, cannibalism, confinement in a closed room, instigating cannibalism, threatening government officials, participating in murders, but I know I am a good person

"Real villains like to pretend to be good and kind, like to care for animals, and go around to help and raise the flag for the so-called disadvantaged groups. In fact, what they do is doing shit." Human beings are superficial and only know how to look at the surface.So they can only misunderstand the good people, and then they are deceived by the real villains and go bankrupt.

Only the good guys can tell who the real villain is! "

Lin Yuanfei said with a serious face, "I am a good person! I am a very good person!

In Lin Yuanfei's nonsense, Du Dao Yuzi had already written the name he knew, and then handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

That's basically all I know, you'd better ask Yan Ye about the rest.Her family should have a closer relationship with Chiba City. Apart from a friend here, I don't know much about it. "

Lin Yuanfei took a look at the notebook, "So few, there are only about five surnames on it, it seems that Du Daozi really doesn't know Chiba City.

But when Lin Yuanfei saw one of the surnames, he almost sprayed yuan...@.

Tohsaka? "Lin Yuanfei suspected that he had read it wrong, "This is the Yuansaka family... uh... Which Yuansaka family is it?"

Lin Yuanfei had a strange expression on his face.

Kishima Kishima said, "Oh, this is an old family in Chiba City. However, the Tosaka family has always been withdrawn and rarely has contact with other families. But the owner Tosaka Tokiomi is a very elegant man, business The Tosaka family has a lot of real estate in Chiba City, so although the Tosaka family has little contact with the outside world, they are undoubtedly the richest tycoon in Chiba City."

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's weird expression, Du Daozi was a little confused, "Uh...Lin Yuan-kun, is there something wrong with the Tohsaka family? Why do you have this expression?

"emmmm...it's nothing, I just seem to have heard the name of the Tohsaka family somewhere," Lin Yuanfei rubbed his brows, sighed,

'I hope this Tohsaka family is not the Tohsaka family that I know. They control a lot of land. The head of the family is Tohsaka Tokiomi, and they seldom have contact with ordinary people from the outside world... Hehehe.

The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, it seems that Tosaka Tokiomi in this world is living a healthy life.

However, Du Daozi's expression became serious, "Lin Yuan-kun has heard of the Tosaka family? Could it be that... the Tosaka family is also related to supernatural power? In Du Dao Yazi's view, everything that Lin Yuanfei has a reflection, Nothing good.

Such as Resident Evil, such as the Alien in Tomijima, such as Aretha. Now Lin Yuanfei has heard of the Tohsaka family?

Kishima Yako was a little uneasy, "Is there any problem with the Tohsaka family?" Hayashi Yuanfei shrugged, "Who knows... Anyway, we just need to stay away from him.He walks his sunny path, and I walk my single-plank bridge. It's best not to have anything to do with each other. It doesn't matter if he has any problems, just don't mess with him.

"Uh... But... Mr. Lin Yuan, I have something to say," Poison

Shimako smiled awkwardly, "I actually borrowed that white Mercedes-Benz from the Tohsaka family. I am friends with Tohsaka Rin, the daughter of the Tohsaka family. It is impossible for us to have no contact with them... Or, to put it another way, We have already had contact with them." Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

Tohsaka Rin?your friend?

"Senior Poujima really has a lot of friends." Lin Yuanfei smacked his mouth and couldn't help sighing, "Rin Tohsaka can make friends, is it true that beautiful women are popular wherever they go?

"But forget it, it's not important for now, let's talk about the Yuansaka family later," Lin Yuanfei said, "Now I have to go back to the villa...Well, senior sister, can you do me a favor? I'm not full, and I'm a little hungry now, can you help me buy a McDonald's?

Lin Yuanfei dismissed Du Dao Luo Zi with a clumsy excuse, and Du Dao Zi smiled cooperatively, and said, "No problem, I'll go right away, what flavor does Mr. Lin Yuan like?

After finalizing what to buy with Lin Yuanfei, Poison Island Yazi turned around and left alone, and really went outside the villa area to buy McDonald's for Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei stood under the street lamp and watched Du Dao Jianzi leave, he couldn't help sighing softly, Du Dao Shuzi is really a good woman, a good wife and mother is nothing more than that.

But now there is no time for emotion.

After watching Tingzi Dudao leave, Lin Yuanfei turned around and went back to the villa.

In the living room of the villa, Yan Ye was sitting on the sofa watching TV, while Fu Jiang was dangling in the hall in a sexy nightdress.

The tulle-like nightdress fits on the sexy female body, and it can be clearly seen that no underwear is worn under the nightdress.As Fu Jiang walked, the fruit under the tulle nightdress swayed gently.

Yan Ye raised his head, a little surprised

"Eh? Master? Where's Budao-senpai? Why didn't she come back together?" Yan Ye asked.

Lin Yuanfei changed his shoes, went to Yan Ye and sat down.

"She has something to go out and will come back later. Compared to that, Ye, do me a favor.

As Lin Yuanfei said, he tore off a blank piece of paper from his notebook, then handed it to Yan Ye, and said, "You are more familiar with Chiba City, you can write about the families who control wealth and power in this city Your surname? We will live here in the future, we must be careful not to offend those who cannot be offended. Yan Ye took the paper and nodded. "Okay, master, I will write it right away.

As Yan Ye said, he quickly took the brush from Lin Yuanfei and brushed it.

Five surnames were written on a blank sheet of paper.

Then, she handed this piece of paper to Lin Yuanfei, "This is the family I know that cannot be offended in Chiba City.

Ye said seriously, "Although there are some others who don't recognize them, it's almost enough to remember these surnames. Eh? Master looked at Lin Yuanfei's expression, Yan Ye was a little flustered, "You...why do you have such an expression?

Chapter 408 Let Me Rub It

Chapter 408 Let me rub it In the hall of the villa, Yan Ye's eyes were full of confusion.

After she handed the paper to Lin Yuanfei, the expression on Lin Yuanfei's face became a little weird.

The girl looked worried and scared.

I... did I do something wrong? "Yan Ye asked timidly.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at her and sighed, "It's okay, don't be afraid, I understand.

On the piece of paper that Yan Ye handed over, all the names written on it were exactly the same as those written by Toshiko Busujima.

The situation has developed to the point where it is still unclear who is the culprit.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and looked at Fu Jiang not far away.

Hello! Lin Yuanfei shouted, "Fu Jiang, are you free?"Come here I have something to tell you. Fu Jiang picked up his head and looked at Lin Yuanfei, a little confused, "What's the matter, my dear?" "

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