What is the most helpless thing in the world?

Just when you don’t want to continue to work overtime, someone suddenly rushes over and takes a picture of the new work on your face, and then tells you that this is a newly added work, and it must be completed before the end of the construction period!

If you're laid back and have nothing to do when you take on a new job, that's fine.

If you are already busy with four things at the same time, you are already burnt out, and someone continues to take a new job in the face... probably normal people will go crazy.

At this time, Lin Yuanfei was in a state of wanting to go crazy.

Seeing Tuyumen Suizan who showed the angry look of an elder in front of him, Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows trembled, and the cold expression he carefully maintained almost didn't collapse.

What the hell...is there anyone else who is rushing to deliver the branch line?

This Tsuchimikado Toshizo is the Prime Minister of Japan, right?Is it a high official?How can you, a high-ranking official with such a high status, compete with a seventeen-year-old kid?

And they all said they didn't know you anymore, why did you insist that I was the "Lin Yuan" you knew?

Just because of a knife?

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless.

To be honest, the current Lin Yuanfei is full of white hair, coupled with his ten-year-old appearance, and Lin Yuanfei, the traveler, who has an adult old fritters, no matter how you look at it, he is an out-and-out three-year-old. Uncle ten years old.

Even the family members of the original owner of the body would not be able to recognize his current identity so accurately, right?

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "Mr. Prime Minister, you have really mistaken the person. I am not the Lin Yuan you know."

While talking, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the elevator.

However, this elevator still stays on the third floor.

Lin Yuanfei was speechless—why is this broken elevator so slow?

And Lin Yuanfei's peeping was obviously noticed by Tu Yumen Suizan.

He looked at Lin Yuanfei in front of him, and said, "Don't look, except for the elevator I took, the elevators in this building have been temporarily out of service for safety reasons. Probably when I leave, the other elevators will be closed." Resume operation. Even if you stand here for an hour, if I don't leave, the elevator still won't come up."

"..." Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

Does having the right mean being able to do whatever you want?

He sighed speechlessly, turned around, and looked at the Japanese Prime Minister in front of him.

He said very seriously, "Mr. Prime Minister, you have really identified the wrong person. I am not the Lin Yuan you know."

"Then who are you?" Tsuchimikado Toshizo asked, "If you are not the Linyuan I know, then who are you? A passerby who looks exactly like my junior?"

"That's right, I probably just look exactly like your younger generation," Lin Yuanfei said, "My surname is not Lin Yuan, but my surname is Changzhou, and my name is Changzhou Dongma. I'm from Hokkaido, you really misidentified the person. "

Lin Yuanfei was struggling for the last time.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo nodded after listening, and said, "Changzhou Touma, right? From Hokkaido? Where is your home in Hokkaido? Where is your birthplace? I'll ask someone to check it out, if it's really If you admit the wrong person, I will let you go immediately, and I will never stop you."

"..." Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at the Japanese Prime Minister in front of him.

On the territory of Japan, the Japanese Prime Minister asked you to report your name for him to check... ah... the stench of power.

In the end, under everyone's gaze, Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh and lowered his head helplessly.

"Okay, I'm Lin Yuanfei, what do you want from me?" Faced with such a stalemate, Lin Yuanfei could only bow his head to the reality... The Japanese Prime Minister deliberately made things difficult, so he couldn't draw his sword and kill him.

In that case, he can directly consider exile overseas and never set foot in Japan again.

However, Lin Yuanfei's confession not only did not make Tuyumen Suizan smile, but seeing Lin Yuanfei's indifferent and frivolous attitude, Tuyumen Suizan's expression became even more angry.

In other words, after Lin Yuanfei personally admitted his identity, the elder of the original owner of the body finally had the position to be angry.

"What's your attitude?!"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo, who was always kind and friendly in public, looked like a raging tiger at this moment, and there was a terrifying aura in his short stature.

He shouted angrily, "Could it be that Zhiji is messing around, and you want to mess around with her? Such a frivolous attitude towards the elders... Master Bigu has taught you for eight years, and he taught you to look like this? Is that so?" You have no respect, don't you recognize me as an uncle? Just because of Zhiji's matter?"

emmm...so who is that Orihime?Orihime Inoue?Could it be that there are Shinigami and Jinglingting in this world?

And what the hell is this uncle... The uncle of the original owner of the body is the Prime Minister of Japan?

And this relationship?Is it so fierce?

Facing Tuyumen Suizan's furious appearance, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds and sighed.

"Who can understand what you said..."

Looking innocently at Suizan Tuyumen in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said, "As you can see, I am quite different from the Lin Yuanfei you know. Or... emmm... I lost my memory."

Lin Yuanfei pointed to his white hair and said, "In my memory, this is the first time I saw you. I don't know you, I don't know Zhi Ji, and I don't remember who my family is in this world , so no matter how much you tell me, I can't understand. It's not that I'm entertaining you, but that I really don't know anything. "

Lin Yuanfei's attitude is very sincere, and the appearance of that white hair looks very abnormal - although the setting of this world is that people's hair is colorful, but Lin Yuanfei's desolate appearance is different from ordinary white hair no matter how you look at it. Same.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at him and was silent for a few seconds, then said, "Since you don't remember anything, why are you here?"


However, before Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth, the mayor of Chiba who was not far away smiled humbly and ran over to explain.

"It's like this. Mr. Lin Yuan is Miss Gui Yanye's master, and Miss Gui Yanye cares about her master very much. So after Miss Gui Yanye woke up, we immediately contacted Mr. Lin Yuan. He came to visit the injured Gui Yan Miss Ye's."

The mayor, who was originally a shrewd and powerful political man, now appears so humble in front of Tsuzumi Toshizo, the contrast between before and after is so great that Lin Yuanfei is speechless.

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