Cold, like a demon king who came to the world, he can't see any kindness and harmony.

There was a violent and dangerous light in those eyes.

Chapter 399 Elevator (3800/5800)

When the white Mercedes-Benz drove into the gate of the hospital like lightning, Lin Yuanfei stepped on the brakes and almost made the car fly with huge inertia.

Amidst the screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground, a tooth-stinging strange noise broke the silence in the early hours of the morning.

Not thinking about the maintenance of the car at all, Lin Yuanfei kicked open the door of the car as soon as the car stopped and rushed out.

In the friction between the car tires and the ground, there was a strong burnt smell in the air.

The scorched stench of burning rubber made one frown.However, Lin Yuanfei rushed directly to the hospital building, not waiting for the two girls behind him at all.

His footsteps were fast, rushing wildly in the quiet hospital hall in the early morning, waking up the drowsy nurses behind the duty desk.

But before those nurses saw what happened, Lin Yuanfei's figure had disappeared into the hall.

He rushed straight to the stairs.

This time, Lin Yuanfei could no longer wait for the elevator.

He ran wildly up the stairs with a gloomy expression.

Even the running speed that set off a strong wind was extremely scary.

But it's a pity that no one can see him on the stairs after five o'clock in the morning

With a gloomy expression, he rushed up the stairs, Lin Yuanfei rushed to the stairs on the seventh floor in less than ten seconds.

He rushed out and looked at the duty desk.Lin Yuanfei's expression became even colder.

The female nurse who had discussed with him and went to check the status of my wife and sister's ward from time to time was sleeping on the duty desk, her mobile phone was vibrating in her pocket, but she didn't answer it.

But Lin Yuanfei has no time to blame the nurse for her dishonesty.

After confirming the condition of the nurse, he rushed directly to the ward of my wife and sister

Then, he directly opened the door of the ward and rushed in.


It was empty again.

In the empty ward, not a single living person can be seen

There was no sign of Yuno, no sign of Yuki.The two sisters who were supposed to be in the ward were all gone now.

In the empty ward, Lin Yuanfei could not hear any sound, nor could he feel the breath of any living person.

...In silence, Lin Yuanfei glanced coldly at the ward in front of him.

This time, he walked in.

When we came to the hospital bed, there were two beds in this ward, one bed was supposed to be for Yu Nai to recuperate from his injuries, and the other one was for Yu Ji to rest.

But now the quilts on these two hospital beds are neatly folded, Lin Yuanfei stretched out his hand to touch the sheets, he could only feel the slightest coldness, without any heat.

Obviously, the sisters have been away for some time.

So where did they go?Why did you leave without saying a word?

Didn't you agree to stay in the ward tonight and never leave no matter what happens?Why did the two sisters break their promises?

Especially Yu Ji, why didn't he tell him when he left? Lin Yuanfei frowned.

A certain uneasiness echoed in his chest.

He turned and left the ward, and went straight to the duty station on the seventh floor.

There, the nurse was already lying on the duty desk, sleeping so soundly that Lin Yuanfei didn't even know that Lin Yuanfei had turned inside and was standing behind her.

Standing under the dim incandescent light, Lin Yuanfei looked down at the nurse in front of him with a cold expression, and stretched out his hand to push her.

"Wake up."

However, Lin Yuanfei pushed slightly with his hand, and the nurse lying on the duty desk fell silently to one side, hitting the floor heavily.

The turned face looked livid and stiff under the incandescent light.The pupils without any focus are dilated, lifeless and dull.

And the fatal scar was between the nurse's eyebrows.

A thin, small red dot appeared between her eyebrows.

It seemed that some kind of sharp and slender weapon directly penetrated her brain, cruelly taking her life.

And this is also the reason why the nurse has almost no smell of blood on her body, the wound is too small

Standing there quietly, looking down at the dead body of the nurse, Lin Yuanfei's expression became colder, did the nurse die too?

Why did the murderer kill the nurse?Because the nurse was watching my wife and sister's ward for him?

But killing the nurse, will it be convenient for the murderer?It was convenient to leave Lin Yuanfei's eyes with a cold look.

Is the murderer really Yoshino...

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