So what would your reaction be?

The girl named My Wife Yuno stared at Lin Yuanfei suspiciously at this time, looked up and down, and frowned even tighter.

"You are even more difficult to deal with than you imagined," Yuno snorted coldly, "Can you talk about the woman you love so lightly? You are really shameless." Facing Yuno's accusation, Lin Yuanfei was very upset have no choice.

What is a beloved woman? Lin Yuanfei spread his hands in astonishment, "Since when did Yuki become my beloved woman? Why didn't I know that she and I had reached this point?"

Yuno said with a sneer, "Do you still want to die...Although you don't say it, I still don't know the dirty thoughts in your heart? Lin Yuan Feifei, do you still remember what you said you liked the most? kind of woman?

Uh... big boobs? "Lin Yuanfei asked tentatively.

"That's right," Yuno nodded, "My sister's breasts are so big, I can't hold them with one hand at all... Or, I'm still far behind with one hand!

Yuno said proudly, as if she was boasting of something extraordinary.

Of course, this is really remarkable, but Lin Yuanfei rubbed the center of his brows and sighed, "Could it be that because of Yuki's big breasts, I will definitely love her? There are so many women with big breasts in the world, do I love all of them?

Yuno looked surprised, "Eh? Isn't it? Among the women around you, which one has small breasts?

Lin Yuanfei almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, my f*ck... It's not that I want them to have big breasts, so they have big breasts!When I met them, their breasts were already big, so it has nothing to do with me, okay?

Lin Yuanfei looked helpless, while Yuno sneered.

'You're trying to say that their breast size has nothing to do with you, it's not that you control their breast size... right? "Yuno laughed mockingly.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment, "You know how to read minds?

Yuno snorted disdainfully, "There's something in the mind of a bastard like you.

What are you thinking, just look at your wretched expression.Still need mind reading skills?You think too highly of yourself, right?

Forget it, the pure will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid, I have no time to argue with you," Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "Anyway, I'll leave my words here, you don't care what you do to Yuki, as long as you don't hurt her personal safety, then I don't care.I won't stop you even if you take her away, I wish you happiness. " Lin Yuanfei said, turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia, as if he really wanted to give Yuki unconditionally to Yuno. This behavior comparable to "Purple Sun" instantly stunned Yuno. She completely realized that Lin Yuanfei seemed to be... …seriously?

Of course, she didn't know, even if she ran to the end of the world with Yuno, it was useless, everything was just a dream.

Dream, you can play whatever you like.Even if you kill like before, it will have no effect on everyone, and you will still be a good man when you wake up

Lin Yuanfei has confirmed that the death of this dream will not affect reality

After leaving the hospital, Lin Yuanfei didn't say hello to Yuki, and drove back to the villa in a white Mercedes-Benz.This time, he planned to investigate Yan Ye and Fu Jiang first.

Mainly to investigate Tomie.

Uh... Actually, that's how it is," Lin Yuanfei looked at Toshiko Busujima and asked, "About that Takasaka Police Department, senior, do you know anything about him?I'm going to see him tomorrow, and I want to know more about him.

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's question, Bushima Yuko was a little confused.

"It would be better to ask Xuemei Yan Ye about this.

However, since Lin Yuanfei asked, Budao Yazi answered truthfully, "I've heard of the Kosaka police department. It is said that he is a very serious police officer, but I have no more contact with him." , so Lin Yuan-jun, if you want to know more, it is better to ask Xuemei Yan Ye." Du Daozi gave a thoughtful suggestion.

Lin Yuanfei also nodded seriously, "Okay, but before that, I have to trouble you with one more thing." Lin Yuanfei said, took out a notebook and a pen, and handed them to Du Daozi

"About Chiba's local families and high society people, Busujima-senpai, can you write down everything you know?"I want to write down their names and have a picture, so as not to accidentally offend them in the future

For Lin Yuanfei's request, Koujima was surprised, "

Is it like this... But I don't know all the rich people in Chiba City, and I only know a small number of them, so I can't help Hayashi Yuan-kun too much

Lin Yuanfei grinned - all he wanted was that you didn't know everything, otherwise you'd be just kidding.

"Anyway, I'd better ask my senior sister," Lin Yuanfei said with a smile as he looked at Toshitobushima, "Just write down the names you know, and don't worry about those you don't know. I'll ask Yan Ye for the rest.

Kishima Yako shook his head, "I still don't quite understand Lin Yuan-jun's request to be alone with such a beautiful woman with big breasts and round buttocks, you just want someone else to write your name for you?

"Also, does Mr. Lin Yuan need to worry about offending others?" Poison Island said with some helplessness while writing, "I think it should be the local people in Chiba City who need to be careful not to offend you, Mr. Lin Yuan.

leave tonight

I haven't been in a good state in the past few days, so I have to calm down. It's almost time for the legendary burnout period.

Sitting there, obviously there is a plot in my mind, but I don't want to write a word, this is also a very helpless thing.

Of course, the main reason is that the following plot is more difficult to write. I am thinking about how to write a really interesting daily routine.

Everyday, I’m already doing it, don’t worry about it.

Some people say that I don’t mean what I say. I said I would write daily results and then download a copy... This is really unfair. I said that I will have a leisurely and relaxing daily life when I arrive in Chiba City, but I haven’t arrived in Chiba City yet. Well, right?

So, don't be square, this is a technical adjustment.

Daily, it is already being done, and it will be online soon.

Everyone calm down and spend these few days together.

A happy and happy life is ahead

Chapter 407 I Know I'm a Good Person

...Does Mr. Lin Yuan need to worry about offending others?

Under the dim street light, Kishima Kiba shook her head helplessly while writing.

Looking at the man in front of him, Du Daozi smiled a little complicatedly, "I think those local people in Chiba City need to be careful not to offend Mr. Lin Yuan, right?" For this, Lin Yuanfei smiled brilliantly, "How could that be?" No way, I am a good citizen.What are you talking about, Busujima-senpai? You make me sound like a heinous villain.

You see, I am clearly a good citizen who abides by the law.Although I kidnapped women, murdered, set fire, dismembered, skinned

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