Chapter 411 Sadako

Chapter 411 Sadako will be spoiled by the familiar Japanese-style mansion, the familiar Japanese-style living room.

Speaking of which, are all houses in Japan so stereotyped?But if you think about it carefully, commercial houses in China seem to have similar layouts and decoration styles.

Except for a few wealthy people, most people's decoration style is similar

After thinking about it this way, Lin Yuan Feifei sighed suddenly.

"Sure enough, the wealth of the rich is different, but the poverty of the poor is always the same... If I can in my next life, I hope to be a rich man." The three girls who followed him into the living room looked at him suspiciously. He, Yuki asked a little strangely.

"Lin Yuanjun, what are you talking about?" It's nothing, just a little boring life emotion," Lin Yuanfei walked over and put the two knives hanging on the wall back on his waist.

Still the same sentence, after staying in this materialistic and dangerous world for a long time, only the cold blade can bring a sense of security.

After Lin Yuanfei took back his two knives, he went directly to open the backpack and began to count the contents inside.

Freddy's torn glove, Kayako's diary, Sadako's video tape, a general-purpose rope, a small portable medicine box... Well, everything is there, and nothing is missing.

After ordering the things in the backpack, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief, then he stood up and said, "Let's search this house and see if there are any clues left. I don't know who locked us in the basement Yes, it’s simply too much to lock people up in the basement if they disagree with each other... Is there any law in Japan? That guy can lock us up today, but he can lock up other people tomorrow, and maybe he will directly blackmail and endanger the world the day after tomorrow.”

"We must not tolerate any evil thing happening, so we must find the real culprit behind the scenes as soon as possible, and then send her to the police station, so that she can accept justice!" Lin Yuanfei said righteously, "We must not let She's no longer endangering innocent people!

Yuno's eyes narrowed.

"She? The perverted senior knows the gender of the real murderer behind the scenes?

"Of course!" Lin Yuanfei said nonsense confidently, "The person who arrested us must be a woman. Otherwise, you beauties have been locked in the basement for so long. If it was a man, it would have been...well, you understand.

So the one who took us was definitely a woman, that's why she fell in love with you guys.

No offense...: Ugh. Wait!

Halfway through the speech, Lin Yuanfei suddenly realized something, with a panicked expression on his face, "I won't be fascinated by that slut, right?

Yuno looked disgusted at this.

fan x?you?Are you kidding me?Perverted senior, you are such a wretched guy, and the mother Teddy who is in heat will vomit when she sees you. Which woman would be so hungry that she can't choose to eat you?The perverted senior is really not conscious at all. "Amid Yuno's sneer, Busushima Yuko smiled and shook her head.

This sentence is different to me." Smiling, the glamorous sister Yu put her arms around Lin Yuanfei's shoulders, and smiled ambiguously, "In my opinion, Lin Yuanjun is still very manly.If you don't like Yuno-senpai, that's a matter of your taste. I still like Hayashi Yuan-kun very much. "The shoulders were embraced by the glamorous sister Yu, and the elastic breasts of Du Dao Luozi gently pressed against Lin Yuanfei's body, feeling the soft and elastic wonderful touch, Lin Yuanfei smiled a little awkwardly.

'That's what... Men and women can't kiss each other, senior sister, please be more reserved, "Lin Yuanfei quickly pushed away Kishima Yako, and reluctantly broke free from the wonderful touch.

Then, in order to disperse the weird atmosphere in the room, Lin Yuanfei changed the subject very bluntly.

"Let's search this house as soon as possible to see if there are any clues left."

Yuno snorted, "If you don't run away now, aren't you afraid that the kidnappers will come back and hack you to death later?

Lin Yuanfei puffed out his chest, with a look of disdain on his face, "Cut me? Just a few kidnappers? If I hadn't slept too much and was shattered, there would be just a few kidnappers. Hmph, I'll hammer them. Don't say a few The kidnapper has been kidnapped. I, Lin Yuanfei, have been traveling the rivers and lakes for so long. Who am I afraid of?

"I've chopped up coconuts, sealed Freddy, slaughtered heretics, and even Aretha in Silent Hill. How many kidnappers? Even if Sadako Yamamura crawls out, I'll kill her first." Press the ground and beat me up to vent my hatred!"

Lin Yuanfei said incomparably swollen.

Of course, the reason for playing tricks is to enliven the atmosphere.However, as soon as he finished his ridiculous words, the little girl's chuckle sounded in the room.

Oh?Is Lin Yuanjun so powerful?He even wanted to beat him violently... he was so scared. "The moment Lin Yuanfei heard this voice, he almost jumped up from the spot.

"Fuck! Zhenzhenzhenzhenzhenzhen. Zhenzi?" Lin Yuanfei stared dumbfounded at the little girl hanging upside down from the ceiling, his eyes trembled and almost popped out, "Why did you come out?

Sadako Yamamura, who looks like a cute little girl about eight years old, hangs upside down

On the ceiling, she stepped on the ceiling with her head down and her feet up, as if her gravity was the opposite of that of Lin Yuanfei and the others.

Hanging upside down on the ceiling like this, Xiao Zhenzi said with a smile, "Brother Lin Yuan said he was going to beat him violently, so he crawled out obediently and let you beat him... Who made Brother Lin Yuan so powerful? If he is not obedient , maybe I will be beaten even worse then." The little girl spoke nonsense seriously and teased Lin Yuanfei.Lin Yuanfei smiled awkwardly, "Haha... this... just kidding, just kidding, Miss Sadako, don't be angry. I have nothing wrong with me, I just like to talk, please bear with me a little bit, I won't do it next time Do it again." Huh?Talk about it? "Xiao Zhenzi blinked, obviously paying attention to another place, "Brother Lin Yuan likes to talk about it... She quickly covered her mouth and widened her eyes, "Then Zhenzi can't help you ... Sadako's mouth is so small, and Brother Lin Yuan is so big, you will break Sadako's small mouth... Lu.

Don't you say dirty jokes will die? "Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows twitched, his face darkened, "Doesn't Japan have child pornography laws?You, an eight-year-old little loli, are not afraid of being caught if you say such things? "In this regard, Sadako shook her head with a smile, "No, although there are legal restrictions, in fact, as long as the age is set as an adult, it will be fine.A legal loli like me is legal no matter what, Lin Yuanfei felt helpless, ""So you came out to find me

In order to discuss with me the loopholes in Japanese law?It's been so long since you came out, what do you want to say, should you say it?

"Also, where is Brother Cheng? Where did Brother Cheng go? Couldn't you have already killed him?

Chapter 412 Which Part Do You Want To See?

"So you came out to find me just to discuss the loopholes in Japanese law with me? It's been so long since you came out, what do you have to say, should you say it?"

"Also, where is Brother Cheng? Where did Brother Cheng go? Couldn't you have already killed him?

In the living room, Lin Yuanfei finally found a chance to get serious. Of course, the main reason was the appearance of Sadako, which reminded him of Brother Cheng.

Eh... Brother Cheng is eternal, since Tomijima left and now, so many things have happened in the middle, and Brother Cheng has been arrested for so long.

If this is to be put in a novel, it will probably take hundreds of chapters. The author is really a heartless bastard.

Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at the little girl in front of him, and asked, "Where's my Brother Cheng? Why didn't I see him this time?

Regarding this, Xiao Zhenzi blinked, "Eh? Have you seen him a few times before? Brother Lin Yuan, I am still a child and ignorant, so you can't bully me. If I bring Cheng out, you Don't you want to grab it by hand? So before it happens, I won't let you see

It's his, don't worry.

Don't worry," Lin Yuanfei stared at the little girl in front of him with a headache, and said, "Brother Cheng...wait!What did you call Cheng just now?

Lin Yuanfei was stunned and asked, "Cheng? Are you calling me so affectionate? What the hell... Yamamura Sadako! Don't you really want to attack Brother Cheng?" Lin Yuanfei felt that the world was about to collapse.

Could it be that Brother Cheng was really given something by this little Sadako?

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