"Don't mind, Foge, I know I'm wrong, you come out, let's talk again.

However, that being said, the smile on Lin Yuanfei's face did not show any regret at all. In the darkness, Freddy's unhappy muffled sound sounded.

Get off, get off, you go hug your Yuki and drown.Sooner or later, you will die at the hands of this woman.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "Why do you care so much about Yuki, Brother Fo? Could it be that you were dissatisfied because Yuki beat you up in the dream?

"Bah! Is Freddy that kind of shit? Small belly? You're insulting me!"

In the darkness, Freddy cursed, "I hate her for being a moth, which caused me to fail several times. If it weren't for her and her stupid sister to help you, you would have been fucked to death by me a long time ago." , I wouldn't end up in this sad place... Do you know what the hell? I, Freddie, would have a better life without you three adulterers and whores


I used to have such a great time, killing the little loli every day, torturing the little lady, I don’t know how good it is, but it’s not like now, every day I see you, a bastard full of bad luck, and you have to deal with all kinds of different things Monster... Are you really tired?I'm getting bored to death, you can still laugh, are you still human?

"Xiaoxiaoxiaoxiaoxiao, laugh at your uncle! You will die on the belly of the monster sooner or later!

Amid Freddy's scolding, Lin Yuanfei laughed helplessly.

Brother Foo, brother Foo, that's not what I want to meet so many monsters... Look, aren't we almost safe now?After leaving Silent Hill, and then deal with Sadako, she will be safe soon.From now on, you will be able to live a happy, joyful and peaceful life. Don’t fall on the eve of the victory of the revolution. "Amidst Lin Yuanfei's laughter, Freddy pouted


The standard American curse, after cursing, Lin Yuanfei felt a huge suction caught him, and after he was spinning around for a while, he gradually felt the weight of his body

Then, Lin Yuanfei slowly opened his eyes and sat down.

mmmm... this..."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the picture in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This is a basement-like room, but the space is much larger than the basement of Yuki's house.

And very empty.

Inside the huge basement, it was empty and nothing was piled up.

It's just that a layer of soft foam cushions was laid on the area where Lin Yuanfei was lying.

Lin Yuanfei has seen this kind of mats before. Many children like to spread them on the floor of their small rooms. They are usually the letters of abcd, and there are also some cute patterns.However, the foam mat under Linyuan Feifei and the others had the same pattern as a wooden floor.

Well, yes, they are all covered with this kind of soft foam cushions on the floor of this small area, it is very comfortable to sleep on, and they can’t feel the ice on the floor, but there are not only people who lie in this basement with Lin Yuanfei Lin Yuanfei, and some other girls.

Yuno, Yuki, and Koko Busujima, these three girls were all lying beside Lin Yuanfei.At first glance, it looks like you are sleeping together

While Lin Yuanfei was waking up, the three girls also fell asleep one after another.

He opened his eyes again and sat up.

Uh... where is this?

"Lin Yuan-jun, where are we?

I remember. Aren't we in the hospital?How did you come here?

The three girls looked at Lin Yuanfei at the same time, with expressions as if Lin Yuanfei was the culprit who kidnapped them here.

Especially Yuno's expression of bewilderment, as if he wondered if he was ejaculated by Lin Yuanfei while he was asleep. For this, Lin Yuanfei was very helpless.

"Do you still remember the memory before you fell into a coma?

"Well. I remember being beaten by the triangle head, and then I don't remember anything." This is Yuno's memory. It seems that she is still staying in Silent Hill when she was fighting the dark side of Aretha.

Yuki blinked her eyes and said, "I remember my senior sister and I sent Yuno to the hospital for emergency treatment. At that time, Lin Yuan-kun was sleeping deeply, so we moved Lin Yuan-kun into the ward. Then in order to take care of Lin Yuan-kun He Yuno, my senior sister and I stayed to watch the night, and then I fell asleep and woke up here, what kind of place is Lin Yuanjun?" Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "I also want to know what kind of place this is

He looked at Kishima Yako, "How about you, senior? Where is your last memory?

Kishima Yako tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "Same as Yuki-senpai, in the ward... It seems that after we fell asleep, someone tied us here?" Lin Yuanfei looked at these three and didn't know anything The girl sighed helplessly.

Well, it seems that these three aunts don't have the memory of the dream, but forget it, anyway, it's not a good dream, so if you don't have it, you don't have it.

Otherwise, if Yuki remembered that he was killed by his sister twice in the dream, and Roko Busushima remembered that he was killed by Yan Ye once and Yuno once... Tsk, the picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

In short, I don't know what happened, let's go out and see what is here. "Lin Yuanfei said, stood up, looked down at his right hand.

Fortunately, his watch is still there.


Cheating, big brother.

Rubbing his stomach, Lin Yuanfei was surprised to find that he was still not hungry after sleeping for two days and two nights. Could it be that he was full in his dream and not hungry in reality?It's really strange.

Climbing straight up the stairs from the basement leading to the outside world, Lin Yuanfei stood at the end of the stairs, staring at the iron door in front of him, stunned for a second.

"Eh? It's not locked? The basement door] is not locked?" Lin Yuanfei thought that the guy who kidnapped them would lock the door.

Now it saves Lin Yuanfei's strength and directly opens the door and walks out. Lin Yuanfei finds himself in a room with a familiar Japanese layout.

The door to the basement entrance is just under the stairs leading to the second floor.After walking out, the left is the stairs, the right is the bathroom, the back is the wall, the front is the entrance of the room and the door. After walking a few steps, I came to the entrance and opened the door to the living room on the left. Lin Yuanfei walked in. .

Then, I saw familiar things like Platycodon japonica Fairy Dongyue, and the exorcism wooden knife left by the two ceremonies, all hung on the wall of the living room like works of art.As for Lin Yuanfei's magical backpack, it was leaning against the corner, and it looked bulging as if nothing was missing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei blinked.

When the boss runs away, will he specially leave the loot behind?so kind? "ps: Four more, ask for a monthly ticket~ hehehe

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