There seemed to be something blocking the spread of the bloody smell, so this time the bloody smell was so inconspicuous.

And the ringtone of the mobile phone rang in the dark corner.

Lin Yuanfei turned on the light and walked over.

In front of him was a dilapidated cabinet full of dust.

And Yuki's mobile phone ringtone came from the cabinet without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yuanfei directly opened the door of the cabinet, and the pungent strong smell of blood was finally unobstructed


The strong fishy smell like a slaughterhouse made Lin Yuanfei take a step back reluctantly.

Then, with the help of the dim light, Lin Yuanfei saw clearly what was stuffed in the cabinet.

A corpse that had been chopped into several pieces, and the corners of the cabinet were smeared with red and sticky blood. The girl's eyes, which were terrified and widened before she died, looked so pitiful.

It's so scary again.

It seems that she saw an unbelievable scene before she died.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.


The one who died in front of his eyes was Yuki?

The indescribably absurd feeling almost tore him apart.

Why Yuki?

Isn't Yuno the murderer?

Why Yuki?Yuno will kill Yuki?

Isn't she the one who loves her sister the most?

Even a sick and delicate girl like Yuno shouldn't let her go!

'Puff...cough cough...

Amidst the girl's muffled screams, she fell heavily in the corner of the utility room.

Her body was almost split in half.The horrible and hideous knife wound started from her left shoulder and spread to her right waist.

Suffering such a serious injury, the girl couldn't move anymore. Her body was twitching in the corner in pain, and she raised her head with difficulty, staring at Lin Yuanfei's ferocious face, showing a mocking smile, no...don't kill me? "The girl named my wife Yuno struggled to squeeze out a sneer of disdain in the agony of dying, "Do you still have something called woman's benevolence? "

Under the dim light in the utility room, Lin Yuanfei just stared at this familiar yet seemingly strange girl.

Looking at the other party's sickly twisted smile, he clenched the knife tightly, trying to suppress his anger that immediately rushed to dismember the other party's body

"You killed Bujima-senpai, Yan Ye, and Yuki? "Lin Yuanfei said coldly, "Why did you kill them?Forget about Bujima-senpai and Yan Ye, why Yuki 2...why did you even kill your older sister?

Don't you love her the most?This is your love?

Amid Lin Yuanfei's indifferent questioning, Yuno struggled to let out a mouthful.

Blood, with a sickly and distorted smile.

'What do you know?You unknown lunatic.What do you know?My sister and I's past, my sister's life, my sister's love... what do you know? Yuno roared angrily, "No one can take my sister away! No!"

"Then why did you kill Dudao-senpai and Yan Ye? Did they hinder you?" Lin Yuanfei stared at the girl in front of him, and asked, "Are they completely innocent?|

However, facing Lin Yuanfei's cold questioning, Yuno just looked at him and silently squeezed out a disdainful sneer.

As if she had completely disdain to answer such boring questions as Lin Yuanfei, she slowly closed her eyes.

Then, I died.

The utility room filled with the smell of blood fell into a strange dead silence. Only Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at Yuno's gradually cooling body, speechless.

[Picture: Yuno

Chapter 401 The Restored Truth (Fifth Change 4200/5800)

In the quiet and silent utility room, only the sound of Lin Yuanfei's breathing was left. The girl lying quietly in the corner had already tilted her head feebly and lost her breath.

However, the cold and smiling expression even when he was about to die seemed to be mocking Lin Yuanfei silently. Lin Yuanfei looked at her blankly, then looked at Yuki's tragic death in the cabinet behind him, and fell silent.

The pungent smell of blood wafted in the utility room, and the blood from Yuno's corpse continued to spread on the floor, and soon spread to Lin Yuanfei's feet.

Standing between the corpses of the two sisters, Lin Yuanfei silently shook off the blood on the power blade, turned around and walked out of the utility room. He walked straight towards the duty desk with an indifferent expression.

Yuno turned out to be the murderer, but Yuno Jingran even killed Yuki. This is because when they came to the hospital not long ago, the two sisters were still very normal. How long has it been? Why did this happen?


That's right, Yuno is indeed a terrifying sick girl.

In the original animation of "Future Diary", she had the intention to kill her beloved Amano Yuki.

But that was when Amano Xuehui might leave her.Generally speaking, no matter how crazy she is, she will not kill her lover's life.

At most, cut off the hands and feet of the lover and lock them up in the basement for protection.Then during the few hours when Lin Yuanfei left the hospital, did anything happen in the hospital?

The two sisters turned against each other?Yuno finally assassinated Yuki?But what kind of words does Yuki have to say to offend Yuno?

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