But where is her murderous stance?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the computer at the duty desk. On the computer, the screen was divided into many equal small screens, and each small screen was the image fed back from the surveillance camera on the seventh floor.

Lin Yuanfei's hand moved to the mouse.

Since the monitoring is still there, you only need to call up the previous monitoring screen to find out what happened.

And the moment Lin Yuanfei's hand touched the mouse, a "beep" sounded from the direction of the elevator shaft not far away.

Obviously, someone took the elevator up to the seventh floor.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't look at it, he cut off the surveillance screen, returned to the computer desktop, and began to search for the previous surveillance video

Calculating the time, it should be Yan Ye and Fu Jiang Lin Yuanfei who came over at this time, just continued to operate the computer, and did not look up.

However, after the sound of the beep, there was a dull muffled sound from the elevator shaft, as if something had hit the floor, and then, there was a strange silence.

There were no footsteps, and no one came. Instead, there was a strange fishy smell floating in the air. Then, there was a rhythmic sound of "d-d-d-d-d-d" from the elevator shaft.

It seems that when the elevator closed automatically, something blocked the door. There was a warning sound of closing and opening, closing and opening. Hearing the beeping warning, Lin Yuanfei finally raised his head.

He looked in the direction of the elevator shaft, was silent for a few seconds, turned over the duty desk, and walked over.

The rough right hand full of calluses silently grasped the hilt of Kikyo Xiandongyue, and Lin Yuanfei came to the elevator shaft expressionlessly.

Indeed, there, an elevator got stuck.

The door of the elevator kept trying to close, but was blocked by an object stuck in the door, and could only be retracted.

And the object stuck in the elevator is a crawling on the floor

, a girl with a body in the elevator and a body outside the elevator

It seemed that the moment the elevator door opened, the corpse fell out and got stuck in the middle of the elevator door.Scarlet blood bloomed under the girl's body.

The familiar back of the girl made Lin Yuanfei's expression more indifferent.After gently turning the girl's body over with the scabbard, he finally saw the girl's face clearly under the dim incandescent light.

One by one.

Chapter 400 Love (Fourth Update 4000/5800

On the seventh floor of the quiet and deserted hospital, Lin Yuanfei looked down at the girl's body at his feet.

The moment he saw Yan Ye's face clearly, even though he already had the answer in his heart, his pupils still shrank.

Ye...3 died here?


Who killed her?

Judging from Yan Ye's appearance, it seemed that he was killed in the elevator.Then when the elevator door opened, the body fell out directly, but what about Fu Jiang?Logically speaking, Fu Jiang and Yan Ye should come up together, right?

Lin Yuanfei looked inside the elevator, but couldn't see any figure belonging to Fu Jiang.

In this empty elevator, only Yan Ye's body lay quietly

So, what about the murderer?Where did the murderer go?

Lin Yuanfei frowned and thought, dragging Yan Ye's body from the elevator

Came out.

Then, he walked to the window, overlooking the scene in front of the hospital building condescendingly.

Then, he saw Fu Jiang yawning against the white Mercedes-Benz

Obviously, Fu Jiang didn't go to the hospital with Yan Ye, this lazy woman didn't bother to follow them all the time, and stood outside waiting alone.

Of course, it may also be the one who was left behind by Yan Ye to watch the car, but no matter what, Fu Jiang didn't come over.

Yan Ye, who entered the hospital building alone, died in the elevator like this, and lost the murderer's figure.Lin Yuanfei frowned.

Who is the murderer?

After thinking about this important matter, Lin Yuanfei continued to call Yuki.


The first time the notification sounded for the communication, the bell of music suddenly sounded in the originally quiet hospital.

That ringtone was very familiar to Lin Yuanfei. The moment Yu Ji heard the ringtone, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Yuki...in the hospital?

On the seventh floor?

He frowned, and walked towards the direction of the ringing expressionless.

Then, he stood at the door of the utility room.

The ringtone of Yuki's cell phone came from this utility room. In the quiet and deserted corridor, the echoing ringtone was inexplicably permeating.

Lin Yuanfei stood outside the utility room door in silence for a few seconds, then pushed open the utility room door expressionlessly.

Then, there was a faint smell of blood.

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