On the contrary, every time you run a dungeon to fight the boss, you will be stronger and more reliable every time, and you don't know how many times stronger than those silly apprentices who can only act cute, and the idiot seniors who shake their breasts and sell meat.Lin Yuanfei thought that because of Yuki, the older sister, Yuno became much cuter than the original book, and less extreme and terrifying than the original book.

But now that this sentence is said, the feelings my wife Yuno has always been

Is it that scary?The reason why he didn't kill Lin Yuanfei all along the way, just to talk about it, was because he didn't have time to kill him?

Depend on.

The moment he heard Yuno's answer, Lin Yuanfei had already confirmed the reality of the Ruanqian girl.

There's nothing to say, this is the real madness of my wife Yuno, which ordinary people really can't imitate

One second he greeted him with a smile, but the next he said such horrible and weird words... If even this Yuno is false, then there will be no real living people in the dream world.

So in this world, my wife Yuno is still a lunatic and sick girl, so her behavior of killing Yuki is nothing more than normal. In the original book, when Yuki Amano got very close to a certain woman, my wife Yuno was tempted to kill.

If Yuki and Yuno said something that scared Yuno when they were chatting and arguing, such as leaving you or running away with other people, then needless to say, Yuno would definitely explode instantly.

So the logic of Yuno's previous killings is in line with reality, so the big doubt now is why this sick girl who should have been seriously injured and lying on the bed can be alive and kicking a few hours later

Killed everywhere.

Especially if he can block the breath to assassinate Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei can't find her yet.

This kind of power, my wife Yuno has never shown before.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and hesitated for a few seconds.

Uh... this article..." Lin Yuanfei squirmed his lips, trying to force the topic to continue.

But looking at Yuno's sneering face, he couldn't say a word.

Originally gagging was Lin Yuanfei's specialty, but now he was choked up by Yuno and couldn't say a word.

"Hey... let's talk about what happened before." Lin Yuanfei rubbed the center of his brows in distress, and forcibly changed the subject, "When I left the ward, you said [Yongan] to me, right? Then What means?

Lin Yuanfei could only pretend that he didn't hear the death of Yuno's parents in order to maintain the conversation, and Yuno glanced at him and snorted coldly.

"If you know the answer, there's a good chance you'll die.

Even so, do you want to know? "Yuno asked with a cold face.

Lin Yuanfei touched the knife on his waist subconsciously, and smiled a thousand times.

, "It's not sure who will cut who... Tell me, I am mentally prepared, what kind of moth are you planning to play. No matter what plan you have, I promise not to make trouble." Yuno looked at him blankly, silent After thinking for a while, I said it was very simple, I was leaving with my sister. "Yuno looked at Lin Yuanfei coldly and said, "I can't bear to stay with you anymore.Now that we have left Raccoon City and walked out of Silent Hill, all the grievances that entangled you have been resolved, you will no longer be entangled by any crisis, and my sister will no longer owe you any favors, and we are clean. "Next, go save your Makoto Ito by yourself. My sister and I will leave to find our new life. If you get involved with a guy like you again, you will continue to be unlucky in all likelihood. I don't want my sister to roll anymore. Being involved in those dangerous incidents, Yuno said very seriously, "Of course, what I can't accept is that you always stare at my sister lewdly.In order to prevent my sister from being deceived by a bastard like you, I must take her away from you! "

The girl on the hospital bed said very serious words, "I have already decided, we will leave tomorrow morning. I hope you will not disturb us when the time comes, as long as you know it in your heart, we must ask you to see us off, where are we going? I won't tell you either.

"From now on, please live your own life and don't interfere with us. Even if you see us from a distance on the road, please pretend you didn't see us.

"Otherwise, the next time we meet, I won't sit and chat with you so friendly." Yuno said, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

Facing the girl's candid confession, Lin Yuanfei was speechless. Is this Yuno's plan?

So the reason why Yuki was killed by Yuno was because Yuki refused her sister's request to leave together? emmm... the situation is almost the same as expected, my wife Yuno, this girl is really simple and perverted for people to understand at a glance.

It's a pity that this place is actually a false dream, Yuno children's shoes, even if you and your sister went to Argentina, you are still in a false dream

In the real world, everyone probably rolled into a ball, right? Lin Yuanfei stood up and sighed.

"Okay, I know your plan," Lin Yuanfei said, "If you want to leave, I won't force you to stay. Let's get together and leave, I wish you happiness in the future." Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "I will definitely not interfere with you. By the way, I don't think your sister will agree with you. So

Don't ask her opinion, just drug her, and then kidnap her forcibly, so that she won't be able to resist you. " Lin Yuanfei said the terrible suggestion seriously.

Yuno frowned suddenly.

"You bastard... aren't you thinking of any bad intentions?" Yuno stared at Lin Yuanfei full of distrust, "You actually support me? I thought you would go directly to your sister to complain." Regarding this, Lin Yuan Fei bared his teeth and smiled brightly.

"No, I've always been on your side! Yuno!" Lin Yuanfei smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Lily or something, the best ps: Recommend a friend's book "I don't seem to live long." ", it should be about the same theme as this book.

It's very interesting, everyone can go and see it.


You crossed.

Your neighbor is my wife Yuno, your girlfriend is Kuroka Yanha, your father is Ikari Gendo, the girl staying at your house is Nanali, and your cousin Rina Ryugu.

But you don't know all this without memory.

Out of the door, in this city called Fuyuki, the funeral home and the Black Knights are on the move;

Every corner.

You have Command Seals in your left hand but no followers, and your right hand has King Power but you can't use it at all.As the Fourth Primogenitor, you have a band of vampires who want to suck your blood and soul.

After finally dodging the space shock and Monokuma, in the distance, Emiya Kiritsugu's sniper rifle quietly aimed at your forehead.

In the Holy Grail War for miracles, there is a master named Aika Sajo.

She is your enemy now, live on.

Chapter 406 senior sister,

Chapter 406 Sister, I think if one day, the rival in love you always thought of as patted you on the shoulder with a smile, and told you—in fact, I have always been on your side. If you like it, go after it hard!If you can't catch up with me, you will take drugs, at worst, you can shoot

X photo, I absolutely support you unconditionally.

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