, Let Yuno completely blacken and distort, and kill her own sister by hand! Lin Yuanfei came to the duty desk expressionlessly, occupied the nurse's chair, sat down in front of the computer, and began to read the surveillance video on the seventh floor.

Soon, he found the folder where the surveillance video was stored on the computer, and then checked the surveillance video one by one.

The surveillance video here is recorded and saved in a period of one hour, and the file name of each video is the time point of video recording

Lin Yuanfei was the first to turn on the surveillance video at four o'clock in the morning.

On the surveillance screen that popped up first, the nurse on duty was already lying motionless on the duty desk. It was obvious that the nurse was dead at this time.

So Lin Yuanfei turned off the surveillance screen, and tuned to the surveillance video that started at [-]:[-] am. When the video started, the nurse was sitting on the duty desk reading a book. Obviously, at [-]:[-] am, the nurse was still alive.

So Lin Yuanfei started to move the mouse and started to fast forward.

03:00, nothing happened...

03:15, nothing happened.

At 03:20, nothing happened until 03:23, when an abnormality finally appeared on the monitoring screen.

The nurse who was sitting on the duty desk suddenly picked up her head, looked in a certain direction, then stood up and walked out, as if something had happened.

After noting the time when the nurse got up, Lin Yuanfei minimized the video, and then found another camera footage of the corridor. At 03:24 in the morning, the nurse on the night shift in the empty hospital corridor came from The direction of the duty desk entered the monitoring screen.She went straight to the ward of my wife and sister.

Then, knocked on the door outside.

It was Yuki who opened the door.

The two stood at the door of the ward and said a few words. The nurse nodded, as if she understood, and turned back.Yuki also closed the door of the ward.

The hallway was empty again.

After pausing the screen here, Lin Yuanfei switched back to the surveillance camera at the duty desk.

Then I saw the nurse who had finished talking with Yuki went back to the desk and sat down. While she sat down, she took out her mobile phone and seemed to want to call someone.But after hesitating for a while, the nurse took back the phone again and did not make that call.

She continued to sit there and read a book.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei's eyes were a little cold, but he still fast forwarded indifferently.

And this time, it didn't fast-forward very long.

When the time reached 03:39 in the morning, there seemed to be another noise in the ward of my wife and sister.

The nurse who was reading raised her head and looked in that direction. She sat behind the duty desk and yawned, looking very sleepy.

, but there seems to be a lot of noise over there.

Then she shook her head, put down her book, stood up, and left the duty desk again.

So Lin Yuanfei switched to another screen and fast-forwarded to 0339 in the morning.

Then, he saw the female nurse on night shift come to the ward of my wife and sister, and knocked on the door.

This time, it took more than ten seconds before someone opened the door.

The one who opened the door was Yuno.

On the black-and-white surveillance screen, Yuno's figure could not be seen clearly.

But the moment she saw Yuno, the nurse in the surveillance screen seemed to be very panicked, she turned around and wanted to run away, but Yuno had already reached out and covered her mouth from behind, and then raised a slender thing and stabbed it between the nurse's eyebrows.In the black and white picture, the nurse's body twitched violently for several times, and then stopped moving.

Then Yuno dragged the slimy nurse back to the duty desk, put the nurse behind the duty desk, and pretended to be dozing off.

After that, Yuno went straight back to the ward.

After about a few minutes, she pushed away from the ward and came out dragging a corpse like ooze.

From Yuki's point of view, Yuki seemed to have received similar injuries like the nurse, and there was no blood left after being dragged all the way.

Lin Yuanfei also finally recalled that on Yuki's body in the cabinet, there was indeed a small red spot between the eyebrows.It's just that the scene of Yuki's death shocked him, and he didn't notice the little red dot immediately.

Watching helplessly as Yuno dragged Yuki's body into the utility room, and stayed there for a long time before coming out.

Lin Yuanfei no longer had to think about what Yuno was doing after staying in it for so long.

Yuki's chopped up body in the cabinet is the best answer.

He watched Yuno blankly after finishing everything and walked out of the utility room, then went back into the ward for a while and didn't know what to do. Finally, when the video was about to end, Yuno finally left the ward, carrying Her backpack walked out with a blank face and disappeared into the monitoring screen. Standing blankly behind the duty desk, looking at the black and white screen in the monitoring screen, Lin Yuanfei's expression was gloomy and cold. The truth was restored through the monitoring screen. , solved the case.

He knew the reason for Yuki's death, and also probably knew Yuno's motive for going to the villa to kill someone.


Standing in the empty and silent hospital corridor, feeling the faint smell of blood wafting in the air, Lin Yuanfei's eyes shone with determination and everyone died.

This is an absolutely unacceptable ending!

Impassively, he raised the platycodon celery fairy Dongyue in his hand, and seeing the cold face reflected on the knife, Lin Yuanfei aimed the knife at his head without hesitation.

Give it a hard push!

Amid the spray of scarlet blood, a headless corpse fell down heavily.

Disappeared into the shadows behind the duty desk.

In the quiet corridor of the hospital, it was finally completely quiet, and no one could be seen anymore.

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