The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth curled up in a sinister way, "Come here, let me pinch your breasts. It looks very good.

As soon as this remark came out, Fu Jiang was first surprised, then overjoyed.

Dear, have you finally decided to pamper others?Great, people finally waited until today!

Said happily, Fu Jiang immediately ran over.

And Yan Ye in front of Lin Yuanfei was shocked, "Master... Teacher Ye quickly stood up and stopped Lin Yuanfei, with an anxious expression on his face, "You can't do this!Did you forget?Ms. Tomie is... 0 She is a charming monster!

Fu Jiang, who had already walked aside, snorted softly, "This is between my dear and me, what do you know as a child? Go and go, children, don't disturb adults doing interesting things.

Said, Fu Jiang proudly puffed up his chest, and the plump and upright breasts under the tulle nightdress directly pushed up two eye-catching bulges.The faintly visible shape under the nightdress makes people eager to hold it in their hands and knead it vigorously.

Come on, my dear, I have been waiting for this day for a long time," Fu Jiang's voice was charming to the bone. Even with a black veil covering his face, it was still charming.

The posture of letting you pick and choose is soft and seductive, making people want to pin her down and whip her fiercely, possessing everything from her.

And Lin Yuanfei's hand has already stretched out.

This time, Yan Ye was really anxious.

She stopped directly between Lin Yuanfei and Fu Jiang, and said loudly, Master!You can't touch Miss Tomie! "

Ye said anxiously, "Have you forgotten? She can't touch, can't touch

The girl hesitated and struggled for a few seconds, as if she had made some decision, she stubbornly stared at Lin Yuanfei, her face flushed, and said loudly, "Master, if you insist on rubbing, come and rub mine! As long as Master doesn't touch Ms. Tomie, I...I am willing to satisfy the master's desire on behalf of Ms. Tomie!

As she spoke, the girl puffed out her chest in embarrassment. The already plump breasts had always held up the clothes very high. Now, as the girl stubbornly puffed out her chest, the clothes on her chest immediately tightened, perfectly outlining The shape of the pair of plump fruits under the cloth came out.

Even with the girl's tense and rapid breathing, the plump and proud fruit is constantly trembling, as if it will completely break the tight fabric at any time, releasing the tightly bound plumpness inside.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched

"Snakes are sick.

Let's not talk about whether Yan Ye's relationship with him has reached that point, but if Yan Ye is so easy to fool, is it still Yan Ye?

Everyone in this dream really has problems with their words and deeds.

In this regard, he could only sigh and said.

"Can you close your eyes, Yan Ye?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Close your eyes first, and I'll tell you later." Lin Yuanfei's sudden request made Yan Ye tremble.

Then, the little girl nervously pinched the corners of her clothes and puffed her chest out, and closed her eyes forcefully, as if she was going to die generously.

But Fu Jiang behind Yan Ye snorted.

Dear, do you really want to attack this little girl?

Lin Yuanfei looked up at her and smiled.

"how is this possible

At the same time as the voice fell, Lin Yuanfei's hand disappeared.

In other words, it didn't disappear, and the moment it came out was extremely fast, beyond what humans could capture.

Before Fu Jiang could react, a strong wind rushed towards her face, and the veil on her face was forcibly torn off by Lin Yuanfei.The face under the veil appeared directly in the air. The moment the two sides looked at each other, Fu Jiang blinked.

Huh? "She didn't seem to understand what happened, but Lin Yuanfei had already thrown away the black gauze in his hand, and sneered

'You are quite beautiful.

What appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei was a face he didn't recognize at all.

Very beautiful, very beautiful, very heart-warming.

But unfortunately, that's all.

There is no weird charm that makes people tremble at a glance, and there is no magical attraction that makes one's liver tremble at a glance.After tearing off the veil, Lin Yuanfei looked at her, but felt that the woman in front of him was very beautiful, very beautiful, but only to this extent.

Compared with the real Fu Jiang, there is no such unreasonable, powerful charm ability that makes one's heart blush at a glance, it's a pity, beauty is beauty, but Fu Jiang's charm ability seems impossible to imitate, "Lin Yuanfei sighed With a sound, he said so.

And the woman in front of him is beautiful, but it is completely different from the Fu Jiang in Lin Yuanfei's memory. The Fu Jiang in his memory is just a vague image, and he doesn't remember Fu Jiang's facial features at all.

In other words, in order to fear that if he thinks too much, he will be charmed, Lin Yuanfei constantly forces himself to forget Fu Jiang's real appearance.

There is only a vague image left in Lin Yuanfei's heart.But the Fu Jiang in front of him is completely different from the Fu Jiang in Lin Yuanfei's memory.

Looking at the woman in front of him blankly, Lin Yuanfei put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist.

"Tell me, who are you? Why did you drag me into this weird nightmare? Are you the dark side of Aretha? Are you unwilling to continue dancing? What is the purpose of creating this false dream?

In the living room of the villa, the silent confrontation between the two sides made the atmosphere weird.

Yan Ye, who closed his eyes in front of Lin Yuanfei, dissipated silently, turned into light spots floating all over the sky, and disappeared into the air.

Even everything in the living room of the villa began to disappear. The dark world began to spread before Lin Yuanfei's eyes.

Only the woman standing in the dark smiled, smiled, and shook her head, "Lin Yuan-jun is really sharp... as expected of the man I like."

The woman smiled and let out a long sigh, "This time, I am the loser.

Chapter 409 Even if I, Freddy, starve to death


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