Lin Yuanfei looked back at the three girls behind him and sighed.

"Let's search this house first, and then go to the hospital to check the surveillance records to see who tied us here."

"Sister, please contact Yan Ye first to see if you can contact her. Ask how Fu Jiang's situation is. We have been missing for so many days, Fu Jiang won't do anything..."

Lin Yuanfei was full of worries about the monster Fu Jiang.

After all, Fu Jiang's charm is very troublesome, and this woman has a mental illness, and she is completely unable to speculate on her behavior with ordinary people's ideas.

It would not surprise Lin Yuanfei to say that for fun, she charmed the President of the United States and set off two nuclear bombs as fireworks.

This woman, Fu Jiang, is a vain bitch who is completely self-centered and only cares about her own pleasure.

So what Lin Yuanfei is most worried about now is Fu Jiang.

Fortunately, the mobile phones of the three were all on their bodies, and they were not lost, and the unknown kidnapper did not take their mobile phones, so Saeko Busujima quickly dialed Yan Ye's number.

However, as the operation unfolded, their searches in the house turned up no clues, and Yan Ye was completely out of touch.

Saeko Busujima made the phone call as agreed before, but no one answered.

He made several phone calls in a row, but no one answered.

This time, Lin Yuanfei became nervous.

Could it be that something happened to Yan Ye during the two days they were in a coma?

Thinking about it carefully, this is entirely possible, after all, Fu Jiang is on Yan Ye's side.

"Can you find a way to contact Yan Ye's mother?" Lin Yuanfei asked anxiously, "Does anyone have Yan Ye's mother's phone number?"

In response, the three girls shook their heads.

Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt a little desperate, "The Raccoon City has been razed, and all acquaintances are gone. Who else can know Yan Ye's mother?"

Saeko Busujima thought for a while, and said, "I'll call my mother and ask her to help ask the friends around me to see if anyone has Yan Ye's mother's phone number."

However, Yuno, who had been sitting on the sofa watching TV, did not participate in the search the whole time, and only knew how to paddle and be lazy, yawned and said.

"There's no need to fight, I already know Gui Yanye's whereabouts."

Pointing to the picture on the TV screen, Yuno said, "She is hospitalized."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei quickly looked at the TV screen.

Although he couldn't understand the Japanese characters on the screen, he could hear what the reporter said clearly.

On the screen, it is the lobby of a hospital. The nurse is holding a microphone and standing in front of the camera, constantly explaining the situation.

And behind her, there was a hospital lobby full of people coming and going, not only nurses, but also other reporters, and even some policemen in police uniforms.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

A reporter's voice came from the TV.

"...According to the latest reports, the girl who was attacked by an unknown killer has woken up. The mayor of Chiba City has visited her in her ward three minutes ago, but so far, we don't know who it is Attacked her, and what was the purpose of attacking her."

"The Umbrella Company has also responded positively to many suspicions from the outside world. As you can see, not far behind me, those gentlemen in suits are from the Umbrella Company. They are also very concerned about the safety situation."

"And now there are even rumors that the prime minister's special car had already driven to Chiba half an hour ago. The Japanese government is very concerned about the crisis in Raccoon City."

"Not even the Japanese government, many foreign media have appeared."

"I've met journalists from six different countries just in the lobby of this hospital where I'm covering."

"I think that Ms. Gui Yanye will face a serious trial about the important truth. Is the Resident Evil in Raccoon City true or false, and does the Umbrella Company play an important role in it? Please continue to pay attention to this station, we will continue to bring you the latest news reports ahead.”


The room fell into a strange dead silence, only the background of the Raccoon City incident introduced by the host after the TV news cut to the studio.

Lin Yuanfei stood there with a blank face, watched the TV report with the girls, and fell silent.

According to the introduction of this news, Lin Yuanfei probably understood what happened to Yan Ye and the others.

After leaving Raccoon City, Yan Ye and the others met a female reporter who also escaped from Raccoon City.

The female reporter captured everything that happened in Raccoon City with a video camera, and immediately spread the video after leaving Raccoon City.

World public opinion caused an uproar.

During the two days when Lin Yuanfei and the others were in a coma, public opinion had fermented to the point that even the umbrella company could not cover it up.

This video is being broadcast all over the world, and news TV stations in all civilized countries are rebroadcasting this video and the meaning behind it.

The virus developed by Umbrella Corporation led to the leak of the virus and brought about the biochemical crisis.

Afterwards, the nuclear bomb fell and destroyed everything, killing [-] people.

This is an extremely serious disaster, it is simply outrageous.

Chapter 414 Yan Ye's Recent Situation

Since the end of World War II in the last century, except for the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, humans have never dropped nuclear bombs on densely populated residential areas.

The Convention on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed at the United Nations.

The nuclear bundling program is a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head.

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