So Tsuchimikado Toshizo took a deep look at him, and finally walked into the ward under the guidance of Yoshida Jiro and Kosaka Daisuke, followed by his entourage.

As for Lin Yuanfei, he and the four bodyguards who were left behind looked at each other and were left here in the elevator shaft.

Watching Tsuchiyado Suizan disappear behind the door of the ward, Lin Yuanfei whistled and glanced into the distance.

There, the secretary who went to the distance to make a call had already finished the call. Seeing Lin Yuanfei looking at him, the meticulous man smiled and nodded to Lin Yuanfei, and then followed into the ward.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the four bodyguards in front of him boredly and shrugged.

Then, just like hob meat, under the serious eyes of the four bodyguards, Lin Yuanfei left the elevator shaft straight away and walked towards the duty desk not far away.

Smiling and said to the two nurses behind the duty desk.

"Do the two sisters have any extra chairs? Can you lend me one? There are no chairs here. Standing is very tiring."

The two nurses looked at each other.

Author's message:

PS: For the fourth update, please ask for a blade monthly pass.

Chapter 421 The Strength of Linyuan Group

As Lin Yuanfei approached and approached with a smile, the two nurses were stunned.

They looked at the man in front of them with wide-eyed eyes in horror, then at the police on the entire floor, and at the four bodyguards in black who were staring at them not far away. The two little nurses subconsciously nodded. nod.

He said timidly, "Yes, yes, this is for you."

Saying that, one of the nurses pushed out a chair respectfully, "Master Lin Yuan, please sit down."

The little nurse had a timid and weak expression, which made me feel pity...or rather, it seemed as if she was afraid that if she offended Lin Yuanfei, she would be dragged out and executed immediately.

He is the prime minister's nephew after all!

To these two little nurses, Lin Yuanfei was already like the kind of high-ranking official who only appeared in fairy tales.

Especially in a country like Japan where the emergency is high, it is really unreasonable to be one level higher, not to mention how many levels Lin Yuanfei is higher than them.

Therefore, the two little nurses were all trembling, and they didn't have any thoughts of climbing high branches at all.

In other words, they probably hoped that Lin Yuanfei would treat them as weeds on the side of the road and ignore them at all...

Feeling the awe of the two little nurses, Lin Yuanfei shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

But he didn't say anything.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with these two little girls being afraid of him, at least the more afraid they are, the easier it is for Lin Yuanfei to know what he wants to know.

——That's right, the reason why Lin Yuanfei suddenly leaned over to talk to the two little nurses was not because he was bored and wanted to flirt with his sister, but because he wanted to ask the two little girls about Lin Yuan's group.

If the Hayashibara Group is a mafia organization in Chiba City, it would be cheating if they still talked about relatives with the Prime Minister's family, right?Could it be a gangster comparable to the Yamaguchi-gumi?

As for the two nurses who work in Chiba City, it is impossible that they have not heard the name of Hayashihara Group.

That being the case, let's chat with them first and find out information about Lin Yuan's group.

"Well...why don't you sit down?" After Lin Yuanfei sat down on the chair, he found that the two little nurses had all stood up, their bodies tensed up as if they were standing in a military posture. Stool?"

The two little nurses looked at each other, and the red-haired girl among them smiled shyly and said, "'s okay, we can just stand. We like to stand."

Lin Yuanfei clicked his tongue and shook his head again and again, "It's really a weird hobby... But forget it, let's talk about business."

Lin Yuanfei sat in front of the duty desk like a hooligan who harassed nurses.And the two little nurses stood there tensely, like soldiers waiting for the leader to review, not daring to move.

The weird looks on both sides caused the policemen in the corridor to look sideways, and a few young policemen even let out a low pooh in disdain.

"Sex demon!"

But Lin Yuanfei turned a blind eye to the disdain and contempt of these policemen, he looked at the two nurses in front of him with a smile, and said.

"You have also heard the conversation between me and Mr. Tsuchimikado just now. In fact, I am a sick patient now, and I have lost my memory. I don't remember anything about this body at all, so I want to ask my two sisters, do you know the Hayashibara group? ?"

Lin Yuanfei, who was like a middle-aged uncle who had wandered around the world for many years, had white hair and a bleak air all over his body. He smiled and called the two little girls sisters.

This cheeky behavior made the police on this floor even more disdainful.

But the two little nurses did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

They nodded repeatedly, "I know, we know. What do you want to know, Master Lin Yuan? We will tell you everything!"

The appearance of the two little nurses speaking in unison shows a tacit understanding.

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and said, "Let's start with the power of the Hayashihara Group... Well, is the Hayashihara Group very strong? It's very powerful here in Chiba City? How does it compare to the Yamaguchi Group?"

"Uh... this..." The two little nurses looked at each other, and they both saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

And Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "Okay, I see, it seems that the Linyuan group is very profitable, right? Let alone compare with the Yamaguchi group, it is estimated that people will be beaten up here in Chiba City, right? is not it?"

The two little nurses shook their heads quickly, "No, no, Master Linyuan, it's not what you think. The Linyuan group is still very powerful, and there is no gangster in Chiba City who is more powerful than you... Or, you are Chiba City The strongest underworld! In the underworld in Chiba City, you are the rulers!"

"Hmm... Subtly did not refute the statement that the Linyuan group is inferior to the Yamaguchi group." Looking at the little nurse in front of him, Lin Yuanfei laughed, "It seems that the Linyuan group is really very profitable. It is probably a small rural city. The level of the underworld? Does it mean that the Hayashibara group will have no business after leaving Chiba City?"

The two nurses looked at each other, hesitated for a while, then nodded timidly at the same time.

It seemed that he was afraid of offending Lin Yuanfei and being beaten violently.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "It's almost as expected..."

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