This guy has been waiting by the side for so long, and finally got a chance to interrupt...

Tsuchimikado Toshizo glanced at Jiro Yoshida, a little confused, "You are...Mayor Yoshida, right? I remember seeing you once last year..."

Tsuchimikado Toizo directly called out Yoshida Jiro's name.

So this guy with a flattering smile was immediately flattered, "That's right, it's my lord, Mr. Prime Minister, you can remember my name, I'm really flattered."

Lin Yuanfei on the side rolled his eyes, looking at Mayor Yoshida who was smiling so much that his teeth were almost bared, all the respect for this guy disappeared in an instant - this dog-legged style of painting is really very Japanese The style of politics.

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PS: Last month's 5000 blades plus updates

Chapter 420 New DLC

Japanese politics is a very interesting political circle.

Although the biggest disadvantage of democratically elected government is that politicians like to put on a show, after all, no show will not attract voters to vote.

Just like Chinese stars, if you don't show off or sell people, you can't attract fans at all.

But the shows in those countries in the United States are still high-end and high-end, but in Japan, a wonderful country, it seems that everything can be changed beyond recognition by them.

Even for such things as election campaigns, Japan's style of painting is incompatible with other capitalist countries.

Of course, the painting style of politicians is even more out of place.

In the eyes of the Chinese, Lin Yuanfei, the Japanese craftsman spirit who bows their heads and smiles when they meet everyone is simply a dog-legged aura.

It's still the kind of rich and evil dog legs that only appear in third-rate novels, the kind that will be hung up and beaten by the protagonist after appearing in half a chapter at most.

Of course, he has his own national conditions in Japan, and Lin Yuanfei is a gringo... or a gringo from another world, so he doesn't bother to criticize the customs of this group of Japanese.

Anyway, as long as they like it, Lin Yuanfei is an outsider who doesn't care about it, so why bother with such nosy things.

He just stood aside watching a play and watched Mayor Yoshida humbly report all the situation for the prime minister without saying a word.

After listening to Yoshida Jiro's narration, Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked back at Lin Yuanfei who was beside him.

Brow wrinkled slightly.

"Lin Yuan, have you accepted an apprentice? Are you really a teacher? Have you inherited the name of Bigu Qingjuro?"

Realizing this, Tsuchimikado Toizo's expression became more serious.

Lin Yuanfei shrugged selfishly, pointed to his head, and said.

"Don't ask me, they say that I don't remember anything now, and I am completely in a state of amnesia. I don't remember what this body has experienced before, let alone his life experience, and I don't have any memory of life. It can even be said that I I am no longer the former Lin Yuanfei, now I am a brand new me, I don’t want to have any connection with the past, and I don’t want to have anything to do with the past.”

"So... let me go," Lin Yuanfei said, "I still have things to do, can you pretend that you didn't see me today? I don't remember you, and I don't want to remember you. Can we forget each other? Like this For me, it's the best thing."

Tuyumen Suisan looked indifferent, "It seems that you really don't remember anything if you can say such a thing... Both of your parents died, and your brother died suddenly. When the entire Linyuan group is in turmoil without anyone to manage it, you When I returned to Qianye, I didn’t care about anything, and said that I only wanted to live my own life. Such selfish and ruthless words are not something that Lin Yuanfei I know can say.”

"emmmmm...Lin Yuan Group? Parents died? Brother died tragically?" Lin Yuanfei rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a headache, "How do I feel that the map has become more complicated after loading so many DLCs at once? Prime Minister first... um, Uncle, don't you want to tell me that my family is in Chiba City? That Hayashibara group is also in Chiba City?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at him and nodded.

"That's right, it seems that you have lost your memory completely, and you really don't remember anything."

"But it's not important, someone will come to help you explain the situation. Haven't you lost your memory? Then I'll let someone come and retrieve your previous memory for you."

As he spoke, Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at the secretary-like man behind him, "Call the current steward of the Linyuan group and ask him to rush to the municipal hospital immediately. I helped them find the young master of the Linyuan group. "

The secretary nodded, took out his mobile phone and went straight to the side to make a call.

Tuyumen Suizan took a look at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Just wait here for a while, I'll visit our important patients first... Of course, you can come together if you want, this little girl is not you Is it her disciple? If you are by her side, she should feel more secure, right?"

In this regard, Lin Yuanfei shrugged.

"That's okay, I'll wait for you outside, you go in, don't worry about me."

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said nothing more.

Before leaving, he took one last look at Lin Yuanfei.

"By the way, Lin Yuan, since you have lost your memory, do you still remember your sword skills? Wearing such a famous sword, it would be a pity if you can't even swing a sword."

In Tsuchimikado Toizan's eyes, there was a kind of searching light.

Obviously, this was testing Lin Yuanfei.

But Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "There will always be such a trick that I have not forgotten. After all, I have been wielding a knife for so many years, even if I don't remember the sword technique, as long as I pick up the knife, this body will naturally be Reawakening the muscle memory that has been honed over the years."

Tsuchimikado Toshizo nodded his head in appreciation.

"Very well, you haven't forgotten all, very good."

"But it's a pity, it's better not to draw your sword out of its sheath for the time being. If you draw your sword here, I believe that you will not be happy to see the subsequent troubles."

This is a warning similar to a threat, and it seems a bit out of place for a person of Tsuchimikado Toszo's level.

But he would rather say such things in public to threaten and warn a junior, and to be able to lose face. It seems that the status of the original owner of the body is a little bit high in the mind of the Japanese Prime Minister.

At least the relationship between the two parties is definitely not ordinary.

After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "Please don't worry, although I have amnesia, I am not insane. I know what I should do and what I should not do."

Lin Yuanfei acted calmly.

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