Only the more and more intense pungent smell of blood floats slowly in the air here.

Chapter 402 Hey, Freddy (4400th update 5800/[-])

The feeling of darkness seemed to last for a long time in consciousness, and it seemed to only last for a moment.

When Lin Yuanfei's consciousness gradually returned to his body and his brain gradually regained control over his body, what he most wanted to hear was Du Daozi's confused voice

'Lin Yuan-jun?Mr. Lin Yuan?Are you not leaving?Why are you standing here in a daze?

Lin Yuanfei came back to his senses abruptly, and looked at Yuko Bushima in front of him, who was still in the hall of the villa, the same as before he was about to leave

Lin Yuanfei looked towards the direction not far away, where Fu Jiang sat on a swing and read magazines leisurely, and Yan Ye was on the phone to contact the person named Gaosaka Police Department.

Everything was still maintained at the moment when he was about to leave the villa.

There is a calm and leisurely atmosphere floating in the air.

Lin Yuanfei looked at such a scene, indifferent


Lin Yuanfei carried his backpack, turned and left without the slightest bit of nostalgia

the villa.

As for the astonishment of Bushima Yazi behind him, Lin Yuanfei completely ignored it.

As always, he walked towards McDonald's and drove the white Mercedes.

At night, the villa area was still very lively, and there were even people having a party in several villas, and the loud and noisy music sounded in the darkness, spreading far away.

Lin Yuanfei walked alone on the asphalt road with an extremely indifferent expression.

He stroked his neck, and the pain of beheading seemed to still have a strange touch.

But his body is still alive.

And everything really went back to the moment before he left the villa

So, did I really gain the ability to rewind time?

But no matter how you think about it, something feels wrong.

Inexplicably, such a skill suddenly appeared. Could it be that it was present during time travel?It's just that I haven't died, so it hasn't been triggered

But what is the rationale for all this?

It's really easy to get something like a time rollback


And since leaving Silent Hill, it feels like everything is not right.

Although the touch of this world is very real, not like a fake at all, but the words and deeds of everyone in this world are too wrong. When he woke up, the first thing he saw was Du Daozi.Yuki and Busujima go out to dinner together, but Yuki stays behind, and only Busujima Saiko comes to him.

Then when he left, Yuno's indifferent mouth was clearly saying that from that moment on, everything was abnormal.

Yazi, Yanye, Yuno... the words and deeds of these people all seem so wrong.

Yan Ye's inexplicable hot feelings, Du Daozi's unreasonable and rude behavior (throwing Yuki in the restaurant and leaving by himself), Yuno's elusive killing ability, in this world, it seems that only Tomie and Yuki are left. It's normal now.

But in fact, it was only because Lin Yuanfei didn't have much contact with them.

And they didn't participate in the two reincarnation fights, so

They appear to be relatively normal.

If they are deeply eclipsed with them in such a cycle of death, can they still maintain this normal appearance?Lin Yuanfei couldn't be sure.

As for Lin Yuanfei's two consecutive resurrections, is it really just a simple time reversal?Would such an overbearing and unreasonable ability really appear on him?Isn't he invincible?

And Freddy didn't show up, and even Sadako, who was supposed to show up long ago, was completely absent.

Shouldn't that little Sadako who tried every means to trick him to Chiba City should be the most anxious to see him?Why haven't you come out for so long?

Thinking about all this, Lin Yuanfei frowned.

In the cool night breeze, he has come to the side of the white Mercedes parked in the parking lot outside McDonald's.

He opened the car door with the key that Roko Busujima gave him, sat in the driver's seat, Lin Yuanfei fastened his seat belt, and inserted the key.

When everything was ready and about to start, Lin Yuanfei looked at the rearview mirror closest to him.

Looking at his indifferent face in the rearview mirror blankly, Lin Yuanfei said slowly.

hey freddy if you're listening say something

' Or, do something. Looking coldly at himself in the rearview mirror, Lin Yuanfei said, "Could it be that you are really dead?" "

In the cool night wind, nothing responded to him.

Lin Yuanfei looked at himself in the mirror expressionlessly, and waited silently for a while, but there was still nothing responding to him in the darkness.So he took a deep breath, started the car, and the white Mercedes-Benz slowly drove into the streets of the city. Lin Yuanfei stared at the streets of the city indifferently, staring at the feasting and feasting of the city in front of him, watching Those who come and go on the street have no emotion in their eyes.

It seems that what they are looking at are a group of hollow bodies without souls, and they seem to be watching a group of ugly monsters disguised as humans. The cold wind pours into the driver's seat from the car window, bringing a little bit of coolness to the skin.

When Lin Yuanfei parked the car at a traffic light intersection, the gate of a shopping mall on the side of the road ahead was backed away.

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