dudao, this little girl who has been frightened by Lin Yuanfei seems to have lost her size at this moment.

Lin Yuanfei just glanced at her coldly, and ignored the flustered little girl.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Yuki's number.

Beep—beep—beep—beep—beep In the darkness, the long wait made Lin Yuanfei feel more and more restless, spreading in his heart.

No matter who the murderer is, they must call to confirm the safety of sister Yuki.

However, just like last time, Lin Yuanfei made three phone calls in succession, but no one answered.

Lin Yuanfei's heart sank.

we go to the hospital

Lin Yuanfei gave the two girls behind him a cold look, and said, let's go now!

With that said, Lin Yuanfei walked directly towards the garage, and behind him, Fu Jiang, who was wearing a light nightgown, was extremely surprised.

Eh?But he's wearing a nightgown, honey, do you want me to go out in this one?Are you not afraid of being seen by others?

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and stared at her coldly, and said, "I don't mind if you run naked outside! Stop talking nonsense! Go!"

Lin Yuanfei's ferocious expression made Fu Jiang curl his lips aggrieved

Hmph... Dear, he is really a pervert," Fu Jiang muttered aggrievedly, "It's really perverted that he likes to expose his wife to others. "Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to pay attention to this monster, he went directly to the garage and drove out the white Mercedes-Benz.

During this period, Hayashihara Feifei tried to call Yuno.

However, no one answered Yuno's phone.

Not to mention Yuno, even the call from the nurse that Lin Yuanfei asked for before, no one answered after Lin Yuanfei called.

It seems that all three of them have lost contact with each other.

The weird situation made Lin Yuanfei feel more anxious, hurry up! "With a gloomy expression, Lin Yuanfei urged the two girls to get into the car. Lin Yuanfei kicked the accelerator, and the white Mercedes-Benz rushed into the deserted street like a white lightning.

Then quickly disappeared into the dark night. On the driver's seat behind the windshield, Lin Yuanfei had a gloomy expression.

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