Facing Lin Yuanfei's questioning, Xiao Zhenzi blinked her eyes innocently, "Big brother, what do you mean by strike?

That pure and innocent cute expression is almost like an angel.

However, Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows trembled, and he subconsciously pressed the handle of the knife

Hey...Miss Sadako Yamamura, since we are going to negotiate, can you please be a little bit self-conscious about being a kidnapper?According to the agreement, I will help you to do things. After the matter is completed, you release Brother Cheng. During this period, you must ensure the safety of Brother Cheng. Brother Cheng is your hostage.Which kidnapper will rape x

Hostage? !

Lin Yuanfei shouted angrily, "You have gone too far!

Poison Island Smudge quickly patted Lin Yuanfei's chest, and said softly, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, Mr. Lin Yuan, calm down, don't get excited...

The behavior of that good wife and loving mother made Lin Yuanfei calm down a little.

And Sadako Yamamura, who was hanging upside down on the ceiling, jumped slightly, and the whole person fell from the ceiling.

Then, it fell lightly to the floor.

Only then did the little girl look up at Lin Yuanfei, "Brother Lin Yuan is really a bad guy." Xiao Zhenzi said with an innocent face, "Obviously, he has always entertained Ito-san according to his requirements, but you It's too much to suspect that someone has done something too much... It's too much, she is still a girl, but she actually treats Sadako as that kind of flamboyant slut, it's too much." The little girl covered her face and said with a crying voice, as she spoke Almost like crying.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei exchanged glances with Yuki and Toshiko Busujima

Then, he sighed helplessly.

Will that let me see what he's like?Even if there is a photo, Xiao Zhenzi shook her head and said pitifully, "He is poor and has no money, how can he have the money to buy a camera to take pictures?

After thinking about it, the little girl suddenly rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "

How about this, I'll go back and bring you a copy of Mr. Ito's

something coming?Let Hayashi Yuan-kun confirm the safety of Ito-san?

Hmm....This is a good idea." Sadako clapped her hands with a smile, eager to try, "Lin Yuan-kun, do you want hands and feet?Or ears?nose?Which part of Ito-san would you like to meet?Although I can't bring him to meet you, but if it's only a small part, it's still possible... Which part of Mr. Hayashihara would you like to see Mr. Ito? "

Little Lolita asked with a smile.

Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent, "I want to see your uncle...Forget it, since you showed up, did you come to inform me to help you with something? Hurry up and finish what you want me to do, let's solve it quickly , and then return Brother Cheng to me, I don’t want to see you anymore Lin Yuanfei is very urgent, but Miss Sadako is very helpless. I also want to solve it quickly, but it’s too late.” In Lin Yuanfei’s gloomy In her eyes, Xiao Zhenzi said innocently, "Who made you delay for so long? It would be okay if I could see you yesterday. But now we have missed the best time, we can only continue to wait until In a few days, when the time is ripe, we can start.

But before that, brother Lin Yuan, you just have to work a little harder and wait a few more days.I promise you won't have to wait too long this time.

Faced with Xiao Zhenzi's solemn assurance, Lin Yuanfei frowned.


"Since it was only yesterday, why didn't you come to me yesterday? After watching the video, I have your spiritual imprint on me, right? Can't you still find me?" Xiao Zhenzi nodded, "That's right. , During the past two days, I have lost your senses, and I can’t perceive your existence at all. It’s almost as if I’ve completely disappeared from this world. So just after I felt your breath, brother Lin Yuan, I immediately appeared …Brother Lin Yuan, where have you been these two days?

Xiao Zhenzi asked curiously, "Why can't I feel you at all?

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "I want to say that I don't know anything, do you believe it?

Xiao Zhenzi laughed straight, "Of course I don't believe it, Brother Lin Yuan is not that kind of honest and good boy. If I believe you, I think even my virginity will be cheated, it's super dangerous.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes again, "I sound like a flower hunter, so the reason why Sadako and Resentful Sadako didn't look for him these two days is because he couldn't be perceived by Sadako in the dream?

mmmm... Zhang is even more curious about the real culprit behind all this.

Who did the original owner of the body provoke?

In the past in Raccoon City, it could be said that he accidentally provoked a group of monsters. This time, people came to arrest him by name. This is not something that can be explained by accidentally provoking him.

Maybe the love and hatred behind this can make a novel of hundreds of thousands of words... Tsk tsk tsk... I always feel that the original owner of the body has lived a magnificent life. A seventeen-year-old boy, participated in two massacres, and There is a high probability that he is the leader, who has provoked so many ghosts and monsters, and is the contemporary descendant of Feitian Yujian style... When Lin Yuanfei was seventeen years old, he was still playing Chenghai 3c

Compared with the magnificent life of the original owner of the body, it is simply childish

Sure enough, people will die if they compare themselves with others, and they will be thrown away if they compare goods.

Japanese high school students are really cheating.

Chapter 413 Yan Ye's Recent Situation

"So we can't flash a new copy for the time being?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Xiao Zhenzi in front of him and said, "Then when will the dungeon be refreshed? Don't you know?"

Xiao Zhenzi blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "That's not something you need to worry about, brother Lin Yuan. You just need to wait for someone to contact you again. Before that, I will take good care of Cheng, you Don't worry."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes.

You are so affectionate, you probably plan to take care of it on the bed?Maybe Brother Cheng has already been raped by this female ghost.

Tsk... Brother Cheng will suffer from female phobia after returning this time?

After all, being haunted by such a slut ghost for so many days, normal people would go crazy...

But it's not necessarily true, brother Cheng is like a self-propelled cannon in human form, and it happens to be young and energetic, maybe even the female ghost will not let go of the desire?

"Okay, okay, I get it, let's go," Lin Yuanfei waved his hands helplessly, and said, "Just take good care of Brother Cheng, and when it's done, I want to see an intact Brother Cheng...do you understand?"

Xiao Zhenzi nodded with a smile, and then disappeared without a sound.

Just as she came, she left without a sound.

It wasn't until Sadako disappeared that the three girls in the room finally spoke.

"Lin Yuan-jun, what shall we do next?" Yuji asked Lin Yuanfei about his plans for the future.

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