Even without the Biohazard caused by the Umbrella Corporation, a nuclear bomb fell on an urban area in mainland Japan, killing and injuring [-] people. This would have become super big news that shocked the world.

However, now a so-called shady scene has been added, which involves the umbrella company of the multinational super group.

All these developments made these two days a carnival for news media all over the world.

The Japanese were killed, the Raccoon City was bombed, and the Umbrella Corporation was affected. For most countries in the world, there is no pain, and they can watch the show happily.

So everyone is excitedly digging for all possible behind-the-scenes information, including the secret promotion of major multinational companies and even some countries.

After all, umbrella companies span the globe and have always been leaders in biotechnology.In the fields involved by umbrella companies, all countries, companies, and even individuals are all overwhelmed.

In addition, the umbrella company is an American company, and its creditors and shareholders are basically Americans, so many people are happy to see such a vicious incident in this company.

Lin Yuanfei could imagine it with his knees. In just two days, it turned into a global media carnival, to the point where umbrella companies around the world had to temporarily suspend their operations.

And the girl named Gui Yanye probably became a victim of the confrontation between those forces.

The female reporter who released the truth video has disappeared, no one can find her whereabouts, and the mainstream speculation has been silenced.

Nan Lixiang, who left Raccoon City with Yan Ye and the others, took Ju Chuan Shizuka away. After all, Nan Li Xiang was a professional soldier. After arriving in Raccoon City, Nan Lixiang separated from Yan Ye and took Ju Chuan Shizuka away.

After the incident, Nan Lixiang and Juchuan Shizuka were both controlled by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, and now it is rumored that the US military has accepted these two important witnesses.

As for Yan Ye, on the same night that the female reporter disappeared, she was attacked by an unknown killer, was seriously injured, and fell into a coma for a day and a night, only waking up not long ago.

The current mainstream opinion tends to be that the umbrella company did it to vent their anger. In order to protect these girls from revealing the truth, they hired murderers to kill them.

But there are also some remarks that the competitors of the umbrella company did it. After all, the girls are in danger at this time, and the reputation of the umbrella company is completely stink.

Moreover, if the girls die, there is no evidence to prove their death. In any case, the umbrella company will be hurt, and it may even be disbanded because of this.

But no matter how the press spokesmen commented on the possibility behind this scene, what Lin Yuanfei was most concerned about now was Yan Ye's injury.

None of the media could enter the ward to interview Yan Ye, or in other words, the entire floor of the hospital where Yan Ye was located was under martial law, and all of them were guarded by the police.Not to mention these reporters, even doctors must strictly check them if they want to go in.

As one of the only parties who can appear in the public eye, the girl named Yan Ye has attracted the attention of the whole world. I don't know how many people are waiting to tell more relevant information from this girl.

Even the Prime Minister of Japan is already rushing to Chiba City.

No longer watching the news on the TV screen, Lin Yuanfei stood up with an anxious expression on his face.

"Yan Ye was attacked, what about Fu Jiang? Why is Fu Jiang missing?"

In these news, Yan Ye, Yan Ye, and Yan Ye are always mentioned. Several news stations even introduced Yan Ye's family background and parents' status, but no media mentioned Fu Jiang.

It seems that the girl named Fu Jiang does not exist in this world at all.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei was full of uneasiness.

If a monster like Fu Jiang was involved in this turmoil by Yan Ye's side, it would be impossible for him to remain silent.

If she is discovered by human beings, it must be an uproar no less than Resident Evil.

However, everything was silent, and no one mentioned even a single bit of information about Fu Jiang.

This is not normal.

Could it be that Fu Jiang slipped away in time?

Lin Yuanfei frowned.

And at this moment, Saeko Busujima's cell phone rang suddenly.

Everyone in the room looked at Saeko Busujima.

Saeko Busushima looked at the name on the caller ID, a little surprised.

"Yan Ye? Lin Yuan-jun, it's Yan Ye's call."

Lin Yuanfei reached out and took the phone away, then pressed the answer button.

Immediately afterwards, a man's low voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"Moses Moses? Is it Ms. Busujima Saeko? I am Daisuke Takasaka from the Chiba City Police Department, and I am now in charge of the security work of Ms. Gui Yanye. I have not received your call before. I am sorry, but there is a person named Lin Yuanfei's husband?"

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I am Lin Yuanfei, if you have anything to say."

"Are you Mr. Lin Yuanfei? That's great, Ms. Gui Yanye wants to see you. We are in Chiba City Hospital now, can you tell us where you are now? We will send someone to pick you up, Said Daisuke Takasaka.

"You don't need to send someone to pick it up, you guys take good care of Yan Ye, I'll come right away," Lin Yuanfei said, hung up the phone, and then looked at the other three girls in the room.

"Yan Ye woke up and said he wanted to see me. It seems that the reason why this phone was not connected before was that it was kept by the police, so no one answered it."

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly.

"I'm going to the hospital, any of you want to go with me?"

After saying this, without waiting for the three girls to answer, Lin Yuanfei continued, "But I suggest you don't follow. Now that Yan Ye is being watched by various forces, it's very dangerous. We'd better not expose them all. It’s fine for me to go alone, you find a place to settle down first, and I’ll meet you after I figure out the situation... Do you have any good places to go, Senior Sister?”

Saeko Busujima thought for a while, and said, "I have a friend who is in Chiba City. Her house is very big. I plan to stay at her house for one night first, and then I will consider the follow-up situation after I contact my parents. Classmate Yuki and Yuno-san will come with me too, we have a lot of people so we can take care of you."

"As for Lin Yuan-kun, after you leave the hospital, you can go directly to the Tohsaka family's mansion in Miyama Town to find us. The mansion is very big, and you can find Lin Yuan-kun just by asking."

Chapter 415 The Young Master of the Linyuan Group

"The Tohsaka family...emmmm..."

Hearing Tohsaka Rin's name, Lin Yuanfei hesitated.

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