In this kind of crisis dream, probably only the weaver of the dream, the culprit of everything, pushed open the door of my wife Yuno's ward, Lin Yuanfei looked at the two sisters in the ward who looked at him in astonishment, and said.

"Yuki, there's something I want to talk to you about...can I come out?

Lin Yuanfei looked like the dean who asked the students to go out for a private chat.

Seeing his serious expression, Yuno frowned.

"What? Is the perverted senior finally unable to hold back and want to attack my sister? Is there anything you can't say here? Absolutely no good intentions! Sister, don't go out with this guy, let him say anything here as a matter of course trouble.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's words, Yuki immediately put down the half-peeled apple in his hand, stood up, a little confused, "What's the matter, Mr. Lin Yuan?

As she spoke, she walked straight out, while turning her head to appease her younger sister on the hospital bed.

"Yuno, you lie down for a while, sister, I'll be back soon," Yuki said, obviously taking her sister's words on deaf ears.

Visible to the naked eye, Yuno's face darkened, and his eyes were fierce as if he wanted to kill someone.

It's just that Yuki turned his back to her, and didn't notice the abnormality of his sister. Lin Yuanfei glanced at Yuno, didn't say anything, and closed the door after Yuki came out.

Then he said, "Just a few very common words, let's go over there and talk."

Lin Yuanfei pointed to the window at the end of the corridor and said, "It won't take too much time."

Chapter 404 Yuki's Parents Face

Chapter 404 Yuki's parents faced Lin Yuanfei's politeness, Yuki smiled and shook his head.

"Lin Yuan-kun is so polite all of a sudden, it really makes people unhappy... Yuki sighed, and said softly, "I thought that after going through so many things, we should be able to get closer to each other... Lin Yuan-kun is really still Are you bitter about what I kept from you earlier? Lin Yuanfei just remembered, although he had already talked with Yuki about the original owner of the body in his memory.

But Yuki in front of him seems to have no memory of that aspect at all. Smiling, Lin Yuanfei said, "Let's not talk about the previous things. I have something more important to ask Yuki now." The two arrived Behind the window, Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki's face and asked earnestly, "Yuki, you and Yuno grew up together and you should know each other very well, right? Then there is something about Yuno that you don't know of it?

What Lin Yuanfei wants to confirm now is who is the fake girl next to her?

Because the previous memory made him understand one thing, that is, these girls don't seem to be all fake.

At least Yuki and Busujima have said some information and intelligence that Lin Yuanfei didn't understand at all. If everything is Lin Yuanfei's own personal nightmare, then there is no need for the mastermind behind the scenes to fabricate some completely irrelevant false information.

Because not only is there no benefit to doing so, but Lin Yuanfei may be aware of the abnormality due to flaws in logic or details. However, both Yuki and Busujima Ruozi mentioned a lot of information that Lin Yuanfei did not know.

In a dream that should belong to Lin Yuanfei alone, some information and information that Lin Yuanfei did not know were mentioned.

The most important thing is that Lin Yuanfei has been dreaming for so long, it is impossible for Yuki and the others in the real world to have no reaction at all.

And no one has woken him up in the real world for so long, Lin Yuanfei suspected that Yuki and the others were also dragged into the dream.

But this is just a speculation, what Lin Yuanfei has to do now is to investigate and confirm.

Check whether any of these girls can't tell the information that he doesn't know. Now the most suspected ones are Tomie, Yuno, and Ye

Yuno was seriously injured when he left Silent Hill, if all of them were dragged into the dreamland for so long, the real world Yu

"Hmm. This... If you want to talk about more important things, probably only the place where my father and mother work." Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Before, my father and mother went to work abroad, but later they changed to new ones. After working, I lost contact with them. Yuno doesn’t like my parents and doesn’t allow me to contact them, so she has been in touch with them for the past two years, and only she knows about their work. Regarding Yuki's statement, Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless.

"Aren't you an older sister? Why is Yuno not letting you contact your parents, so you really don't contact them?" Lin Yuanfei was very surprised, "Generally speaking, don't Yuno listen to you at home?

"Well...this..." Yuji lowered his head in a speechless voice, peeked at Lin Yuanfei timidly, and said nah, "I want to be honest, Mr. Lin Yuan, you are not allowed to look down on me." Lin Yuanfei nodded, " It's okay, Yuki, tell me, I promise I won't look down on you." Even so, Yuki hesitated for a while, and then said in a low voice, "I...I hate my father and mother very much. Lin Yuan-kun, you know Yes, Yuno and I are orphans adopted by them, and my parents are very fierce. I...I was afraid of them since I was a child, so when Yuno didn't allow me to contact them, I...not only didn't get angry

, On the contrary, I was very happy and felt relieved.I... I, Yuki lowered her head timidly, and said, "...Am I not very filial?" Lin Yuanfei sighed softly, and said, "I believe Yuki is not the kind of girl who doesn't care about the importance , if your parents hate you, then they must be assholes, and I am on your side, Yuki, unconditionally.

Lin Yuanfei spoke very seriously. After all, what is the virtue of my wife Yuno’s parents in the original book of Future Diary. Hehehehe, if my wife, sisters and parents in this world still have that kind of virtue, then Lin Yuanfei thinks there is nothing wrong with what Yuno and Yuki did. Chatted with Yuki by the window for a while, and after knowing some details, Lin Yuanfei nodded and sent Yuki away. The last person stood alone outside the ward door to sort out his thoughts for a while, Lin Yuanfei was deeply moved. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door of the ward and walked in.

In the quiet ward, a girl named my wife Yuno was lying on the hospital bed, looking at him expressionlessly.

"Yo, the pervert is back... Where's my sister? Where did you get my sister?" Seeing that Yuki didn't come back together, Yuno asked a little vigilantly.

Lin Yuanfei gave a dry cough, pulled up a stool and sat down, and

Yuno kept his distance.

Then said.

"Yuki went downstairs to do some shopping. Let me chat with you for a while." Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuno and said with a smile, "I heard from Yuki that your parents are working abroad...Yuno, where are your father and the others? Which country do you work in? I have always been curious about this matter, can you talk to me?

Oh, well, they're actually out of work. "Yuno sat there expressionlessly, and said indifferently, "

He was killed by me two years ago, and his body was buried on the floor of my basement. Unfortunately, he must have been blown up by a nuclear bomb now... Really!It's a pity, I still plan to bury you together.

Yuno said scary words with a cold face.

The smile on Lin Yuanfei's face froze for an instant, what the should I answer?

Chapter 405 Lily or something

Chapter 405 Lily or something, the best topic terminator, is a very wonderful attribute that can kill all topics.

For example, my wife Yuno now kills the topic the moment she opens her mouth.

Lin Yuanfei felt very broken.

What the hell... is this woman really so dangerous?

Although my wife Yuno in the original book "Future Diary" stabbed and massacred

, tortured and murdered parents, intended to murder her boyfriend’s mother, locked her boyfriend up in the basement with severed arms and legs, and even got murderous when her boyfriend wanted to run away with other girls, but... But Lin Yuanfei always felt that my wife in this world Yuno is relatively normal. After all, they have been in contact for so long (about a week), although Yuno threatens him fiercely every time, but every time he only stays at the stage of talking.

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